
Girls That Are Troublesome


At the time when Ryū was chatting with Michael Xiao Ning Er And Ye Ziyun was looking at Ryū who was chatting happily all by himself they thought or at least a normal person would thought that Ryū have gone bananas and also thought that they need to ask if Ryū is alright as that they were starting to develop care for Ryū

Meanwhile Du Ze And Lu Paio was silently cultivating on their as that they don't want to be embarrassed in front of their idols and especially for their new sworn brother and master Shen Ryū

Xiao Ning Er's POV

'Is master gone insane that he himself is talking aloud with himself...and also before master showed somewhat having multiple personality...I'm worried for him'

End of Xiao Ning Er's POV

Ye Ziyun's POV

'Hmm...master Shen Ryū seems to be having a mental problems...what should I do even Ning Er look's worried'

End of Ye Ziyun's POV

After thinking for a bit the two girls gathered up there resolves as that they are too worried for their master who seems to be having mental problems

(A/N:LOL hahaha even I would laugh at this situation)

They then step up and each girl asked if Ryū is alright in which Ryū...

Shen Ryū POV

*sight can't say I'm not surprise by this

End of Shen Ryū POV

Ryū:*sight I am okay Ning Er and Ziyun it's just that hmm... I better tell you all the truth since it not restricted

Hearing this the two girls can't help but frown in anticipation

Ryū:hmm...where should I start...oh first of all Ning Er and Ziyun please don't tell anyone about what I'll tell you and what I'll let you see even from your parents

Both girl nodded in agreement

Then Ryū activated his Mangekyo Sharingan and put them in an genjutsu where they only allowed to see the only 'necessary things' and the 'truth' about him

After Ryū release the two girls in the genjustu casted on them earlier the two girl...cant help but cry and grieve for what they witness was all true about them and him...they felt very deep sorrow in their hearts for fates if not for the 'almighty father' they wouldn't even break the cycles of fates that binds them...as they look upon above they saw Ryū with blue eyes and a spinning wheel like pupils that blood leeks out from it

Both girls:are you alright Ryū ? And how did your eyes look like that

(As they said and felt concerned for Ryū)

Ryū look at both the girls and can't be help but felt happy as for many many years no one have ever been so concerned and caring for him heck even his parents in this life didn't even personally cared for him as they were only wanted to fill in they're desires

Ryū:I am alright...so now you known the truth it's up to you what path would you take as the shackles of fate no longer binds you two...

After he said does words both girls look up to his eyes and then slowly come near him and ...then kick him in the in the middle part of his lower body where his family 'jewels' are keep...he was taken by surprise and not before long was screaming in agony AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!

He then collapse on the ground


After saying that on the top of their lungs they then felt very hot and blushed in embarrassment as they regained their senses

Meanwhile at a distance the two boys Du Ze and Lu Paio where cultivating heared and saw what event undertook...both of them felt shivers and cold in theirs 'family jewels' and both them clasped both of their hands trying to protect their precious

(A/N:Ahahahaha LOL)

After a while they both regained their composure and help Shen Ryū up took him to the city lord's mansion with both Xiao Ning Er and Ye Ziyun behind them...thought at first they were scared of both of the girls but both them said to Du Ze and Lu Piao that they need help of carrying Shen Ryū to the city lord's mansion in which both of the boys kindly oblige as that they thought that they don't want to get in the situation in where Ryū is right

In the city lord's mansion four elderly man stood and was discussing with one another....