
My Wife Is Captain Marvel!

[Disclaimer.] this is not my story just an MTL and i upload it

1st_KING · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Winter Soldier, Black widow!

Malibu, southwest of Los Angeles, is a paradise for the rich.

Countless rich people flocked to buy a piece of land here and build their own villas.

Because the land of the United States is different from other countries, because the United States government only owns 32% of the country's land, and the other land is privately owned and can be bought with money.

However, at the moment, in a villa not far from Wayne Manor, there is a group of people who are incompatible with the title of 'rich'.

There are seven people in this group, five men and two women.

Six of them are all muscular madmen, with muscle knots all over, even majestic, which is daunting.

And on the table in front of them, there are a lot of arms!

MK19 grenade launcher, M4A1 carbine, MP5 submachine gun, M136AT4 rocket launcher…

There is a copy of almost any weapon imaginable.

What's more, there is a big killer.

Anti-material sniper rifle, the most powerful sniper rifle in the world-Barrett M82A1.

All kinds of grenades, flash bombs, and smoke bombs are countless.

At the moment, six of them, including one female, are fully armed, constantly fiddling with the weapons in front of them.

There is no doubt that they are about to carry out a terrorist attack.

Originally they wanted to assassinate, but then to be on the safe side, they said that the assassination turned into a terrorist attack. After all, unarmed combat Li Wei did not lose to them.

In order to be foolproof, it is better to use a gun as expected.

Not only that, two kilometers away, there are also three armed helicopters parked.

The rocket loaded on it was enough for them to ensure that the villa in Wayne Manor was blown up.

Although it is a squad of the same camp, the seven are clearly divided into three parts.

A long-haired man with a metal left arm sat quietly on the sofa. He did not adjust his weapon, but was constantly groping with his left arm, like a pervert.

Bucky Barnes, the former best friend of the captain of the United States, but now he has a new name Roar-Winter Soldier!

Winter Soldier!

Trained by HYDRA to brainwash and become a super agent who only loyal to HYDRA!

On the other side, a five-person team of four men and one woman is very professional and careful checking their own weapons.

The last thing left was a girl who seemed incompatible with these six muscular men.

The girl looks only thirteen or fourteen years old, with long reddish brown hair, wearing a leather tights, and her exquisite curves are exquisite.

She did not choose a large weapon like everyone else, but took two Colt M1911 and two daggers!

Then he squatted quietly in the corner and said nothing.

The whole person is like a frightened bunny, crouching on the corner with his knees, head buried in the middle of his thighs.

The girl's petite appearance is incompatible with the six devil muscles.

But in fact, when it comes to physical fitness, she is no weaker than others.

Because she is the failed experiment in Strak's words-Black widow, Natasha Romanoff Romanoff!

In fact, even for the failed experiment, she was the only one among dozens of children who survived.

The agents trained in the Red Room are all children under ten years old, because only children can better brainwash. For adults, the Three Views have taken shape and it is difficult to brainwash and control.

For children, even a weakened version of the super soldier serum is not something they can bear.

Therefore, many people died in the experiment.

Only she survived, but even so, the effect of Super Soldier Serum was not satisfactory.

So, she was sent to perform the task.

Except for Winter Soldier Bucky's physical fitness far beyond ordinary people, the other six people are not far behind.

The difference between the girl and them is only experience.

Winter Soldier is a super soldier, and the girl is a guinea pig.

Only these five people are relatively normal people, but they are also relatively normal.

They are all killers with the most kills in HYDRA history, proficient in 30 languages ​​and hundreds of assassination methods. Infiltration, assassination, they even destroyed a small country overnight.

They are HYDRA's best killers.

At the moment, HYDRA's strongest group of combat power is only gathered for one person.

"Hey, you… don't need to fight this time!"

A guy who looked like a leader suddenly spoke to Natasha Romanoff in the corner.


Natasha Romanoff raised her head, with some questions in her eyes.

Although she is a test subject, she is a normal human being, and… originally she is not weak.

She was not afraid of the five people in front of her at all, even…somewhat disdainful.

Except for the guy with the special arm, she couldn't see through, Natasha Romanoff was confident that he could knock down the five people in front of him in an instant.

"This is the rule above, let you get in touch with this guy named Li Wei in advance!"

"Then, tell us the information!"

The leader looked at Natasha Romanoff condescendingly. Natasha Romanoff showed an extremely humane expression and nodded slightly: "Okay, it means… I act first?"

"Yes, but you only have 3 days!"

"If we don't get your answer within three days, we will take action directly, because that shows that you…failed!"

The leader said without emotion.

Natasha Romanoff has obviously gotten used to it, and nodded slightly: "I see!"

After speaking, she tidied up her things and walked out without looking back.

One of the subordinates couldn't help asking the leader: "Head, just… just let her go like this, can you?"

"Definitely, if she doesn't want to die, she doesn't need to come back!"

A cruel sharp light flashed in the eyes of the leader, and several of his men suddenly shrank, and they all clearly understood the identity of Natasha Romanoff.

The test product is just an object.

"Okay, take a rest, recharge your energy, and in three days at the latest, we have to do it!"

"This time, we must get rid of this guy!"

The leader was there talking, but his eyes were fixed on the Winter Soldier in the corner. This time, their strongest support was this guy. *

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