
My Vampire bodyguard

Rosabella Green is a rock star in a band called Destroyers. She lives a party lifestyle with her band mates. Even though she couldn't recall some details about her past, Finn had divulged some disturbing information. Her parents sold her to the Vampire Clan, because her mom had cancer and needed a magical cure. Finn has been slightly watching over her, protecting the girl he promised to deliver to the clan. There is also a werewolf pack in which Arjun is a member, and the pack has a reputation for causing trouble. What happens when he claims Rosabella is his mate? Having already been confused about Rosabella's ability to change his eyes, will Finn step down? It's the story of a girl, her two mates, one vampire and the other werewolf.

Kayla_Ellen · Fantasy
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23 Chs


Finn's P.O.V

I don't know what she is thinking, and that is scaring the hell out of me. She is so relaxed and calm. Was she hoping I would show up one day? Is she relieved? Is she happy?

I hear the phone go off, which breaks me from my thoughts. She looks nervous, and that tells me automatically who it is. Josh.

"I am sorry." I hear crying, and it rips my heart out.

"Josh listen," she hardly chokes out. Tears are streaming down her face, and her eyes are red.

What an asshole, I just want to walk up and snatch that phone away from her.

She lets out a breath, and puts the phone back in her pocket. She slowly walks over to my couch and sits down with her hands over her face. I hesitantly walk over to her. Will she want my attention? Well, I make her uncomfortable?

Her phone goes off again, but this time with one beep. She glances down. I see her fingers fly across the keys.

"You okay beautiful girl?"

"Yeah, Josh called off the engagement, and the band members are questioning my insanity."

"Sorry, I shouldn't have shown up."

She looks at me for a moment. She looks confused trying to process what I said. "I'm glad you did, you saved me from making a terrible mistake, but I'm surprised you regret saving me from those guys," she says.

"Oh I don't regret interfering. I just feel bad I caused trouble in your life."

"Josh and my breakup was a long time in the making. I knew for a while that things were heading downhill and fast. Word has got around what happened with you swooping me up and the potential threesome. Josh found out," she says.

I nod. "I can only imagine he wasn't happy."

"That wouldn't have happened if he hadn't pushed me." She grunts in frustration.

I move closer to her and wrap my arm around her shoulders. She looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes. She smiles that beautiful smile that would have made my heart skip if I were alive.

She lays her head on my shoulder, and I kiss her on top of the head. This was my girl, whether she was or not. I love her more than anything. I have never imagined loving anyone so much. No one will harm her, I will always protect her. She was the center of everything.

"You want me to take you back to the hotel?"

She looks up at me. "Sure," she says.

"Okay." I don't want her to leave.

"First, let me take you out for dinner?"

"I am not supposed to go out without my bodyguard," she remarks.

Bodyguard. I laugh. She raises an eyebrow at me. I show her my fangs and hiss. Despite what I thought, she isn't a coward. She giggles. Her laughter brings me more joy than I felt in years.

"I have the fiercest bodyguard imaginable now," she smiles.

"You have no idea the measure I would take to protect you."

Instead of abandoning me, thinking I couldn't handle the information you told me, I wish you had given me more time to adjust," she says.

"I know I didn't want to put you in a situation where you wouldn't be happy."

"I understand that," she tells.

We stand up from the couch and head out the door. She grabs my hand to hold it, and the warmth behind it makes me wonder. Does my cold skin bother her? We enter the living room to find Dominic, Cedric, Cassandra, and Blair watching television. They all turn to look at us when we enter.

"Look at you love bugs,'' smirks Cedric.

"Is Rosabella staying tonight?" Dominic asks.

"I don't want to overwhelm her."

"She is going through a lot, Dominic," says Cassandra.

"Alright then soon", Dominic remarks.

" Deals are deals, I was promised to the clan, so there's no need to postpone staying," Rosabella replies before I can respond.

"Marvelous," smiles Dominic.

"You don't have to," squeezed her hand.

"I want to," she tells us. My Rosabella is stronger than I thought.

In moments, we said goodbye to the others. I found myself outside with Rosabella picking out a vehicle to drive to the restaurant.

" Let's take the motorcycle," she says, pointing to the dark blue Honda Shadow.

"I should have known." I chuckle.

We hop on the bike and put on our helmets. I drive with Rosabella behind me.

The wind races through my hair. The sun beats down on us as my bike zooms through the streets. I pass cars at lightning speed. Rosabella grabs me tighter, and I remember I have a non immortal and immediately slow down.

"Sorry love, I have fast driving habits."

" Don't apologize, I liked it," she giggles.

"I am sure you did, wild one."

I pull into an Italian restaurant. " This okay?" I know she likes spaghetti.

"Yep," she answers.

I park the bike, and we both climb off and take off our helmets. People instantly rush up to talk to her and ask for autographs.

"Back off," I hiss, not showing my fangs.

Everyone leaves sensing the danger. I am the fiercest predator in the world. The most brutal and efficient. What human is able to fight me off? None. As a vampire, I can make any human feel danger. Having magical powers, I can tamper with their emotions. But in reality, many humans find us welcoming and very gorgeous people. The natural way for vampires to welcome in their prey.

We enter the restaurant and take our seats. Many eyes are upon us. I chuckle at everyone's reaction. What is rock-star Rosie doing with the edgy mysterious man?

"Do you remember coming to me 2 years ago?" she asks me while looking at the menu.

"Everything about it."