
My Wife is a Spy

Six years after her brother was killed, Ying Yue finally became the top spy agent at Juyan Intelligence Agency. She leads a double life: a secretary by day, and a spy at night. However, after accidentally protecting her CEO boss on a shoot out, he suddenly has his eyes set on taking her as his wife! ***** It was Ying Yue who broke the tension with a light laugh. "I'm sorry Mr. Fei, I know I might sound absurd, but it sounded like you wanted to actually, really, be in a relationship with me." "It is not absurd." He cocked his head to one side. "I find you smart and attractive, and trust me, I do not remember being attracted to anyone else." Ying Yue's calm façade broke. She frowned, unable to understand what was going inside the brain of the great Fei Huangjin. She used to admire the man, but now she couldn't help wondering if the incident last night made him crazy. "Mr. Fei, I implore you not to make fun of me like this." "I'm not joking." "Yes, you are." She insisted. "Go on a date with me." "No." "And call me Huangjin." "I will not, Mr. Fei!" Her voice had already inched a notch higher. "Why not?"

honnoji · Urban
Not enough ratings
289 Chs


"Fei Huangjin," the doctor called out his name when he didn't answer. "I need to know what you want me to do. Decisions regarding how her life proceeds from here on will now largely depend on you."

The young master of the Fei family, for the first time in his life, seemed at a loss. He knew, of course, that it was only natural for people to die. He'd killed people himself, and people had died for him, as well. But for this woman… this brazen, beautiful, lovely vixen who always raised her voice at him when she didn't like something and rolled her eyes when she thought he was being stupid… he couldn't accept it.

"How could you tell me to decide over her life like that?" Huangjin said bitterly. His shoulder were slumped, and he looked far from the cold and invincible master of the Dragon Club as he sat there on his wheelchair. "How could I…"

Li Hsiung was silent for a moment, but offered no explanation or consolation. "If you want us to proceed as usual, that would be fine, too. I've already said what the repercussions are for continued attempts of reviving her…"

Fei Huangjin cursed silently in his head. He didn't want her to get brain damage and suffer if she survived, but he didn't want her to die either.

"How about I leave you to think about it?" Li Hsiung suggested. And then slowly but unsurely, Fei Huangjin nodded his head. "To be honest, I'm not sure how long she'll be able to hold on… But since the situation calls for it, I can have you moved to the same room as hers, so at least you'd be less agitated over not being able to know about her condition. How does that sound?"

Fei Huangjin nodded again, this time more forcefully, as if he liked that idea.


"I'm sorry, but the master is not taking any visitors." Li Hsiung stood his ground at the hallway outside Fei Huangjin and Ying Yue's room. There were dark rings under his eyes and he had an annoyed expression as he came face-to-face with Guan Ting for the nth time that week. The guy kept pushing to talk to Fei Huangjin, hoping to strike some sense to the man. But Li Hsiung also had orders from Fei Huangjin to not let anyone else in the medical facility until he said so.

He hadn't been as stressed as this since he'd finished medical school. He was a hair's breadth away from actually tendering his resignation and work at a normal hospital to do normal work and see normal patients.

Guan Ting rubbed his cheek with a face full of displeasure. "I've informed the Old Master and Young Master Haocheng with the situation, but the old guy wants to come here today. I can't exactly brush him off!"

Li Hsiung sighed. "If he comes, then we'll cross the bridge when we get there. But for now, I can't let you in. I apologize."

"Okay, okay—ARGH, damnit!"

"If it's important, I'll take your message for you." The doctor rubbed the space between his eyes. He was freaking exhausted. With Fei Huangjin literally hanging on to Ying Yue's side 24/7, he was forced to be on standby, too. Now he was regretting making the man stay there with his wife.

Guan Ting pursed his lips for a moment and then acquiesced. "The guy from Juyan – the one who reached out to me to pull them out of that facility. The Vice Director or something… He keeps on calling to ask about Ying Yue. He said if I wasn't going to tell him, that he was going to come here personally. I don't know how much I could tell him and I don't know if the master wants me to allow him access here, so…"

"Understood, I'll ask him."

"And tell him to come out of there, will ya?"


"And tell him he should stop crying like a little lady and do something productive for a change."


Who in their right mind would tell that to Fei Huangjin's face?