
My Vampire Sysstem

i died then a god said do it again so i did and now i'm rich

Dr_Cornbread · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Creating a business

So now I'm in like idk 5th grade give or take some years. I create a business with the mass murder it's called BAMA. We sell drugs and make drugs. I go home after a long day of being a 5th grader. I kiss my parents good night. Oh no the mass murder killed someone. Now I'm in jail? Huh I was just in 5th grade. Look I have a system. System goes burrrrrrrrrr. Killer name Jacob oh yeah story takes place in America. I get out of jail 15 years later I'm now 20. Me and Jacob sell drugs. Uh oh Jacob is black so a cop shoots him. Gun goes brrrrr. Jacob dead I'm alive because I'm white. Did you rember I had a system well of course I did hahahahahahahaha. I gained supernatural powers and catch the bullet with my tooth.