
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
57 Chs

A journey begins

Klauss stared at his phone, perplexed by the unknown caller. After a brief hesitation, he answered, "Who is this?"

A gruff voice replied, "It's me."

Klauss furrowed his brows in annoyance. "Me who?"

The voice uttered with a hint of amusement, "The one who knows how to find things in the shadows."

Comprehension dawned on Klauss. It was the dark broker he had met in the seedy bar. "Ah, it's you. What do you want?" Klauss asked brusquely.

"I have what you need," the broker stated.

"And what might that be?" Klauss pressed.

"The master weaponsmith you requested. Trackable and willing to craft a mighty fine sword," came the reply.

Klauss pondered for a moment before saying, "Very well. Let's meet and discuss this further."

"The usual spot?" the broker inquired.

"No, somewhere more discreet this time," Klauss responded.

After settling on an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city for their clandestine meeting, Klauss set out into the night.

Meanwhile, Aisha merrily loaded the last of Klauss's meager belongings from his old dorm room into her car.

She had packed everything into one sizable box and transported it to his new high-rise apartment. Upon arrival, the receptionist informed her that Klauss had stepped out for the night.

"Oh my, on his first day here too! I hope Sir Klauss returns soon," Aisha said cheerfully as she deposited the box behind the reception counter.

After confirming the delivery, she bid the receptionist goodnight and set off, blissfully unaware of Klauss's late-night dealings.

At the isolated warehouse, Klauss waited in shadowed silence for the broker's arrival. His eyes methodically scanned his dim surroundings, noting possible exits and any movement. Before long, he detected a figure emerging from the darkness.

The broker approached cautiously before recognition flashed in his eyes. "You know how to pick discreet locations," he remarked.

Klauss meets the mysterious broker again. "Go on, continue from where we stopped," he said.

The broker outlined the information he had gathered on an independent swordsmith living as a hermit in the Hashibe Mountains. According to the broker, this artisan was highly skilled yet eccentric, rarely accepting commissions.

However, for the right price, he could be persuaded but from what I gathered, that is not also guaranteed. 

As the broker concluded his summary, Klauss interjected, "How reliable is this lead?"

"I stake my reputation on it. This is the real deal, I did my part of the deal" the broker stated confidently.

Klauss skipped straight to business. "What's your price for this information?"

"Two grand should suffice," came the swift reply.

Without hesitation, Klauss removed a stack of bills from his coat and tossed it to the broker's feet. "Now talk," he commanded.

Scooping up the cash, the broker disclosed all the relevant details about the reclusive weaponsmith. He emphasized the artisan's eccentricities but absolute mastery of his craft. By the end, Klauss had a name, location, and pointers for recruiting the hermit to forge his ideal sword.

Although the weaponsmith didn't have a full name, he was mostly referred to as Eulji, Mr Eulji the "whispering bladesmith". He proceeded to give Klauss pointers on how he could convince the old man, although he wasn't sure of the outcome.

He told Klauss to be prepared to pay a hefty sum upfront. The weaponsmith is not cheap and will likely request minimum 50% payment before even considering a commission.

He also instructed Klauss to flatter his skills and to bring the rare material along with him, the orichalcum to catch his interest. Stroke his ego by praising his legendary sword crafting abilities.

Also, be ready to provide creative freedom. This artisan prefers to have free reign over the design process and be prepared to give him control rather than demanding specific requirements.

He concluded by telling him to have patience for his process. His methods may seem odd or roundabout, but trust in his talents. Avoid questioning or rushing him too much.

Before departing, the broker said meaningfully, "I value our little arrangement. Should you need anything else, you know who to call. Here's my personal number"

Klauss simply nodded in acknowledgment as he took his number and they both melted back into the shadows.

Armed with newfound information, Klauss made his way back home. In the midst of his stroll, he realized he was unintentionally heading towards his old dorm and couldn't help but chuckle at the irony.

Deciding to indulge in a touch of nostalgia, he opted for a brief detour to visit his old dorm building before reaching his new residence.

Along the way, he found himself drawn to the familiar allure of his cherished sauna. Succumbing to the temptation, he allowed himself a short but rejuvenating session before finally making his way to the nearby dorm.

Stepping into his old room, a wave of nostalgia engulfed him as he stood amid the now-vacant space that had served as his sanctuary for years.

The room held only remnants of his time there — a single bed, an empty desk, and a closet void of his belongings. While Klauss hadn't accumulated many possessions, the echo of the room's emptiness resonated deeply with him.

After a lingering gaze, he heaved a profound sigh and turned to depart, leaving behind the echoes of his past.

Stepping outside, Klauss suddenly found himself face-to-face with Maria. Shock rooted both of them in place as stifling silence engulfed the space between them.

Maria opened her mouth to speak, but Klauss raised a hand to stop her. With a resigned expression, he said bluntly, "We need a break from each other."

Maria's face fell at his words. Before she could respond, Klauss walked past her silently. Their complex relationship had reached a turning point, the future now uncertain.

Klauss returned to his lavish new apartment emotionally drained by the day's events. He yearned for the solace of sleep as he walked back home. 

Klauss, feeling weary of constant walks, remembered he had an assistant who could drive him around. He picked up his phone, texted Sylvetta for Aisha's number.

Sylvetta, adopting a daring and condescending tone, replied, "You had all day to take her number, and it's by this time you want it. Pff, here you go. Bye!" Klauss, a bit puzzled by the message, left it on read and promptly called Aisha.

Instructing her to pick him up at his current location, he was surprised to find out that Aisha was comfortably nestled in bed, stating she couldn't make it and would be on duty from tomorrow.

With a sigh, Klauss ended the call, telling her to be at his place by 9 am as they had somewhere to go.

Strolling through the night city lights, Klauss masked himself in contemplation. He convinced himself that the walk served as a form of exercise, beneficial to his well-being.

Upon arriving at his lavish apartment building, the receptionist handed him a box containing his belongings.

"Good evening, sir. Your assistant, Aisha, dropped this off a while ago when you had stepped out. Here you go, and please have a wonderful night."

Navigating to his apartment on the 15th floor, Klauss checked the contents of the box atop the kitchen counter. Though sizable, it didn't carry much weight. In it, he found a few clothes, some books and notes, and mini-framed pictures.

The images depicted him and his two friends, the only family Klauss had known. Staring at the pictures, he contemplated their significance and, with a cold detachment, tossed them into the bin.

It symbolized the slow dissolution, if not the end, of their friendship. Carrying the remaining contents, Klauss headed to his room, where he changed and spent a brief moment in meditation.

Entering bed in just his boxers, he tossed and turned, feeling the unfamiliarity of the vast and comfortable bed. The new environment made the night and sleep seem strange, as if he were sleeping for the first time in a stranger's house, uncertain of what to expect.

The following day, Klauss awoke to the bright sunshine, welcoming his first morning in his new abode. Opening the curtains, he greeted the day and navigated his way to the fully equipped bathroom for a refreshing shower.

After the shower, towel wrapped around his waist, he checked the closet in the master bedroom, finding it empty. "Have to go shopping for some new clothes; it feels empty here," Klauss remarked, eyeing the bare dresser. 

Passing by a mirror, he admired his transformed physique. The hard work from training and workouts had sculpted his body into a muscular, refined, and toned form.

No longer in a modest physique, he now inhabited a robust body ready to face the challenges ahead. After self-reflection, he donned some old clothes found in the box— a nicely fitted black t-shirt, well-fitted trousers, and sneakers.

Completing the look with his black coat, he grabbed his phone and room card, then leisurely made his way out.

At precisely 9 o'clock, Klauss arrived at the main reception, where he found Aisha, dressed in black formal wear, waiting for him.

She greeted him energetically, stumbling a bit, "G-good morning, sir. Hope you had a nice sleep in your new home. I slept very well as I got off work earlier than usual. I feel very refreshed. Hope you do as well, boss."

Klauss, irked by the early-morning energy, responded arrogantly, "Enough of all that; let's go. We have a long ride ahead." 

Aisha, slightly lost by his abrupt greeting, wondered where they were off to. Before she could reply, Klauss was already heading outside the lobby towards the car parked in front.

She quickly followed suit, intending to open the back door for Klauss, but he opted for the passenger seat, leaving Aisha happy and slightly concerned. She settled into the driver's seat, started the engine, and asked where they were headed.

"Head to the foot of Hashibe Mountain; I have to meet someone," Klauss commanded. Aisha's jaw dropped in shock at the remote location and the considerable distance.

She placed her hands on the wheel, still bewildered, and began driving, pondering why they had to venture to such a secluded area.

As the car hummed to life and Aisha navigated through the city, Klauss stared out of the window, lost in thought. The looming silhouette of Hashibe Mountain in the distance signaled the beginning of a journey—both physical and metaphorical.

The car sliced through the urban landscape, leaving behind the familiarity of the city lights.

As they approached the foot of the mountain, the surroundings changed. The city's hustle and bustle faded, replaced by the serenity of nature. The dense foliage and winding roads marked their ascent into the wilderness.

Klauss, his gaze fixed on the unfolding panorama, felt a peculiar mixture of anticipation and uncertainty.