
My Vampire Sysstem

i died then a god said do it again so i did and now i'm rich

Dr_Cornbread · Urban
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I Got A System?

Okay so it was like 8am in the morning when i rolled out of bed. I got up and busted a nut,brushed my teeth and ate breakfast. Then it was like 10 am and i was like "holy shit i have class". So i hopped in my 2001 ford truck and sped to class. I was probably going close to 100mph because i spent all my money on getting a good engine for my truck. Then I saw that I crashed and died. I was mad because I did not want to die. Then a god who was clearly drunk said "fuck it have another shot at life". Then "boom" i'm 10 years old again and realized i restarted. Of course i completely overreacted having a complete panic attack because everything I worked for in my 20 years of life was gone. Needless to say I was pissed so pissed i told my teacher to "fuck off and die" when he told me if i needed to go to the nurse. So my teacher was like fine go to the principals office. Now i'm sitting with my bald ass principal talking about word choice . Finally he gives me dention. I go back to class and was still going crazy about the fact that I time travelled when my teacher said "solve this problem". Of course i solves it like a badass and he was in awe because i should have not been able to solve it. Now it's the end of the day and i'm in denton when i meet the guy who will become a mass murder in the future. I said "hey dude what's up want to make a company with me"? He said " I'm failing 5th grade my life choices are limited". that's how i ended up making a business in my second life.