
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

The day got longer

It was around 4pm when Klauss and the group arrived at the Hunter's Association headquarters. Aisha parked in front of the building, and before stepping out of the car, Klauss instructed Aisha to keep Cassius occupied.

"I don't know how long I'll be in there, so show Cassius around or something," he calmly said, stepping out of the vehicle, followed by Sylvetta.

As Klauss entered the lobby, a sea of eyes and whispers followed the silver-haired super rookie's presence. It was nearly impossible not to notice Klauss; his tall figure, handsome face, and distinctive white hair made him stand out.

Yet, it was his demeanor and posture that exuded an unmistakable aura. "Oh my, someone has gotten quite popular, hehe," Sylvetta remarked, giving Klauss a sweet wink.

Klauss coldly brushed it off and asked if they could go see the president straight away.

Sylvetta pouted, crossing her arms, and remarked, "Hmm, just follow me, you spoiled brat." Klauss trailed behind Sylvetta, doing his best to ignore the persistent whispers from the onlookers.

The eyes that followed him were filled with a mix of amazement and curiosity. Finally, they were witnessing the super rookie who had dominated headlines for several days, the one who outshone a veteran hunter.

A D-ranker defeating a retired B-rank hunter, whether by luck or skill, created a lasting impact. Klauss's victory sent shockwaves through the hunter community, fueling a flurry of rumors, excitement, and admiration.

Unaware of the ripple effect, Klauss inadvertently became a source of motivation and inspiration for young hunters with dreams of achieving significant feats in their own right.

They arrived in front of the president's office, where they patiently awaited permission before entering.

Once inside the expansive, modern office, Sylvetta directly delved into a comprehensive and intricate report on the gate and the unfolding events which transpired within its enigmatic depths.

Every detail, from the weird behavior of the lizardmen, to ominous red crystal, to the mysterious dungeon and the glass globe that had observed Klauss, was meticulously laid out.

Sylvetta didn't shy away from expressing her suspicions and assumptions about the individuals orchestrating the gate manipulation and their elusive intentions.

The atmosphere in the room grew increasingly charged as she painted a vivid picture of the complexities surrounding their adversary's motives.

The suspense in the air heightened when Sylvetta subtly hinted that the same elusive figures responsible for the gate manipulation might be linked to the recent surges in mana across the country.

The president, an experienced figure in the world of hunters, absorbed the information with a discerning gaze, acknowledging the gravity of the situation at hand.

As Sylvetta continued her detailed account, she subtly intertwined the threads of mystery, leaving the president to grapple with the intricate puzzle that unfolded before them.

With a sharp tone, the president interrupted Sylvetta and posed one simple question, "Are we thinking of the same group here? It definitely has to be them." Sylvetta responded with a simple nod, indicating their alignment in their assessment of the situation.

The president sighed, his attention shifting towards Klauss. He gave him a penetrating glare, met with an equally defiant stare from the silver-haired hunter.

Breaking the tension, the president burst into laughter and said, "You arrogant boy. Playing the staring game with me huh? haha. Anyways, tell me, what do you think of all this?"

Klauss, slightly taken aback by the president's sudden shifts in character, replied with a stern expression, "To be honest, nothing. If anything hinders my progress and goals, I will just have to defeat it or them."

The room fell into a contemplative silence as the weight of Klauss's words resonated. The president, still chuckling, leaned back in his chair, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes.

The unexpected exchange revealed not only Klauss's absolute position but also his straightforward mindsight. 

"If it's really them, and I'm talking about Daedra, then they must have much, much bigger plans than we anticipated. Their influence expands throughout the world, more so than I personally thought. Hmm." 

Indeed, the secret organization Daedra, bent on world destruction, held far more influence than the president of THA had initially assumed. Given the current situation, he quickly realized the extent of the power they possessed.

The revelation that they could summon gates, portals to other dimensions, struck him as particularly unsettling—a capability he and the association had believed to be impossible until now.

The room hung heavy with the weight of this newfound information. Klauss exchanged glances with Sylvetta, recognizing the magnitude of the threat posed by Daedra and its connection.

The president, shifting from laughter to a more somber tone, leaned forward and addressed them, "This changes everything. We need a plan. We can't let them continue unchecked. I will convene a general meeting with other associations across the world and fill them in with our latest discoveries. God job Klauss." 

Before leaving the office, Klauss suddenly remembered he had forgotten to give extra Sylvetta evidence that could prove useful.

He reached into his dimensional bags and laid out a pair of red eyes taken from a lizardman. "Here you go, something extra to help in your research," he said, wiping his hands with some wipes he grabbed from the desk. Sylvetta shot him a look of disgust while the president retained his laughter.

With that peculiar parting gift, Klauss left the office, leaving Sylvetta and the president to enter in more advanced talks.

As he made his way towards the exit, Klauss hesitated on whether to exchange the yellow mana stone he obtained from the gate immediately or go through his personal broker.

At the reception table in the lobby, he inquired about the process of exchanging his mana stone for cash. He was then directed to a lounge where an association broker would attend to him. 

Unbeknownst to Klauss, this lounge was a VIP area reserved for high-tier hunters, a place where they came to collect information or unwind. Klauss, owing to his affiliation as a mercenary agent, had access to this exclusive space, a perk befitting his growing stature. 

The VIP lounge exuded an air of sophistication with its ample sitting areas, plush furnishings, and tasteful decor. It boasted a spacious layout, meticulously arranged to provide privacy to its high-tier hunter clientele.

Various seating arrangements, including comfortable sofas and elegant chairs, allowed hunters to relax in style.

A well-stocked bar, presided over by a neatly dressed bartender, offered an array of beverages for the patrons. The atmosphere was one of subdued elegance, with dim lighting casting a warm glow across the lounge.

Scattered tables, designed for both dining and discussions, added to the overall ambiance. The entire space was a stylish retreat, carefully curated to cater to the discerning tastes of the association's elite members.

Klauss was seated in an isolated corner of the lounge when a broker approached him a few minutes later.

The broker, dressed immaculately in a gray suit complemented by a gray bow tie, sported large glasses and carried a pocket watch. They were served tea before engaging in talks.

Broker: "Good afternoon, good sir. I am Henry Titolo, a broker here at the association. How may I be of assistance?"

Klauss, maintaining a cold expression: "How much for a yellow mana stone?"

The broker cast an intrigued eye toward Klauss. Sensing the judgment, Klauss chose to remain silent, confident that his presence in the VIP lounge held significance.

The broker flicked his glasses and replied, "Um, sir, if you don't mind, could you show me the stone so I can assess it?"

Klauss coldly handed the bright yellow mana stone to the broker and said, being cheeky, "I'm going to make a phone call as you take your time to assess it." With that, Klauss took out his phone and dialed his personal broker from the dark market.

The mysterious broker answered the call with enthusiasm, saying, "My, a pleasant surprise. Have any more stones for me?". Smirking, Klauss noticed the slight excitement in the broker's voice and replied with an unequal tone, "A yellow one, how much?"

The mysterious broker replied with enthusiasm, "Well, just for you, $8500. You should know, the market price for them is around $8000."

Klauss remained silent and turned his attention to the broker seated with him, asking for a price. The broker, with his smug glasses and boastful bowtie, casually stated to Klauss, "It is a good stone in very good condition. The association will offer you $7500."

Klauss, still on the phone, addressed the broker in front of him, "Who's offering me that, you or the association?"

Before the broker could reply, Klauss instructed his personal broker, who was still on the line, to meet him at the same place as last time in an hour. Ending the call, Klauss looked at the broker in the lounge one last time before leaving.

"You said your name was Henry? You should be careful how you treat your customers, it reflects poorly on the association. Because of your greed for loose change, this association missed out on a good mana stone. Good job!"

With that, Klaus leaves the lounge and marks the end of an unproductive association.

That was the last deal the broker Henry Titolo ever attended for THA.

Klauss made his way to the lobby in search of Aisha and Cassius when, in an unfortunate turn of events, he awkwardly bumped into Maria, Roger, and the rest of the Wakers guild members.

The collision disrupted the flow of both parties, causing a momentary pause as they exchanged surprised glances.

Maria, with a hint of surprise, blushed slightly and spoke first, "Oh, hi there Klauss. How have you been?" Roger, the guild leader, gave Klauss a scrutinizing look, clearly not amused by the unexpected encounter.

Klauss, maintaining his usual cold demeanor, sighed and replied "Good good, what of you guys? Um how's guild business treating you?" 

The three other members of the Wakers guild, casually watched as the three shared a clearly uncomfortable moment which triggered their curiosity, on who this handsome, tall guy could be.