
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs


Klauss, feeling rejuvenated after a calming sauna session, strolled back to his dorm with a clearer mind. Once settled in, he decided to explore the contents of the box Sylvetta had gifted him.

As he opened it, he discovered a sleek smartphone, rule books for hunters and mercenaries, and a distinctive ring.

The ring, a simple yet striking piece, was crafted with a combination of gold and black metals. The band itself was primarily gold, adorned with a bold and intricate design.

At its center was a prominent letter 'M,' artistically entwined with a skull motif. The black detailing accentuated the features of both the letter and the skull, creating a subtle but powerful emblem.

This symbol, a fusion of elegance and menace, marked Klauss as a mercenary agent affiliated with THA. Only mercenary agents should be in possession of this ring.

As he held the ring in his hand, the weight of its significance resonated with him—a tangible reminder of the new path he had chosen and the responsibilities that came with it. 

Klauss admired the intricate design of the ring as he slowly slid it onto his middle finger, finding a perfect fit and mused, "They are being a little extra with this ring and its design but I like it".

The smartphone, a technological marvel, quickly became his new companion, replacing the old and broken device he discarded without a second thought. Sylvetta's private number and the THA emergency contact were the only entries in his new phonebook.

The idea of adding his friends crossed his mind, but he deferred that decision for the time being. As for the rule book, Klauss dismissed it, confident in his experience as a hunter. Whether he played the role of a hunter or a mercenary, he believed in embracing any means necessary to achieve his goals.

As Klauss settled into his evening routine with a quick meditation session before sleeping. He went about his routine blissfully unaware of the brewing thoughts in someone else's mind, Maria grappled with her own concerns.

Alone in her room, she pondered Klauss's recent behavior and the subtle shifts in their friendship. The loneliness that crept into her life, amplified by her parents' busy schedules, contrasted sharply with Klauss's world.

Maria was no stranger to solitude, often finding solace in the comfort of her home. Yet, tonight was different.

The absence of familial warmth, especially on cold evenings, made her yearn for companionship. In her musings, Klauss became the unwitting focus of her longing.

Wishing for the familiar sound of her phone ringing, with Klauss on the other end, Maria's desire was met with silence. Frustration built as she contemplated the possible reasons for his distant behavior.

Her emotions spilled into a moment of vulnerability as she questioned the dynamics of their friendship turning into something more.

However, Maria resisted the stereotypical reactions, refraining from assuming the worst.

"I've given him space, but this is unfair," she muttered into her pillow. Gathering courage, she dialed his number, hoping for a reassuring voice to quell her concerns.

Yet, each attempt yielded the same result – no response. She quickly springed up, wondering why there was no response. In situations such as these, girls tend to think the worst, "Oh might be with another girl"; "Oh he might have blocked me"; "Oh he doesn't have time for me".

Those were the typical reactions when a boyfriend's number doesn't work. But Maria didn't have those thoughts. 

Maria, puzzled over the mystery of Klauss's silence, was determined to uncover the truth behind his changed demeanor. She called Roger for some answers. 

Roger, in stark contrast to Klauss and Maria, embodied the carefree spirit. His muscular physique belied the perpetual smile that adorned his face.

Most evenings, he would immerse himself in the joys of life, indulging in television, a generous bucket of chicken, and a refreshing beer. His father's demanding job, much like Maria's parents, left Roger with limited family time, while his mother, a homemaker, provided a steadying presence.

However, on this particular night, Roger found himself alone, his mother visiting grandparents in the countryside.

In a playful mood, Roger decided to take a moment for himself. In the bathroom, against the chill of the tiled wall, he started a video to complement his evening by rubbing one off.

However, just as things were getting interesting, Maria's call interrupted his solitary escapade.

"Why is she calling me now of all times?" Roger muttered, hastily pulling up his pants and answering the phone with a nervous chuckle.

"Hello, Maria, what a pleasant surprise, ha-ha."

Maria's voice sounded concerned as she replied, "Hey Roger, sorry to bother you, but are you busy?"

Roger, still recovering from the unexpected interruption, stammered, "Umm, not really. What's up?"

Maria, sensing something off, remarked, "I am worried. But wait, where are you? Your voice is echoing."

Feeling a tad embarrassed, Roger skillfully deflected, steering the conversation away from his current situation. "Haha, what's worrying you by this time?"

Maria, undeterred, sighed, "It's Klauss. I can't seem to reach him. Have you heard from him recently?"

Thinking quickly, Roger assured her, "No, I haven't. But wait, let me try his line and call you back." The awkwardness lingered as Roger ended the call, exited the bathroom and called Klauss.

After two unsuccessful attempts, Roger was met with the same response—no answer. He called Maria again, more composed this time, and stated, "Hey, no luck on my side as well. It's not even going through."

Worry etched in her voice, Maria pondered, "Could it be a network issue?"

Roger thought for a moment before responding, "Hmm, I doubt it. We both tried, and it didn't work. It's definitely something on his end."

Expressing her concern, Maria said, "It's very strange. Normally, it would ring, and he wouldn't pick up, but now it doesn't even ring. I have a bad feeling."

Trying to comfort her, Roger reassured, "I'm sure it's nothing. Probably his phone went off. You know that phone is on its last legs, haha. We'll go see him tomorrow, okay?"

Feeling slightly reassured, Maria agreed, "Yeah, I guess. Let's go first thing tomorrow morning."

With a light-hearted tone, Roger said, "Haha, yeah, sure. Have a good night."

They exchanged their farewells, ending the call. Maria remained a bit uneasy about Klauss, while Roger, still in a playful mood, continued his night.

The three friends, each with their unique demeanor—nonchalant in Klauss, worrisome in Maria, and easygoing in Roger—went about their separate paths, unknowingly connected by the mysterious thread of concern for their friend.

The next morning, Maria and Roger met up on the way to Klauss's dorm and headed there together.

When they arrived, they knocked and patiently awaited Klauss's response. To their surprise, Klauss opened the door, shirtless and covered in sweat, looking entirely unfazed.

He casually asked why they were there, oblivious to the awkwardness of his appearance.

In a mix of anger and embarrassment, Maria couldn't hold back, "For Christ's sake, is that how you welcome your guests? And put on a shirt, you pervert."

Confused by her reaction, Klauss, seemingly indifferent, suggested they meet at the nearby park and then got dressed. As he made his way there, he wondered about the urgency of their visit.

Once gathered at the park, they settled onto a bench surrounded by the rustling leaves and the gentle murmur of the chill breeze.

Maria, still miffed, confronted Klauss, "You are being very rude right now, but that aside, what is wrong with your phone?"

Klauss, in a nonchalant manner, replied, "Nothing."

Roger, now visibly furious, chimed in, "What the hell, man? What do you mean nothing? We called you several times last night."

Klauss, maintaining his cold demeanor, responded casually, "Oh, I got a new one yesterday. Forgot to tell you."

Maria, unable to contain her concern, spoke up, "Klauss, we were so worried last night. Your phone wasn't working, and we couldn't reach you. And all you have to say is, 'forgot to tell you'? You are being too much, Klauss."

Roger, his carefree attitude replaced by genuine worry, added, "Yeah, man. We thought something happened to you or... you know." The tension in the air lingered as the friends navigated through the complexities of the unexpected situation.

Klauss responded coldly, "As you can see, I'm good." In an attempt to shift the focus, he continued, "Oh, yesterday I got my contract from THA as a mercenary agent."

Roger, genuinely pleased, looked at Klauss, saying, "Well, that's good news for you. You got what you wanted. Matter of fact, we were even planning to participate in a gate expedition."

Maria, still furious, pouted and remained silent.

Klauss, with a forced smile, replied, "That's a good start. A first experience." Viewing this as an opportunity to create distance, he added, "I guess we will all be busy now. Let's get stronger."

Maria, with a tone of resentment, said rudely, "I bet you are pleased with that."

Indifferent to Maria's opinion, Klauss chose to remain silent, his annoyance growing with her persistently negative reactions.

Roger, attempting to diffuse the tension, said with a laugh, "Haha, well, Klauss seems to be doing good, so I guess we were worried for nothing, right Maria?"

Maria glared at Roger and then at Klauss, retorting, "Mmh, share with us your new number, asshole."

Klauss retrieved his new phone, a state-of-the-art model that surprised Roger and Maria. Though taken aback, they refrained from making the situation worse. They exchanged contacts by scanning Klauss's ID displayed on the bright crackless screen.

In a hasty tone, Klauss remarked, "Well, you guys have to prepare for your expedition, and I have things to do. Bye," waving casually as he left the premises. The friends parted ways, their bond now strained by unspoken tensions and a growing sense of distance.

Roger, watching Klauss leave, nudged Maria with a smirk, "Well, someone's become a big shot."

Maria rolled her eyes, "He's just being annoying. Getting a contract doesn't make him invincible."

Roger, teasing, replied, "Come on, Maria. Admit it, you're just mad because he didn't share the good news sooner."

Maria, grumbling, muttered, "I don't care about his stupid contract. We have our own plans. Let's focus on the gate expedition."

Roger, turning serious, nodded, "You're right. We've got training to do and improve our skills.. Klauss can play his mercenary games; we've got our own goals."

They shared a determined look, the anticipation of the upcoming gate expedition fueling their motivation as they walked away, leaving the park behind.