
Mysteries of the 4th Dimension

People usually take their life for granted. Not caring about where it all began. Is there some secret behind the world? Some hidden facts burried away in the endless sea of time. And then there are those who search for clues. They dig deep into the already known facts, just to extract even deeper truths. But no matter what they do, though, there is always the mystery of the fourth dimension. A dimension where the only way to prove its existence or the truth behind it is by diving into the dimension itself. A/N: My first work, if there are any problems please notify me. For the people who are confused, the protagonist's name is read as (Fa ~ re ~ s)

om1st0 · Fantasy
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202 Chs

Chapter 189

"So, kid. Why did you agree to take us to such a dangerous place? Aren't kid your age supposed to be at home studying or something?" Mavrik who was sitting in the passenger seat spoke to the kid who was now driving a modern SUV that his father left behind. The back of the SUV was already full with the rest of the team so one had to use the passenger seat, to which Mavrik was forced to do so. Thus, he decided to kill his boredom with talks. 

"Money." The kid answered quickly, seemingly uninterested in the conversation. While he was trying his best to appear professional and simply focusing on the road.

Mavrik paid his attitude no mind, and continued the conversation trying to act like an adult with years of experience. 

"Kid, we all are in search for money, but it is not to the point that you should risk your life for it."