
My Yandere girlfriend keeps messing up my life

Yato Kazuma, a nobody, but he likes it that way. His only problem is other people. Despite not enjoying their company, he is in desperate need of a girlfriend, although when he gets what he wants it's not the type of lover he was looking for. Will Yato ever find peace again? ! ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ! I got bored I'm sorry All hail self promotion! All hail the yandere sect! Ofc the artwork isn't mine here's the link to the original: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/620370917404744335/

Sietist · Realistic
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52 Chs

The faculty room

The hallway was desolate due to everyone being in class. Our footsteps rang across the building on their way to the faculty room, located on the second floor near the 3rd years' home room classrooms. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was the one in trouble here, not them. When we drew nearer to the faculty room, the others fell behind me and Rio held onto my uniform with one hand. These idiots...

I stepped in the room and was ambushed by purple hair owned by someone I really didn't want to deal with right now.

"Hello! Darling!" Prez shouted as she wrapped herself around me.

Rio appeared from behind me with a killing intent in her eyes. Taken a back, I tried my best to stop her.

"Rio I t-think you should calm d-down a bit." But she just ignored me.

Prez straightened herself then asked me: "what brings you here, Darling?" while paying no attention to an infuriated Rio. I looked at Rio and decided it was probably best if I let Akira handle the situation.

"I don't know what happened, but Akira does. Tell her." Grabbing Rio's hand I rushed out the door before the Prez could question me further and left Akira and Shiori to deal with her. I still had my own problem who still looked as though she would kill someone. Hoping that the other two were handling the conversation in there, I tried to calm down Rio.

"Hey, Rio?"

"You like her more than me," she pouted in a whisper. "You like her more than me, don't you?"

That's what this is about? Are you fucking stupid!? I did choose you to be my girlfriend! I couldn't say those things out loud. Despite the fact Rio is a Yandere, that doesn't stop her from being a slightly ordinary person. What am I saying!?

I couldn't find the words to tell her so I did something else.

Rio was so surprised when I kissed her. I could tell, since she didn't hug me back or close her eyes, not right away anyway. That kiss was heavenly. Then it wasn't; Rio had managed to slip the tongue and pushed me to the ground. This was not what I expected, but for some reason I just let her do everything.

"What are you doing!?" Shouted a red President. Her face was in complete shock at the debauchery we were engaging in.

"I was just having a snack," replied Rio with a triumphant smirk.

"Ok, you can get off me now."

"Hey Yato. The teachers let us off with a warning and... What the hell is going on!?" Shiori was just as shocked as Prez was. Akira took no attention and just dragged Shiori off with him.

"Yato, you are coming with me!" said a flustered President. "And you are staying here Rio, no following."

" I can't leave Darling in the clutches of a woman like you!"

"Just let me go," I said, defeated. I couldn't take anymore of the drama so I did as the Prez told me and walking away with slumped arms.

Rio had her hand left out, watching as I disappeared around a corner.

This is hard work

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