
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

New Enemy ?

For Klauss, Sylvetta's seriousness and the gravity of her expression were a novel experience.

He had never witnessed the typically composed and alluring scientist in such a state, in both his current and past lives. Initiating the conversation, Klauss recounted the encounter with the mysterious figure who had approached him after completing his hunter exam.

"He emerged stealthily from the shadows, claiming to have been keeping an eye on me," Klauss calmly began. "I'm not sure if he meant for a while or since I left the association, but he was aware of who I was and acknowledged my strength. He offered me a chance to join him, stating that he could grant me more power and influence than THA ever could."

Sylvetta maintained a stoic silence, attentively absorbing Klauss's narrative while still exuding her usual cool and serious composure.

Klauss concluded by mentioning that he had ignored Shade's offer, and the mysterious figure, true to his name, vanished back into the shadows, promising a future encounter.

"Hmm," Sylvetta murmured thoughtfully. "He has reappeared after quite some time. Why is that? Klauss, what I'm about to share is strictly confidential, known only to a select few high-profile hunters and THA members."

Considering it crucial to disclose certain details surrounding Shade, as Klauss was approached by him.

Also as a show of faith after their newly forged partnership, Sylvetta continued, "We don't possess extensive information about Shade. What we do know is that he is an enigmatic figure who operates in the shadows. Very few people know what he looks like, but we are aware of his objectives. His primary goal is to recruit young, talented hunters.

He has successfully poached some of our best talents, both before and after their awakening. They sense a powerful aura in a person before they realize it themselves, a complete for such and especially me, as a scientist. What we also know is that he operates under a secret organization known as Daedra."

Sylvetta paused, gauging Klauss's reaction before proceeding with further revelations.

The young man's face portrayed a mix of bewilderment and disbelief. Sylvetta, noticing his extreme reaction, commented, "You seem a bit too shocked, in my opinion."

Klauss, having lived over ten years as a hunter in his previous life, found himself grappling with the revelation of a secret organization called Daedra and the existence of a mysterious figure.

The newfound information posed a challenge, sparking a whirlwind of thoughts in his mind. Questions like "Did a secret organization like that exist before, or did it emerge in this life after my regression? What does this mean? Is my new existence linked to this secret organization?" raced through his contemplative mind.

Lost in his thoughts, Sylvetta punctuated the air with a resounding slam on the desk—Bang! 

"How can you space out like that when we are discussing something so serious? You are acting very strangely compared to your usual composed self," she exclaimed with a tinge of frustration.

Klauss, realizing the gravity of the revelation, promptly apologized, prompting Sylvetta to continue with a momentary sigh. 

"Where was I? Yes, Daedra. Many people refer to it as a cult with numerous affiliations across the world. While they somewhat rival The Hunters Association, their goals and ambitions center around surpassing THA by gaining more influence and strength globally.

They believe in recruiting and poaching hunters worldwide, even before they officially become hunters. Their actions suggest a leaning towards favoring world destruction, welcoming the appearance of gates.

Many also suspect they have some form of alignment or alliance with certain monsters. The secret organization's primary objective is to control gates and, eventually, the world. Based on our investigations, we have concluded that the person or individual behind this organization is either a prince from the demonic realm or a powerful, influential figure from the underworld.

While I can't provide more details, what I've shared already carries significant weight."

Sylvetta's revelations left Klauss in a state of profound confusion as he grappled with the sudden awareness of a secret organization and this new reality.

Expressing his bewilderment, he questioned, "Don't you think it was a bit premature to disclose this type of information to me?"

Sylvetta, maintaining her nonchalant demeanor after dropping such a bombshell, swiftly replied, "Nope." She continued with a sly smile, "Now I hope you understand why THA might need your strength when the time comes."

Although THA anticipated the need for Klauss's skills in the future, the exact timeframe remained uncertain. Their plan was to support Klauss until his moment of action arrived.

Klauss, feeling a mixture of emotions, reclined on the chair, gazing upwards. With a heavy sigh, he rose and began making his way toward the exit.

Sylvetta, seizing the opportunity to inject a playful tone into the conversation, teased, "You're leaving just like that, without a kiss? Don't be angry, okay?" She approached him seductively, placing her right hand on his broad shoulders.

"We're not done, but I understand how you must be feeling. Don't let it bother you too much. Just report to me if Shade approaches you again. On a brighter note, I have a few more things to tell you and give you."

Returning to her desk in a sexy and beautiful manner, Sylvetta retrieved a small gift box from the drawer. She revealed its contents – the latest smartphone with her number and the THA hotline pre-registered, along with a ring.

With a flirtatious wink, she left the significance of the ring for Klauss to discern. Sylvetta also mentioned a standard rule book for hunters and a specific rule book for THA-affiliated mercenaries.

Although Klauss's case was unique, there were certain rules he must adhere to.

Handing over the box and the contract, Sylvetta bid him farewell, saying, "I'll be in touch." Klauss accepted his new belongings, exited the office, and slowly made his way out of the building.

After Klauss left the room, Sylvetta remained standing by her desk, her expression a complex interplay of intrigue and concern.

The echoes of the heavy door closing reverberated in the room, creating a moment of profound silence. She walked back to the large windows, staring out at the bright city lights below, her thoughts a labyrinth of calculation and anticipation.

Sylvetta's fingers drummed rhythmically on the polished surface of her desk as she contemplated the multiple possibilities that Klauss's involvement could bring.

The revelation of Shade's reappearance and the connection to Daedra had set a chain of events in motion, and she was acutely aware of the delicate balance that needed to be maintained.

In the reflection of the city lights dancing on the glass, Sylvetta's sharp gaze betrayed a hint of worry. The mysterious figure Shade had always been an enigma, a wildcard in the carefully orchestrated game of hunters and associations.

Now, with Klauss unknowingly entangled in the web of secrets, Sylvetta knew that the stakes had been raised.

She reached for her tablet, tapping swiftly as she initiated a series of encrypted communications with high-ranking members of the THA.

Sylvetta was not one to underestimate the intricacies of the shadowy landscape that unfolded behind the scenes.

As she awaited responses, Sylvetta let out a sigh, a blend of frustration and determination. The dance with Daedra had become more intricate, and Klauss, with his formidable skills, had become an unwitting player in this clandestine game.

With a decisive glint in her eyes, Sylvetta vowed to guide him through the labyrinth of secrets, even if it meant navigating treacherous terrain.

The city skyline continued to glitter outside, indifferent to the invisible currents of power and intrigue that surged through the heart of the THA headquarters.

Klauss made his way out of the building, his mind weighed down by the heavy burden of the information Sylvetta had shared. Each step felt laden with the gravity of the unseen threats and mysteries that surrounded him.

The bustling activity of the THA headquarters seemed distant as he navigated the corridors, lost in the labyrinth of his own contemplations.

The revelation of Daedra, a secret organization with ominous objectives, lingered in his thoughts like a shadow. Questions and uncertainties swirled in his mind, creating a tumultuous sea of emotions.

The reality of being targeted, the enigmatic figure Shade, and the potential connection between his current existence and this clandestine group haunted him. His regression, now being reshaped and linked to this cult.

As Klauss emerged into the daylight, the weight on his shoulders seemed palpable. The cityscape before him, usually a canvas of endless possibilities, now bore the imprint of an invisible menace.

With a furrowed brow, he pondered the path that lay ahead, contemplating the significance of his role in the unfolding events of this now unfamiliar world. 

Klauss, burdened by the weight of newfound revelations, navigated the bustling streets of the city with a focused determination. With each step, the gravity of his situation pressed on him.

The vengeful flames that fueled his journey were now accompanied by the shadows of a secret organization, Daedra, lurking in the periphery. The cool night air did little to alleviate the heat that simmered within him.

Seeking solace, Klauss directed his course toward the sanctuary that had often served as a refuge for contemplation—the sauna.

The entrance greeted him with a warm glow, a stark contrast to the cold exterior. As he stepped inside, the soothing ambiance embraced him, and the hushed sounds of running water and distant whispers created a cocoon of tranquility.

The heat enveloped him like a comforting embrace, beads of sweat forming on his skin. Amidst the steam, he closed his eyes, allowing the tension to dissipate with each breath.

The sauna, with its bountiful replenishment, became a haven where he could reflect on the tangled threads of his destiny.

Now back at THA,.

Sylvetta, still in her sleek office attire, received a message from the president summoning her to his office for a summary of her meeting with Klauss. As she entered the president's domain, the room exuded an air of authority, with polished furniture and the subtle hum of electronic devices.

The president, a figure of power seated behind his expansive desk, gestured for Sylvetta to take a seat. The room was hushed, and the only sound was the soft click of Sylvetta's heels against the polished floor.

With a composed demeanor, Sylvetta began her detailed account of the meeting with Klauss. She spared no details, explaining how Klauss had not only defeated the Archdread Monarch but also had been approached by Shade, an agent of Daedra.

The president listened intently, his expression shifting from curiosity to concern.

As Sylvetta delved into the nature of Daedra and its ominous goals to Klauss, the president's face grew graver. He leaned back in his chair, intertwining his fingers in deep thought.

The revelation of Daedra's involvement with Klauss seemed to rouse a sense of urgency. Sylvetta concluded her summary, emphasizing the potential threat posed by Shade and the secret organization. The president, now focused and resolute, thanked her for the information.

With a stern expression, he said, "We must keep a close eye on Klauss. If Daedra is interested in him, it could mean trouble for THA."

The room retained its solemn atmosphere as Sylvetta exited, leaving the president to contemplate the implications of Klauss's connection to the mysterious Shade and the looming specter of Daedra.