
My Wife Is Captain Marvel!

[Disclaimer.] this is not my story just an MTL and i upload it

1st_KING · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

The third-generation soldier serum!


Howard was stunned, and then some reaction came over, shook his head desperately there and said: "Impossible!"

"Vibranium can–"

"Because of its characteristics, it is determined that it is definitely the best metal for interstellar travel, at least on Earth. If Vibranium can be used to build a spacecraft, the defense is absolutely guaranteed. However, Wakanda will not agree."

Howard knew Li Wei's ambitions. He didn't expect that Li Wei also knew Wakanda. After all, this is an isolated place.

The young man in front of him really knew a lot of high-level secrets.

However, Wakanda is not an ordinary place.

"Wakanda people, take Vibranium as their life!"

Howard smiled helplessly. What is the concept of building a spaceship with Vibranium?

Wakanda's Vibranium content is only 10,000 tons, even if it is more, it is impossible to double.

And to build a spacecraft according to Li Wei's requirements, I am afraid that Wakanda's Vibranium will be used up by one-tenth.

If this is the case, then Wakanda doesn't have to fight him hard to see the ghost.

Even if it is to build a smaller spaceship, at least dozens of tons of Vibranium are needed.

"They…will agree!"

Li Wei is decisive, disagree?

Then call until they agree!

Now I am not strong enough, but how many more? !

Li Wei is confident in breaking Wakanda. Isn't it the hometown of Black Panther. Ten thousand Black Panthers can be worth a punch? !

So Li Wei is not worried at all.

But Howard felt that the boy brother in front of him was a bit too rampant?

This is a place where people in the United States dare not move.

He has also heard of Wakanda's technology. This is a super forbidden area, and most people don't dare to touch it at all.

"However, sir…If the materials are not available, our research may be put on hold for a while."

Howard paused and said slowly, "In theory, we can already reach the basis of interstellar travel, but if there is no way to conduct experiments, it is still difficult to determine."

"I see."

Li Wei nodded slightly, he definitely knew the difficulty of interstellar travel.

The means of interstellar travel alone is not considered, but also coordinates.

If there are no coordinates and the universe is so big, how can you find your goal if you fly everywhere?

Fortunately, Li Wei still has goals.

Harrah in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

However, just knowing this is not enough.

There are hundreds of billions of planets in the Large Magellanic Cloud. God knows which is Hara?

So even if he has the heart, he can only wait patiently.

"The study of interstellar travel has been put on hold for now, and we will talk about it when Vibranium's materials are in place."

Li Wei shook his head slightly, but he couldn't help being covered with a haze in his heart.

Calculated according to the timeline, it will be years before my fiancee will return to Earth. If you can't work out the method of interstellar travel before then, and find out the exact location of Hara Star.

Then everything I did was in vain.

It stands to reason that since Carol will eventually return to Earth, it doesn't make any sense for him to do this. However, perhaps it is the man's self-esteem that is at work.

Rather than Carol fleeing back to Earth, he wants to pick Carol back personally.

I want her to see that my fiance is definitely not a waste!

definitely, just think about it now.

"Then…How's the research on the super soldier serum?"

Li Wei put these thoughts behind for a while, then looked at Howard and asked.


Upon hearing Li Wei's question, Howard's face was a little sad, and he suddenly became excited. "I have found a way to fix the side effects of the serum. Now a new batch of serum has been created and the side effects are being adjusted. Think… this time there shouldn't be any problems!"

"Oh? This is really good news!"

This super soldier serum is also useful for Li Wei.

"When the test is over, I will have someone send you the latest batch…the results should already be available, either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!"

Howard is obviously confident about the super soldier serum.

After all, he was also one of the people involved in the production!

This super soldier serum was developed by Dr. Abraham Erskine during World War II.

The first generation of super soldier serum was not perfect, so as the first person to eat crabs, Red Skull's face became a skeleton.

The improved super soldier serum can barely be called the second generation.

The person who injects it will no longer turn into a skull face, but the side effects still exist.

The side effect of Super Soldier Serum is to make good people better and bad people worse.

So, this is uncertain.

There are good and bad in everyone's heart. Some people think that they are good people, but they may also be bad people. Some people think that they are bad people, but they are really bad people.

Because of this side effect, Abraham feared that the military would use the super soldier serum to create the super soldier corps in their minds.

In this way, the world will inevitably be in chaos.

Therefore, he severely burned his research materials.

However, for decades, countries around the world have never given up on researching new super soldier serums.

The military and the government are not far behind.

In today's world, the only person who can develop a super soldier serum is Howard.

He has improved the super soldier serum again, which can be called the third generation.

The third-generation super soldier serum no longer has unexecuted. The original side effect is to make good people better and bad people worse.

But the super soldier serum that Howard studied no longer has such unknown side effects that vary from person to person. Because its side effects are fixed.

That is, let the person who injects become violent.

Although it sounds like it is going in a bad direction, it is indeed a great improvement.

The second-generation super soldier serum has to be different from person to person, and a really good person must be selected for injection.

But in the third generation, the side effects of injection are the same for anyone.

Although it can make people violent, once the side effects are fixed, there are ways to eliminate them.

Moreover, it just makes people become violent, which is not a big deal.

The third generation will not make good people better or bad people worse, it just makes people more violent and irritable.

If it is a person with sufficient control, it can weaken or even ignore such side effects.

Therefore, Howard's research progress is absolutely unprecedented.

However, before Howard eliminated this side effect and conducted human experiments, Li Wei still did not dare to inject. He has always been insensitive to this kind of uncertainty.

Howard is still continuing his own research, and Lucius has gone from being a dominant position at the beginning to being a layman for Howard.

Nick Fury is busy reorganizing S.H.I.E.L.D, while Li Wei is waiting for the serum to be born. He can't wait to get an injection.

After drawing out Wonder Woman, he became more and more eager to improve his strength.

However, it is in a corner that no one knows.

An elite team dispatched by HYDRA is lurking somewhere in Los Angeles. *

please take a look at the story System User

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