
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

The Stormbringers Guild

Before Klauss's regression, the Stormbringers Guild was a largely neglected and unpopular faction among hunters. They had a bad reputation, although not vile enough to label them pure evil.

Numerous cases emerged about their bullying practices towards other hunters, even members within their own guild. The guild was notorious for allegedly killing fellow hunters inside gate instances to seize their victims' loot and possessions, yet they always managed to evade capture.

Their strength lay in a powerful backing that could deflect or dismiss any cases that posed a threat to the guild's overall operations. 

The guildmaster happened to be the son of a powerful conglomerate supporting them. Klauss found it surprising when Sylvetta brought up their name, as they were not expected to be in the spotlight so soon after his regression.

Normally, they would be considered a small guild struggling to make a name for themselves.

What infuriated Klauss the most was the possibility that they might have been involved in his death or, in other words, his assassination. Klauss had never taken the time to contemplate how he and his guild gained access to the gate that ultimately became the site of his demise, Lamia Nest.

If he had, various scenarios and possibilities, including the potential involvement of the Hunters Association, would have played out in his mind. On the day of Klauss's death, THA had requested The Wakers Guild to clear the gate instance in place of the Stormbringers Guild.

Can you now comprehend this chain of events?

As Sylvetta noticed the mounting worries and anger slowly registering on Klauss's face, she expressed her concern, saying, "Klauss, are you alright? Why are you so tense all of a sudden?"

In an attempt to calm him down, Sylvetta approached him, placing her hand on his shoulder, but Klauss brushed it off. He glared at Sylvetta and, in a deep, cold voice, ordered, "Leave! Leave now!"

Sylvetta was shocked, spooked by Klauss's sudden reaction, and to not make matters worse, she exited without uttering a word. Stepping outside, Aisha inquired, "Are you guys done? Where's Klauss? Let me go get him."

Sylvetta shook her head, blocking Aisha from going inside, explaining that he needed a minute, a minute she didn't quite comprehend why.

Klauss's mind grappled with the tormenting possibilities of THA's involvement in his death, especially considering his positive relationship with them in his past life.

The notion that THA might be colluding with the Stormbringers Guild, Maria, and Roger intensified his skepticism in this new life. As Klauss slowly regained his composure, he began piecing together fragments of information that had eluded him.

His primary concern revolved around the sudden resurgence of the Stormbringers Guild. Fate seemed to have intricately intertwined a scenario where he would be compelled to participate in an expedition with them.

Wanting more clarity, Klauss invited Sylvetta back into the room as he regained control of his emotions. "Sorry about that, I lost my cool for a sec," he said, welcoming Sylvetta. "Tell me more about this Stormbringers Guild," he added.

Sylvetta, maintaining her composure, respected Klauss's reluctance to share but also sensed the need to provide him with information. Quietly and calmly, she began to unravel the details of the guild and the individuals involved in the upcoming gate. 

Sylvetta delved into the grim details of the rising Stormbringers Guild, revealing their quick ascent to power and their strategic sponsorship by Storm Business Inc., a conglomerate deeply entrenched in various sectors of the country's economy.

The guild was created with the intent of capitalizing on the newfound opportunities presented by gates, and was spearheaded by Stormy, the ambitious and wicked son of the CEO.

Storm Business Inc. had its fingers in multiple pies, ranging from real estate, mining, cosmetics, technology, and transport/logistics to pharmaceutics. The conglomerate's influence seeped into the political landscape, with a tendancy for bribery, lobbying, smuggling, and money laundering.

The Stormbringers Guild became a tool for their expansion into the lucrative world of hunters, monsters, and gates.

"Klauss, you need to be cautious," Sylvetta warned, her voice laced with concern. "Storm Business Inc. is a formidable force, and Stormy, their son, is no ordinary guildmaster.

Their interest in gates goes beyond mere exploration or monster hunting. They aim to profit from the spoils within, be it loot or monster corpses for research and sale. The guild's rapid rise is directly tied to the backing of this corporate giant."

Klauss absorbed this information, realizing the intricate web of power and influence that surrounded the Stormbringers Guild. The CEO's son, Stormy, held the reins of both the guild and the conglomerate, making them a force to be reckoned with in the world of hunters. 

In Klauss's past life, details about Stormy, the guildmaster of the Stormbringers Guild, didn't pique his interest, and he only had partial information about him. All he knew was that he was a rank C hunter.

Curious about the current Stormy's profile, Klauss turned to Sylvetta for insights.

Stormy commanded attention with a towering presence, accentuated by broad shoulders and a robust physique that spoke of physical prowess. His cold, calculating eyes hinted at a sharp intellect beneath the dominating facade he projected.

Adorned in opulent guildmaster attire, Stormy radiated authority and opulence, his garments subtly adorned with symbols representing the Storm Business Inc. conglomerate. This integration emphasized the seamless connection between corporate power and guild leadership.

Ambition fueled Stormy's every move, compelling him to seize any opportunity for personal gain and elevate the status of his guild.

In his interactions, an unapologetic arrogance defined him, and he wielded a sense of entitlement as he bullied the weak, showcasing a blatant lack of respect for those he deemed beneath him.

His actions were propelled by a relentless desire for dominance and control.

With the formidable backing of Storm Business Inc, Stormy emerged as a potent force, blending ambition, cruelty, and corporate influence into a guildmaster who demanded reckoning.

Sylvetta also informed that he held the rank of C hunter, a revelation that surprised Klauss. He pondered whether Stormy had maintained his C rank from his past life or if he had ascended to it in this life, stirring a mix of emotions within Klauss.

Sylvetta, unsure about Klauss's sudden interest but willing to share what she knew, provided all the information she had regarding the Stormbringers Guild and its guildmaster.

Sensing Klauss's deep contemplation, she asked with a hint of worry if the information sufficed. Klauss remained silent, absorbing the details and gradually piecing them together.

In a subdued but direct tone, he inquired if the Hunters Association had any dealings with the Stormbringers Guild or its conglomerate.

Sylvetta, maintaining her confidence, admitted to THA's business connections with the powerful conglomerate but affirmed that there were no special dealings with the Stormbringers Guild.

Curious about Klauss's inquiry, she asked, "Why do you ask?" Klauss, maintaining eye contact with Sylvetta, explained, "I want to assess the integrity of THA, that's all."

Choosing to trust Sylvetta for the time being, Klauss refrained from pressing for more information, deciding to gather details personally if the need arose. With the same tone, he shifted the focus to the gate expedition, inquiring about the members participating in it.

With a heavy sigh, Sylvetta proceeded to elucidate Klauss on his next mission. This time, he would operate as a regular rank D hunter, shedding the guise of a mercenary. The strategic choice was made to enable Klauss to navigate the hunter community without attracting undue attention or raising suspicions.

As Sylvetta continued, she divulged that the upcoming gate expedition would comprise a total of five participants. Four members from the Stormbringers Guild had been selected, and to complete the party, the Hunters Association had decided to include Klauss.

The mission was sheduled to tackle a rank D gate, and the commencement was due in a week's time. 

Sylvetta, with a touch of amusement, added that the higher-ups, including the president, had reservations about involving Klauss with a guild so soon.

Despite their concerns, they ultimately placed trust in his abilities. "Some guilds and their members might come off as cocky and overwhelming, but I sense they might need to calm down once they meet you," she remarked with a playful giggle.

Klauss responded with a nonchalant nod, choosing to keep his words to a minimum.

As Sylvetta continued, she emphasized Klauss's primary role: to clear the gate and assist the other hunters in their quest. However, she issued a cautionary reminder for him to maintain a low profile and not flaunt his skills excessively.

Klauss, with a smirk, simply uttered, "Trust." Sylvetta, aware of the unpredictable nature of situations involving Klauss, shook her head, expressing silent concern for the other hunters who would be joining the expedition and have to partner with him.

Before taking her leave, Sylvetta shared one last piece of advice. "We don't know who is going to participate yet, but from what I'm hearing, I think the guildmaster Stormy will be involved.

So, be on your best behavior." Klauss's eyes glinted with mischief as he agreed with a quick, "Sure." Sylvetta sensed that trouble might be brewing with Klauss involved, but there was little more she could do.

Exiting the new apartment, Sylvetta encountered Aisha still waiting at the door. She glanced at Klauss and offered a piece of advice, "Klauss, treat Aisha more nicely, she will be your assistant for a long time, so get along."

Turning to Aisha, Sylvetta continued, "Finish arranging for Klauss's moving and take the day off." Aisha, delighted, hugged Sylvetta and winked at Klauss, stating, "I'll be right on it, sir and miss." Wishing them both good luck, Sylvetta left through the elevator.

In the hallway, Aisha and Klauss shared an awkward moment of silence. Their eyes met briefly, but Klauss turned back abruptly and slammed the door without seeing her off. Aisha pouted, both disappointed and excited to complete her task for the day.

Klauss stepped into his new home, taking in its features once again. His mind wandered as he roamed through each space, absorbing the novelty of it all. Flopping onto his bed, larger than the previous one, he released a deep sigh, feeling a mix of emotions.

Suddenly, his phone rang, disrupting his thoughts. Curious about the unexpected call, he picked up his phone and noticed an unknown number flashing on the screen.

Puzzled, he answered the call, and a mysterious voice on the other end uttered, "It's me. I have what you need."