
Mysteries of the 4th Dimension

People usually take their life for granted. Not caring about where it all began. Is there some secret behind the world? Some hidden facts burried away in the endless sea of time. And then there are those who search for clues. They dig deep into the already known facts, just to extract even deeper truths. But no matter what they do, though, there is always the mystery of the fourth dimension. A dimension where the only way to prove its existence or the truth behind it is by diving into the dimension itself. A/N: My first work, if there are any problems please notify me. For the people who are confused, the protagonist's name is read as (Fa ~ re ~ s)

om1st0 · Fantasy
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202 Chs

Chapter 188

"Oh, if it isn't Mavrik. What business have you got for us today, young man?" The meanest looking middle aged man amongst the workers said, looking at the young man, before looking at the group behind him.

"Are you sure we are in the right place?" Layla asked her brother in a whispering voice. She was worried about what might happen to them. Could this be a trap? If it was she was not confident of escaping an A rank Awakened, not to mention her brother can not exactly run in his state.

Fares simply smiled mysteriously at her and patted her head reassuringly, before turning his attention to the "Boss".

"Boss, we need someone to take us to a dangerous place this time." Mavrik spoke with a carefree smile on his face.