
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Eventful day

Exhausted but exhilarated, the newly minted members of Wakers Guild trudged out of the ominous Soul Skeleton Abyss gate.

Though weary from hours battling decaying foes, a satisfied air surrounded the group as they made their way back to the Hunter's Association headquarters. Each hunter cradled a pouch bulging with essence vials - physical proof of their triumphant first mission together.

Upon arrival, Roger proudly presented the bundle of glowing vials to the Association clerk. After confirming the complete delivery, the clerk processed their payment voucher.

"Well done comrades!" Roger declared, holding up the stamped receipt. "Our first official guild job is complete. And a nice stack of funds for Wakers now."

The group grinned at their meager but hard-earned $2000 commission. Yet as fledgling guild members, an even more valuable reward awaited them - the 100 guild privilege points granted for fulfilling their ranked E assignment.

Maria eagerly explained the significance of this arcane system to her comrades.

"Privilege points serve as the primary benchmark for ranking guild strength and reputation with the Association," she lectured. "The more high-stakes missions a guild completes, the more points they accrue over time."

Cyrus thumped his spear approvingly. "Ah, so these points become bragging rights. And open up tougher, more lucrative jobs!"

Maria nodded. "Exactly! But more importantly, accumulating privilege points unlocks certain guild perks from the Association."

She ticked them off on her fingers. "Discounts on real estate and gear. Access to exclusive training programs and gates. Even potential subsidies for facilities. The benchmarks differ for each tier."

Veliry tossed back her long auburn hair. "So the faster we hoard these points, the quicker Wakers grows in prestige and enhancements? I'm devoted to that cause!" she said with a wink.

"You bet!" Roger pumped a fist. "Just wait - before long, every newbie hunter will be begging to join the glorious Wakers Guild!"

The others laughed, buoyed by his confidence despite their modest start. In time, with dedicated effort, their little band possessed the potential for greatness. But first, they needed to diligently accumulate resources and credibility.

Maria showed them the guild ring on her finger, a matching set now adorning each member. "Once we hit specific point thresholds, our rings will change color to reflect the rank up. First comes copper at 1000 points. Then silver at 3500, gold at 6000. Someday, the legendary platinum and beyond!"

Her comrades murmured excitedly at these future milestones. For now, newly registered Wakers possessed a meager 100 points following their introductory assignment. But the long path of growth stretched brightly ahead.

Before leaving the association headquarters, the team remembered to exchange the black mana stone dropped by the Death Knight boss within Soul Skeleton Abyss. Though only a low rank D boss, this rare material still fetched a reasonable price from the rewards clerk.

"A pristine dark steel mana stone, very nice," remarked the clerk, inspecting it closely. He punched some numbers into his module screen. "I can offer $5000 for this given the current market rates."

The members of Wakers Guild blinked in surprise. Such an amount for one little orb exceeded their expectations.

"We'll take it!" exclaimed Roger swiftly before anyone could debate. After the stone was processed and the amount credited, he turned to the others. "Not a fortune, but a nice bonus on top of our original commission."

Cyrus thumped Roger's shoulder approvingly. "Smart decision, captain. Best to pocket the funds while we can. Early days yet - this guild needs every cent!"

Humming thoughtfully, Maria proposed, "Rather than pooling this extra $5000 into the guild account, let's divide it evenly among ourselves to celebrate our first success together." She smiled around at her new friends. "An auspicious beginning indeed!"

Murmurs of approval greeted her suggestion. The stone's value wasn't enough to significantly impact their modest guild savings yet. Better utilized lifting everyone's spirits.

Grinning, Roger did some swift calculations. "Alright, five members means $1000 each to splurge on anything !"

Daemyn held out his palm, conjuring the freshly deposited funds into gleaming visibility. "Come friends, let us celebrate this auspicious beginning! Drinks are on me tonight."

Amidst hearty cheers, the group of hunters - comrades and pioneers - made their way out of the association lobby with high spirits. Though the road ahead promised endless challenges, today marked a momentous first step for the fledgling guild - and the bonds forged here would sustain them through the storms yet to come.

Weary yet exuberant from their first successful mission, the five friends celebrated at a local tavern before calling it a day.

Over mugs of sweet cider, Roger regaled them with an amusing tale about the time he took a punch from a little kid back in middle school then pissed his pants.

Laughing, Maria responded with lighter stories from her childhood, having known Roger since they were very little. when he shielded her from bullies. Their comrades chimed in with their own colorful adventures.

Maria and Roger shared glances at each other throughout their drinkout, unavailable to contain their excitement for this moment.

Strengthened by shared exertion and camaraderie from surviving the day's battles together, the night slowly deepened between Wakers' very first members.

Maria smiled softly, recognizing this was merely the beginning of what promised to become an extraordinary fellowship over time.

The rowdy celebration lasted late into the evening as the newly inducted members of Wakers Guild revealed their first success.

As inhibitions lowered and jokes grew lecherous, courtesy of too many drinks, Roger finally called for the tab, noting his comrades' glazed eyes and slurred singing.

"Alright folks, time to wrap up this celebration before you all pass out here!" he declared, supporting a swaying Daemyn carefully to his feet. The others grumbled but allowed Roger to firmly usher them toward the exit of the crowded tavern.

In the dark street, Maria blinked sluggishly before tugging Roger's sleeve. "Oh shoot...I just remembered I gotta quickly double check something back at headquarters." She looked mildly embarrassed.

"Would you mind coming along since I probably shouldn't wander alone like this?" She said to Roger with seductive puppy eyes and with an air of drunkenness. 

Roger studied her with uncertainty. "I guess I can walk you there for peace of mind. But make it quick, girl! We both need beauty rest."

At Maria's grateful smile, he escorted her on the short walk to the Hunter's Association lobby, making casual small talk to keep her alert and sober her up.

Inside the association headquarters, the regular bustle had quieted down but only slightly. Only a few clerks and random hunters lingered.

As Maria moved unsteadily toward the service desk, Roger noticed two men huddled in not too far from them, speaking in hushed tones:

"...apparently some ostentatious contender named Klauss. Rumor is he recently disrespected Lady Gabriella herself. And I think this duel aims to cut him back down to size haha."

Roger's ears perked up at the familiar name. The second man gave a knowing laugh.

"Ah, I've seen that arrogant pup strutting around here before. Cocky brat with white hair who thinks his skills exceed his age." His smile turned vicious. "Can't wait to witness his embarrassment personally when Sir Stefan's ringer schools him properly!"

They moved off, chuckling nastily to themselves. Roger stared after them, mind racing to process the implications. Before he could react further, Maria returned clutching some paperwork.

More whispers surged around them, a current of hushed voices that enveloped the surroundings, leaving Maria and Roger seemingly oblivious to the circulating rumor. Intrigued, Maria found herself increasingly curious about the persistent murmurs echoing in her vicinity.

"Ugh, forgot the essential permit submissions for our next...hey Roger, you okay? Are you also intrigued by the whispers?" She peered at him in concern, noting his sudden tension.

Roger quickly related the unsettling conversation he had overheard about Klauss. Maria's expression darkened with worry.

"A duel against someone deliberately stronger?" She gnawed her lip anxiously. "Oh, I just know Klauss won't restrain his temper when provoked."

Roger crossed his arms with a huff. "Serves him right for shoving everyone away lately. But still, facing unfair odds alone..."

He trailed off, then met Maria's earnest eyes. She gave a small shrug.

"We can choose to stand united with him...or walk away. But Klauss must battle his inner demons someday regardless." She sighed heavily before straightening.

Roger nodded firmly despite his inebriated state. "Too right. Klauss remains one of our own. Can't ignore dirty machinations targeting a comrade, no matter how grumpy."

Determination glinted in Maria's gaze. Together they decided to seek Miss Sylvetta, a figure that has been seen numerous times with Klauss and tell her of the situation.

No matter Klauss's attitude of late, the bonds linking them remained strong. Wakers Guild would stand together to face the darkness ahead.

Over the next few days, Sylvetta sought audiences with both Gabriella and Stefan, pleading urgently for them to reconsider the duel. But the senior members remained adamant, convinced such a spectacle was necessary to "put the arrogant brat in his place early on."

Meanwhile, Klauss kept a low profile per Sylvetta's advice, hyper focused on training. He reviewed combat strategies, cultivated focus through intense meditation, and pushed his body to peak conditioning.

When the fateful hour finally arrived, Klauss entered the arena content with his preparations yet wary of potential schemes afoot. Sylvetta had warned him they might leverage some hidden advantage to guarantee his defeat.

Klauss had no idea what to expect but maintained his ever present composure, his guard up, ready to tackle anything thrown at him.