
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Shocking revelations

Leaning against the car, Klauss waited for his posy, the weariness etched on his face reflecting the weight of his thoughts. Everytime he would step beyond his apartment seemed to be accompanied by unsettling revelations, leaving him with a lingering sense of unease.

The ramifications of his regression had cascaded into a cascade of changes, fueling doubt about the purpose behind his return and what it meant for his current existence.

Lifting his gaze skyward, Klauss sighed, a plea directed at the unseen forces that governed his fate.

"Why are the Gods doing this to me? Were You not satisfied by how I lived my life in my previous life?" His words hung in the air, a weary inquiry that echoed the uncertainty in his heart.

Surprised by Klauss's seemingly one-sided conversation, Sylvetta approached, her voice carrying a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"Who are you talking to?" she inquired, her eyes widening in astonishment at the sight of Klauss seemingly engaged in dialogue with an unseen presence.

Aisha and Cassius, holding their ice creams, turned their attention toward Klauss with similar surprise, their expressions mirroring Sylvetta's curiosity.

"I...uh, it's nothing," Klauss stuttered, attempting to brush off the momentary lapse into self-reflection. Sylvetta, however, noticed the lingering turmoil in his eyes.

He continued, "while I was fighting for my life in that mysterious gate, you guys were out enjoying ice cream. Fine, no problem," he said childishly as he entered the car.

"What's his problem? Was the gate really that awful, he got out pretty quickly though," said Aisha, licking her ice cream. Sylvetta watched the young hunter hurriedly enter the car and couldn't hide her concerns and worry for Klauss.

This wasn't the first time she had seen him lost in thought. Sylvetta signaled to the others to wait a moment, expressing her need to talk privately with Klauss.

Entering the driver's seat, Sylvetta crossed her arms and addressed Klauss with a serious tone. "What happened inside there? I need every detail." Klauss remained silent for a few moments before ultimately revealing fragments of the red crystal from the gate.

He proceeded to recount everything that transpired within the gate, withholding information about the mysterious figure and dungeon for the time being.

The weight of the untold truths lingered in the air, leaving Sylvetta to navigate the complexities of Klauss's experiences within the enigmatic realm. 

Klauss shared with Sylvetta the distressing details of his gate expedition, recounting how it initially began as a routine venture until a sudden shift in the lizardmen's behavior turned the expedition into chaos.

The revelation that the red crystal was the source of the creatures' madness added a layer of mystery to the unfolding events. As Klauss delved into the desperate battle against the lizardmen king, Sylvetta listened intently, absorbing the gravity of the situation.

Although Klauss, left out some details, he basically narrated his adventure without disclosing too much for the time being.

"Their eyes turned red due to this crystal, driving them into insanity," Klauss explained. "To quell the chaos, I had to defeat the lizardmen king, who, unfortunately, was also under the influence of the red crystal."

The gravity of the situation was evident in Klauss's recounting, a testament to the challenges he faced within the gate.

In a moment of reflection, Klauss voiced his suspicion. "I think that gate was being controlled by someone, and this red crystal, well now in pieces, was what that someone used to manipulate the lizardmen. I also believe it was a trap meant for me. What do you think?"

Sylvetta, absorbing the gravity of Klauss's words, contemplated the implications. The enigma surrounding the mysterious crystal and the orchestrated chaos within the gate unraveled a complex web of intrigue.

Still with her arms crossed, Sylvetta finally replied, "So you're telling me, all this, I mean all this was prepared for you? How could they possibly know you would enter this particular gate? Only three people are aware of this expedition."

Klauss maintained his expressionless demeanor. "I really don't know. It just felt that way. Like I said, they wanted me dead in there."

Sylvetta found it difficult to believe the words coming from Klauss's mouth, but she couldn't dismiss the gravity of his tone either.

Klauss continued, "I left something out. I'm sure you are well aware of dungeons, right? Well, I discovered one within the gate." He went on to describe how this dungeon differed from the regular ones, lacking the promise of extra loot or rewards, and was simply a dimly lit room.

The only notable feature was a glass globe on a table, leading Klauss to believe that someone was watching him within the gate, using the dungeon as a hideout.

Sylvetta's eyes widened as she turned her gaze towards Klauss, a mix of surprise and concern in her expression. She didn't know whether to be astonished by Klauss's familiarity with dungeons or alarmed by the fact that he had initially withheld information about the mysterious dungeon and figure.

The revelation deepened the layers of intrigue surrounding their investigation, adding new dimensions to the enigma that unfolded within the gate.

Sylvetta, her surprise transforming into helpless disbelief, blinked thoughtlessly through her glasses. "You must be making all this up, right?

They definitely knew you were gonna enter this gate then !. Argh, I'm getting a headache." Sylvetta struggled to reconcile the fantastical details Klauss was revealing, her skepticism evident.

Growing frustrated with Sylvetta's incredulity, Klauss abruptly took out the glass globe and placed it on her lap. The globe immediately started displaying images from the gate, a visual testament to the reality of Klauss's experiences.

Sylvetta, captivated by the unfolding scenes, couldn't believe what she was witnessing. The revelations shattered her preconceived notions, leaving her in a state of profound shock.

Sylvetta, utterly astonished, couldn't believe what she was watching. The foundation of her understanding crumbled as the revelations unfolded before her eyes.

It was the first time she had encountered the notion of a gate being manipulated, a dungeon devoid of any significant rewards, a glass globe capable of displaying images, and a red crystal with the power to control monsters within a gate.

The very fabric of her knowledge unraveled, leaving her in a state of disbelief.

In the midst of the surreal revelations, a fleeting thought crossed Sylvetta's mind – a whimsical notion that the author of this narrative had lost his mind.

The extraordinary events within the gate seemed to defy the established rules of their reality, pushing the boundaries of what Sylvetta had thought possible. 

As the images continued to play, Sylvetta's composure wavered. The information overload became too much for her to handle. "Argh, my brain is about to explode. This is too much information, then—"

She abruptly stood up, her hands gripping tightlythe steering wheel as she fixed her gaze on Klauss once again. Her composure lost, Sylvetta's voice quivered as she struggled to articulate her thoughts.

"Then, then, do you…th-think the person behind this manipulated gate, cou-could be behind the recent surge in mana around the world? Th-then, it was a planned thing, right, Klauss?"

The realization struck Sylvetta like a sudden storm, and the implications of the orchestrated chaos within the gate rippled through her thoughts, connecting to the broader mysteries unfolding in the world.

"What? No way. That's impossible," refuted Klauss, also attempting to maintain his composure. Unless he doesn't work alone and for…a…secret…mysterious…organization?" he added, slowly turning towards Sylvetta, as if searching for clarity in his own words.

The intensity of their gaze held a silent exchange of thoughts until Sylvetta noticed Aisha and Cassius peeking from the passenger seat window, which startled her.

"Um, for now, let's head to the association and discuss this with the president," Sylvetta said, regaining her composure as she stumbled a bit while getting out of the driver's seat. She then instructed Aisha to head to THA headquarters. 

The ride was filled with silence, tension hanging thick in the air, leaving both Aisha and Cassius clueless to the ongoing dynamics and mysteries around them.

Cassius, however, seemed unfazed, savoring his dessert as the gravity of the situation continued to unfold between Klauss and Sylvetta.

Meanwhile, in a secluded abandoned building, a clandestine conversation unfolded.

Mysterious person 1: "Sir, my apologies for bringing you out here, but we have a situation. The plan was ruined. That boy, Klauss, is scarier than we anticipated."

Mysterious person 2: "Hmm, is that so? You failed to eliminate him despite everything being meticulously put in place?"

Mysterious person 1: "Sir, it's not what you might think. He uncovered the crystal and defeated the puppet king. I believe he found the hideout as well. Oh right, umm it seems I left the globe behind as well. Regardless, he's more cunning than—"

The mysterious person couldn't finish his sentence as his head was swiftly severed.

The second mysterious figure took out a handkerchief from his front pocket, wiping the blood from his hand, and remarked coldly, "Incompetent fool. You can't even clean up your own mess. This complicates things slightly. Hmm, I underestimated him once again."

He chuckled in the dark, isolated building, then pulled out his phone and made a call. "It's me. We have a situation."

As the mysterious man walked over the headless corpse, he ordered one of his men outside the abandoned building to take care of the shit inside. As he strolled toward the back seat of his car, a flicker of light illuminated his face.

The enigmatic figure had black, sleek hair combed backward, and a pair of black, dark rounded glasses. 

It was Shade.