
Myriad Realms Store Manager System (Harry Potter AU)

Ten years have passed since my rebirth in the United Kingdom in 1981. Initially, I thought I would use my future knowledge to become rich after being reborn in the past, achieving financial freedom before turning 30. But on my 11th birthday, within my mind emerged a ‘ding’ sound. “Myriad Realms Store has been activated" "store owner, please accept the first task.” Apparently, I was stepping into entirely new and unknown future. However, what the hell is with this Hogwarts Acceptance Letter in my mailbox?(°△°—) l

tempestpanda · Movies
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50 Chs

Ch 7: into the castle

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The cold on the platform made Ryan shiver, and then a rough voice sounded, "Firs'-years! Come on now don't be shy! Firs'-years over here!"

Ryan saw a sturdy man standing out among a group of students with a lamp in his hand. The hair on his head is dense, almost covering his entire face. A pair of beetle-like black eyes gleamed in the tangled hair.

This should be Hagrid, the guard of Hogwarts. Standing tall above the crowd, Hagrid's bearded face was smiling."C'mon, follow me – any more firs'-years? Mind yer step, now! Firs'-years follow me!"

All the freshmen followed Hagrid, slipping and stumbling down a rugged and dark path. Neville almost slipped, but Ryan helped him in time.

"Yeh'll get yer firs' sight o' Hogwarts in a sec," Hagrid yelled, "jus' round this bend here."

Even though Ryan's soul is more than 30 years old and he was mentally prepared, he still opened his mouth in amazement with his classmates and let out an exclamation.

The narrow path ended suddenly on to the edge of a great black lake. Perched atop a high mountain on the other side, was a vast castle with many turrets and towers and its windows sparkling in the starry sky.

"No more'n four in a boat!" Hagrid said loudly, pointing to a group of small boats moored on the shore. Ryan and Hermione got into the boat, and Neville followed.

"Everyone onboard?"Hagrid shouted, riding a boat by himself, and shouted again "Right then – FORWARD!"

A group of small boats slid across the mirror-like lake and drove forward.

Ryan saw the towering castle, recalling his past life when he read the book and saw the movie.

Back then, the four founders should have followed this road and drove a small boat across the Black Lake to Hogwarts.

The fleet slowly approached the castle," Heads down !"Hagrid shouted as the first boats approached the cliff. Everyone bowed their heads, and the boat carried them through the ivy tent covering the front of the cliff to the secret entrance.

They appeared to be going underground in the castle along a dark tunnel, and finally reached a place similar to a dock, and then climbed onto a ground of gravel and small pebbles.

Everyone followed Hagrid and gathered in front of a Giant oak door.

"Is Everyone here ?" After asking, Hagrid raised a huge fist and knocked three times on the castle gate.

The door opened immediately. A tall, black-haired witch in an emerald-green robe stood at the gate with a serious expression. This should be Professor McGonagall.

"First-year's, Professor McGonagall." Hagrid said.

"Thank you, Hagrid. Leave it to me from here."

Then Professor McGonagall motioned to all the freshmen to follow her. It can be seen that the stone walls on both sides of the passage are surrounded by flaming torches; the ceiling is so high that the top is almost invisible; on the front is a luxurious marble staircase that leads directly upstairs.

Turning a corner, Professor McGonagall took the freshman to a small empty room at the other end of the hall. Everyone rushed in, rubbing their shoulders and squeezing together, gazing nervously at everything around them.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall.

"The opening banquet is about to begin, but before you go to the main hall, we must first determine which house you will enter. The classification is done first time only. It is a very important ceremony, because, during your stay at school, the house is like your home at Hogwarts. You have to take classes with other students, stay together in the house dormitory, and spend time together in the house's common room. After school time."

"Name of the four houses respectively are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own glorious history, have nurtured outstanding witches and wizards. During your stay in Hogwarts, any outstanding performance shown by a student will earn points for the house, and any violations will deduct points for the house. At the end of the year, the house with the highest score will receive the house Cup, which is a very high honor. I hope you win honor for your house no matter which house you are assigned to."

"In a few minutes, the sorting ceremony will be held in front of all the teachers and students of the school. I suggest you organize yourself and be more energetic while you wait."

"When it 's ready, I'll come to pick you up."Professor McGonagall said, "Please keep quiet while waiting."

After speaking, Professor McGonagall left the room.

The atmosphere in the small room became tense, but it didn't affect Ryan, who was a realm traveler already. Neville next to him looked to be trembling slightly. And Hermione's lips kept squirming, as if she was reciting something. After all, in the UK, Hogwarts is the only magic school, and it would definitely be a shame for a lifetime to be kicked out.

Ryan looked around and found that everyone, including freshmen from wizarding families, were nervous. It seems that this is an ancestral prank. He couldn't help but feel sorry for the British sense of humor.

When everyone was very nervous, about twenty ghosts suddenly appeared on the wall behind. These ghosts glided across the room, paying little attention to these freshmen. They seemed to be arguing.

Suddenly they seemed to have discovered a new life, "New life !" a chubby monk smiled at them."I think you are going to be tested?"

Some students nodded silently." I hope you can be assigned to Hufflepuff !" said the monk."I went to that house before."

"Now move forward," a shrill voice said, "The sorting ceremony will begin soon."

Professor McGonagall came back. The ghosts wandered through the opposite wall and disappeared.

"Now, in a single que, "Professor McGonagall said to the first-year freshman, "follow me."

Passing through the foyer, the door of the auditorium opened. Freshmen lined up to enter the auditorium. Four long tables were filled with golden tableware. There were many students on the table, but each long table was left with an empty section, which should be reserved for freshmen.

Ryan raised his head and looked at the miraculous ceiling. Through the transparent dome, you could see the stars in the sky. It's hard to believe that it's really not open air here. Thousands of lit candles floated in the air, illuminating the entire hall, without a drop of wax oil falling down or a trace of smoke. It also shows the extraordinariness of these candles and the heritage of the school.

Professor McGonagall gently put a four-legged stool in front of the freshmen and put a top wizard hat on the stool.

This should be the sorting hat that has been infused with wisdom by the Big Four, and it is also one of the cornerstones of Hogwarts, but to be honest. Thinking of this thing being used every year but never been cleaned, Ryan felt that his scalp seemed to be itchy.

Soon, after listening to a song


"Oh you may not think I'm pretty, But don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can't see, So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid! And don't get in a flap! You're in safe hands (though I have none) For I'm a Thinking Cap!" ---------------- Professor McGonagall took a few steps forward, holding a roll of parchment, and said.

"Whoever I call by name, come forward put on the hat, sit on the stool, and wait for the sorting results."

The highlight of the school, the sorting ceremony began.