
My way of justice: Mha

A super genius Reincarnated into the world of My hero academia , what would he do? I honestly don't know as well Why don't we Read this fan-fiction together?

Mr_mongoloid · Anime & Comics
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I Arthur was raised as a killer and born Some what that way i am a psychopath, i was forced into rigorous training from childhood to adulthood by the government. My diverse skill set, combining level of scientific knowledge with the prowess of a task force soldier, and a assassin, made me a unique and unparalleled force.

As an assassin, soldier, and spy, I had faced and survived the most dangerous and challenging missions the government could throw at me. My reputation as the strongest person on the planet and the smartest individual adds layer to my Reputation Immensely.

My ruthlessness, brutality, and ability to not only survive but emerge as the sole survivor in every mission have instilled fear and respect to criminal organizations, fellow assassins, and even an entire countries.

The sheer number of men i have killed, over Million by my hand alone, speaks to my lethal capabilities, Even the My own Country fears me and the Government i served.

I Have Killed Many Corrupt Leaders and President and I destroyed and killed half of the Criminal Organizations from the Underworld

I made them suffer Like the Pig and Maggots they are, I Tortured Those Bastard until i was Satisfied, I even killed their Family, I am disgusting Evil bastard after all

I killed Innocent Children and Women, I wasn't proud of it but if its necessary to remove any hindrance for the future like Making a criminal organization and hunt me down or follow their fathers footsteps, Its better to Remove those percentage and Remove any Future Suffering to the People

i was considered a Super genius and the Strongest Human in the world, i arguably do think that as well, Not to brag but I almost know every subject in Human history and Mastered Almost every martial arts and mastered every sub style, matter a fact i did know and understood every one of it, i had a whole library in my head, i have a encyclopedic knowledge of all things scientific.

i am well versed in chemistry, physics, Engineering, technology, geology, biology , mathematics, Economics, Culinary arts, Earth sciences, Military science, Medicine, Law, Business, Agriculture, Systems science, Statistics, Computer sciences, Space sciences, Those knowledge is what kept me alive Until know, i could make a Business and make it a Million dollar business within a week

They call me, The Grim reaper The walking Death, The person Who had Never... and Ever failed a Assassination Mission, My kill rate is always a 100% success 

The only thing that kept me going through my Wicked path to Destruction and violence and killing is Because of the Innocent Children, Its pretty ironic really since i also killed innocent people and killed a kid, i shouldn't really be saying this

I didn't have a Childhood And it was bad and i don't want to remove Children happiness and seeing them suffer like the way i did, I killed Rapist and human trafficking i Hate Criminals and wicked people, Like i said before I want to remove any future Criminal

I have Learned Every Sub style of hand to hand martial arts to Swords and knifes and Every Thing that has a Edge of it

Boxing , Ninjutsu, Krav maga, Line, Muay thai, Vale Tudo, Judo, Rough and Tumble, Bacom, Eskrima, Silat, Sambo Kick boxing, Brazilian Jiu jutsu, Taekwondo, Karate

I am also a Master Marksman I have never Missed a Shot Through my whole life


When you have already taken a Life You aren't no longer considered a Human But a Monster, I accept and Embraced that fact, Nothing or anything in this world deserves to suffer to hell like me, I am a Dirty And evil Son of a bitch and i like it that way...

You know The only thing That i loved From this Cursed and Fucked up world is Eating and Drinking alcohol and Fighting and maybe perhaps Creating Weapons that is the only thing that kept me Enjoying my self

I kept It that way Until my Old age, I Didn't have a son or any heir at all to continue my work of vigilantism, I also Destroyed My own government, I also Figured Out that My Own Government Does shady works with the Underworld As well

Ever since then i Ran away from my country and Considered a Traitor and had a 1Billion Bounty on my head, But in the end NoBody Succeeded in killing me

Whoever Took the mission and tried to kill me, I killed them first, and its not like anyone would dare to Take the Mission, No professional Assassin would even dare to lay hand on me or Dare look at me

Every Bastards That tried to Take those mission were already In a suicide Mission, and they Knew that well, Well to say that I did Lived Kinda Peaceful Some what peaceful... I lived in the Country Side of Japan

No Body would dare to speak to me Since I look pretty Intimidating even at a Old age, Since my Body was Full of Scars each of my scars has their own story...

I died at the age of 100, From Old age and my cost of death is Heart attack, To say i am Happy I died in a peaceful way that i didn't even Deserved...

 When i died I was Surrounded By Darkness only one thought Crossed my mind

"where am i?..."

"You arthur are in my Realm of Life and Death, This is a place where you Reincarnate, There are Complicated Things in the world arthur That you and i even a god Couldn't Understand"

I heard i noise In my Head Through The Empty void of Darkness

"You are dead Arthur..."

I let that Sinked In like an anvil In water sinking so fast, I was Just sleeping then suddenly I died?

"Arthur You sure Lived a Horrible and Sad miserable Life, I am sorry for that But there was nothing i could do, There is a Rule Between a mortal and a god, Even i a god is Bound by Rules, a Rule of Absolute, The rule of the Universe, i cannot interfere in any mortal World "

"Arthur, There are People Suffering and i don't want them To suffer anymore, Then there you are arthur a Man of dedication and Hard work a man who doesn't Fall down No matter how much you fall down you Just kept Going up and Going forward, I Loved it really when i was Watching you, You Killed Over million of lives Just to save Billions of Innocent Lives"

"you where the Sole Reason Why they are living in a Peaceful era Arthur, Killing Those People even they were Innocent Save Countless lives, Removing Corruption and Killing of Criminal Organization, I knew you were suffering Arthur, you're Own Choice Must have been Difficult right?, That what i loved about you, You're Decision making is the Reason you are still alive and Other people are"

"so Hear me Out Arthur, You have died and i am giving you a chance of Second life Where you Still have your Memories, With you're diverse Skill set, and Your Knowledge Made you a Feared opponent"

"In this world Where Power, Wealth, Fame, Only Mattered, Corruption Surrounded The world, People With their Powers Used it For evil and Could even Shift the world For bad, The futures world Is look grim"

"thats Where you're Role plays in Arthur, So If you Would go to this world you could save the Countless Lives, And i would give you the Power to do so"

"Well Its not like Its for me To decide that Arthur, Its your Choice and only yours, And You could Do anything, and everything you want to do Arthur, Whether It be Becoming a Criminal and commit Crimes and so be it, Just all i want to ask you is Please save the world "

"i know this is alot and selfish thing to do, And i don't have to burden you with that, The truth is You can do anything and Everything you want to do and even help to destroy that world If you wanted to, It would Just Make me wrong about it, about you"

"well Ofc I wouldn't Miss that, and Don't worry i would't do anything Horrible, and what is your name god?"

"ahh yes My name is Truce"

"Well like i said i wouldn't want to miss that opportunity Truce, I Love Justice After all, And with the World with Power Just made that 10 Times Better and Interesting"

"Thank you Arthur, I would Give you the Power and the Rest is For you To discover and Learn Good luck to your Journey and i Truly wish for the best for you"

And that Is where it all Started, my Journey to the world Filled with Fantasy