
My Yandere girlfriend keeps messing up my life

Yato Kazuma, a nobody, but he likes it that way. His only problem is other people. Despite not enjoying their company, he is in desperate need of a girlfriend, although when he gets what he wants it's not the type of lover he was looking for. Will Yato ever find peace again? ! ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ! I got bored I'm sorry All hail self promotion! All hail the yandere sect! Ofc the artwork isn't mine here's the link to the original: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/620370917404744335/

Sietist · Realistic
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

The student council

The door slid open, revealing a giant room filled with chairs that occupants with black hoods shadowing their faces sat upon. The people were sat in rows to the side with rectangle tables in front of them. In the middle of the room was a chair that faced another that stood behind an old-fashioned desk. As we entered, all faces turned, with one of them standing to salute. Prez directed me to the chair in the middle as she sat opposite me. I was extremely confused and concerned for these peoples well being.

"Yato Kazuma." My name rang around the room in the eerie silence. "You have been accused of stealing our presidents heart, how do you plead?"

Is that it? IS THAT FUCKING IT? Are these people insane? The dragged me all the way from the other side of the school to fucking court!?

"Not guilty," I sighed.

"And you, Miss Tobiichi Nanami, plead the suspect?" Asked the guy in glasses who sat nearest to the Prez.

I looked at the President with hope sparkling in my eyes but she grinned maliciously while licking her finger. This can't be good.

"He is guilty as charged," the President said. Then glided over to my desk and perched on top of me. Everyone in the room was in silent shock, unable to belive that the ferocious president of our school would cuddle up to an average guy. "What are you insects staring at?" Snapped Prez who wrapped around me tighter.

"S-sorry ma'am!" they shouted in unison.

Prez lifted her head and stared me down with a pout. Anyone would be lying if they said this face wasn't cute.

"Why did you have to love that Witch instead of me? But, I'll show you that I'm better than her!" I struggled as Prez took hold of me, dragging me across the room to the door.

"What we're not done here! We haven't finished the hearing!" Shouted the guy with glasses, who was lit up with embarrassment and fury. But it took one look of disgust from Prez to shut him up. Nobody else in the council was brave enough to utter a single word as I was unwillingly dragged out the room. I looked back at their faces, which were shrouded in darkness, when the door slammed shut.