
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs


Hours before the fateful duel was set to commence, Klauss prepared within the quiet sanctuary of his apartment. His soon to be slave, Cassius, paced anxiously nearby, worry creasing his young features.

"Sir Klauss, please reconsider this reckless endeavor," the boy implored, halting his guardian's brisk exit. "This duel doesn't feel right to me and I'm sure you feel it too. I fear sinister ploys are being schemed as we speak."

Klauss paused, eying his apprentice pensively. In the weeks since taking Cassius under his wing, he had witnessed promising growth in the adolescent - sharper focus, improving physicality and, most importantly, flickers of burgeoning mana.

Klauss could tell Cassius' awakening wasn't far off.

With a rare hint of warmth, Klauss grasped the boy's slender shoulder. "Your progress has been impressive thus far. Stay committed to your training, Cassius, and continue nurturing your inner mana. With diligence, your long-awaited awakening looms near."

Cassius blinked in surprise, momentarily speechless at the unexpected praise. Before he could respond, Klauss swept toward the exit, pausing briefly to add, "When that occurs, perhaps you can stand at my side rather than worrying so much."

The merest ghost of a smile crossed the Klauss's stoic face. "Protect me from future schemes, as you said. Now focus on advancing your skills, and leave the present troubles to me."

With those parting words, Klauss descended to the sleek lobby where his assigned assistant, Aisha, awaited near the sleek black salon car. Her pretty features creased into a frown as Klauss approached.

Wordlessly, they entered the vehicle bound for the Hunter Association's sprawling underground battle arena where the duel was set to take place.

Throughout the brief ride, Aisha fidgeted nervously, sporadically meeting Klauss's impassive gaze as though to speak. Yet no words emerged. Klauss tolerated this for several minutes before turning fully to pin her with a piercing look.

"If you have something to say, I suggest you spit it out plainly rather than squirm endlessly."

Aisha inhaled sharply. "Hehe forgive my unrest, sir. I just cannot shake my concerns about this supposed duel. What if... Lady Sylvetta's cautions prove true and that wicked woman Gabriella wants to harm you?"

Klauss regarded her intently. "You believe duplicitous schemes can ever hurt me? Wagers have been made to assure my defeat here?"

At Aisha's miserable nod, he grunted. "Perhaps. Yet I do not fear any adversary, I have only just begun my journey. The jealous ploys of petty individuals won't stop me.'' 

Aisha found herself even more perplexed by that statement, as she had never witnessed Klauss speaking in such a manner. The thought crept into her mind, making her wonder if Klauss was genuinely just a teenager.

Leaning back with an air of arrogance, Klauss met her anxious eyes. "Skill and preparation overcome stacked odds. Whatever surprises lurk ahead, I will crush anything that stands in my way of–."

Klauss abruptly halted his words, catching himself just before revealing secrets he shouldn't. He skillfully cleared his throat and said, "You worry too much. Just drive, Aisha," in a passive tone.

Aisha, still confused by Klauss's sudden shift in behavior, complied with the request but couldn't shake off the lingering uncertainty in the air.

Aisha searched his self-assured expression, longing to embrace some fraction of his confidence. With a shaky exhale, she managed a tremulous and mixed smile. "Then I shall hope your words ring true this day."

Further conversation halted as their vehicle arrived at the Hunter Association's rear entrance. Here Sylvetta awaited them beside an armed guard and elevator that descended to the arena's underbelly.

Sharp eyes raked over Klauss, likely seeking visible signs of anxiety. If so, she would find none.

Klauss endured the Sylevtta's extended scrutiny with bored impatience before brushing past toward the elevator. The others hurried after him.

"Mind yourself Klauss," Sylvetta warned as they descended. "I suspect the unseen adversary below holds far greater skill than you realize."

When Klauss scoffed audibly, she seized his wrist, polished nails digging in fiercely. "I mean it! Do not allow your arrogance to blind you. This may prove to be your greatest test to date." Emerald eyes blazed into his, seeking any hint of comprehension.

Klauss regarded her sternly. "I understand Sylvetta. Believe me when I say more resides at stake than my pride." He leaned down slightly, tone softening. "But I will triumph here, have faith."

The elevator doors swept open before Sylvetta could respond. Taking a deep breath, Klauss strode forward without hesitation, keen senses scouting ahead for signs of deception. The unfamiliar battlegrounds sprawled before him, vacant and ominous. For now. 

Squaring slender shoulders, Sylvetta briskly went toward the discrete spectator booth overlooking the arena. All she and Aisha could offer now was moral support and hopeful prayers from above. The rest depended wholly on the young man currently marching to confront his adversaries - seen and unseen.

As Klauss stepped into the expansive arena, his sharp gaze swept across the surroundings, revealing private booths that adorned the periphery. The arena's atmosphere buzzed with anticipation, and the booths added an air of exclusivity to the event.

Although he couldn't discern the occupants from a distance, his eyes unmistakably identified Gabriella Silverclaw, seated in regal splendor within her private booth. 

From his vantage point, he could see Stefan Stonefield and several other executives engaged in silent chatter, likely discussing the young man who had just entered the arena.

The booths, adorned with plush furnishings and dim ambient lighting, created a distinct contrast to the open arena, hinting at the clandestine conversations and strategic observations taking place within.

The cramped battleground teemed with prominent association figures, executives and some high end hunters eager to assess the phenom's skills themselves. Klauss tuned out the speculative murmurs, eyes fixed straight ahead.

At the front stood President Joshua overseeing events with a neutral expression. The heady mix of anticipation and skepticism amongst the observers fueled Klauss's determination.

The arena crackled with anticipation as the announcer's voice echoed, calling for the exhibition duel to commence. Klauss, composed and focused, awaited his opponent's emergence from the opposite tunnel.

The crowd's hushed murmur heightened the tension in the air, each spectator eager to witness the clash between the known and the unknown.

From the shadows emerged Klauss's adversary, the formidable Brutus. Towering nearly at Klauss's height, Brutus exuded an imposing muscular presence.

A retired B-rank hunter turned servant under Stefan Stonefield, Brutus had earned a reputation as a brawler with raw power. However, little did the audience know that the name Brutus was an alias, concealing the true identity of this experienced and formidable opponent.

The weight of the impending duel hung heavily in the atmosphere, heightened by the clandestine nature of Brutus's true rank. Klauss, a D-rank hunter hiding his genuine capabilities, faced the daunting task of defeating a seasoned B-rank opponent while maintaining the façade of a lower rank.

The stakes were high, with influential figures observing closely.

Among the senior observers, a silent understanding permeated the atmosphere. They were well aware of Brutus's true standing as a seasoned and peak-ranked B hunter.

However, in this orchestrated spectacle, Stefan Stonefield's instructions were crystal clear – Brutus was to portray himself as a rank D hunter, concealing his true prowess while mimicking the fighting style of a higher-ranked counterpart.

It was a carefully orchestrated performance, a charade directed by Stefan himself. The senior figures, privy to this ruse, observed with keen eyes and concealed expressions.

Stefan's stratagem was aimed at creating a captivating illusion, one that blurred the lines between the actual capabilities of a rank D hunter and the latent power concealed within Brutus.

As the bout commenced, tensions surged. Brutus, known for his arrogance, wasted no time in making his move. With a thunderous roar, he charged towards Klauss, a juggernaut of brute force aimed at overwhelming his seemingly inferior adversary.

Brutus fighting style was quite simple despite his actual rank, he fought mostly with his fist covered in dense mana, striking continuously.

Klauss, however, embraced a defensive stance, armed with his swords deflecting Brutus's initial onslaught with calculated precision. Each blow resonated through the arena, the clash of Brutus's mana fist against Klauss's metal sword, reverberating in the ears of the onlookers.

Klauss, seemingly pushed back by the sheer physical might of Brutus, skillfully maneuvered to evade rather than block the brunt of the attacks. 

Brutus, fueled by overconfidence, sneered at Klauss. "Is this all you've got, D-rank?" he taunted, his voice booming through the arena. "You're nothing compared to the might of a true hunter!"

As Brutus stomped into position, Klauss noticed a strange bracelet adorning his wrist, consisting of an expansive golden cuff with intricate runic carvings. His eyes narrowed thoughtfully. Sylvetta did warn the opposition would prepare something in their favor.

Klauss continued to maintain his defensive posture, a stoic expression masking the true depth of his abilities. He parried Brutus's strikes with calculated ease, luring his opponent into a false sense of dominance.

The crowd, initially swayed by Brutus's overwhelming presence, began to murmur in uncertainty as they observed the calculated dance unfolding before them.

The defensive strategy employed by Klauss seemed to puzzle Brutus, whose arrogance blinded him to the subtleties of his opponent's tactics. With a sudden burst of agility, Klauss evaded a powerful swing, causing Brutus to stumble momentarily.

The crowd gasped, their anticipation growing as the tables subtly turned.

Emboldened by the opening, Klauss executed a swift counterattack, targeting Brutus's exposed flank. His movements, initially defensive, transformed into a seamless dance of offense and defense as he lightly grazed Brutus's right shoulder.

The crowd, once skeptical of Klauss's capabilities, erupted into whispers of surprise and intrigue.

Brutus, caught off guard by Klauss's sudden shift, struggled to regain his composure. The ebb and flow of the battle became a spectacle of skill and strategy, with Klauss orchestrating the rhythm.

As the defensive underdog, Klauss not only held his ground but began to unravel the layers of Brutus's overconfidence.

The duel had transformed into a captivating display of Klauss's hidden prowess.The true test lay ahead – maintaining the charade while gradually revealing the depth of his abilities, turning the defensive into an artful dance of calculated dominance.

Confident Klauss had gained a slightly upper hand, he then propelled himself straight at Brutus holding his sword across his face. He was going in for a frontal and lethal attack.

Regaining his footing in front of an impending strike, Brutus smirked before stomping again. This time the resulting quake was exponentially intensified, trembling violently through spectators' seats. Cries of alarm echoed as Klauss slightly stumbled.

"What's this, afraid to come closer now?" Brutus mocked. Behind him, in the booth, Gabriella and Stefan shared a knowing look.

Jaw clenched, Klauss considered his next move carefully. Brutus had yet to fully exert himself, but the strange bracelet was clearly amplifying his seismic energy to an unnatural degree.

If Klauss wished to prevail while retaining his disguise as an ordinary D-rank, he would have to outmaneuver his opponent. But would that convince the skeptical observers? Or would they assume Klauss lamely evaded true combat?

Gripping tightly to his sword, Klauss decided to gamble on his speed and agility to gradually wear Brutus down. While avoiding overt displays of his genuine strength for now.

Klauss spent the next few minutes darting around Brutus's enhanced quakes, gauging the bracelet's capabilities and his foe's stamina. Brutus relied heavily on raw power, choosing force over finesse. But Klauss identified slight delays between each stomp due to the bracelet's cooldown limitations.

As Brutus took a momentary pause to catch his breath, Klauss seized the opportunity to strike. With calculated precision, he surged forward, delivering a well-placed blow to Brutus's dominant calf muscle.

A pained grunt escaped Brutus as he stumbled, struggling to maintain his upright stance. Sensing victory within reach, Klauss intensified his offensive, swinging his weapon toward Brutus's chest.

However, Brutus, displaying a swift reaction, utilized the hand adorned with the magic bracelet to deflect Klauss's attack. The bracelet, a trump card in Brutus's arsenal, remained undamaged, serving as a crucial defense against the relentless assault.

On the other hand, Klauss's sword exhibited visible signs of strain, cracks beginning to mar its surface.

Frustration flashed across Klauss's face as he tossed the compromised weapon aside. The sword, on the brink of breaking, fell to the arena floor, an unintended consequence of Klauss's relentless assault.

Meanwhile, Brutus, with a triumphant laugh and a sly smirk, reveled in the fact that he emerged from the exchange unscathed, his precious trump card – the magic bracelet – still intact.

Brutus, with a hint of triumph in his eyes, perceived victory on the horizon. The sight of Klauss discarding his broken weapon seemed to solidify Brutus's belief in an impending triumph.

The complications of the duel intensified, and the odds appeared stacked against Klauss. How would he navigate this setback in an already intricate situation?