
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs


The group awoke the next morning weary but determined to continue the hunt. They broke down camp and set off once more into the depths of Wolf Island. Time within the gates possesses a peculiar swiftness compared to the smooth pace of the outside world.

Within gate instances, the passage of 10 hours corresponds to a mere hour in the tangible reality beyond the gate's threshold. The group, having ventured into the enigmatic realm, found themselves immersed for approximately 12 hours within its depths. 

Klauss observed his surly companions carefully, noticing cracks forming in their cohesion.

Gin and Emma walked with lowered heads, regularly checking bandaged wounds. Danielson stared blankly ahead, movements sluggish from drained mana reserves. It was probably the first time they had to exert so much power and energy.

It became apparent that they needed more encounters with gate instances to fortify their stamina, a resource essential for conquering the formidable challenges that lay ahead.

Only Baro still stood tall, spear balanced across broad shoulders, but his scowls towards Klauss betrayed simmering frustration. It was inevitable that the leadership dynamics would continue shifting given Klauss's proven superiority yesterday.

Reluctantly, Baro called the group to a halt amidst a small clearing dotted with lush ferns. "We cannot continue without addressing the elephant in the room," he declared bluntly, leveling an accusing finger at Klauss.

"As much as I hated admitting, pretty boy here carries more weight than expected. So either we cut him loose to probably get eaten at night...or temporarily implement him for more success."

Grimacing bitterly, Baro spat his next words.

"Klauss, you'll be on point with me during hunts from here on. But don't forget who the alpha is around here!"

Smirking triumphantly, Klauss simply inclined his head and took position at the front, eliciting dark mutters from Gin shunted now to the middle rank. Gin was now assuming the role of protector in case attacks were targeted towards him and Daemyn, the healer.

As the party resumed their sweep, a thrill of anticipation quickened Klauss's pulse. Now able to directly confront beasts as battles erupted, he intended to carefully showcase more impressive hunting techniques without fully revealing the extent of his power.

A delicate balancing act perhaps, but the bored D-ranker relished spice during this expedition.

When golden shapes tore from the underbrush an hour later, Klauss and Baro charged as one, Gin close behind.

This skirmish passed swiftly under Klauss's strategic commands, positioning Baro for a crushing impaling strike while Gin prevented escape.

In a few moments, another trio of pelts hit the dirt.

Klauss skinned and retrieved pelts mid-harvest when Baro stomped over furiously. "Just because you net a few kills from the front doesn't make this your show!" he blustered, stabbing a finger at Klauss's back.

"I still run this expedition, pretty boy, don't forget your place at my feet!"

Klauss simply blinked coolly until Baro spun away grumbling. But the enforced cooperation was already bearing fruit.

Their next two skirmishes concluded even faster with Klauss coordinating fronts, allowing Emma to snipe aggressively from the trees while Danielson switched smoothly between attack spells and healing.

By mid-afternoon, a sizable pile of pelts, claws, fangs and assorted beast bits filled the party's packs nearly overflowing. Opting to rest before returning topside, they discovered a rocky overhang carved into a hillside creating a sheltered cave space.

Gratefully, everyone besides Baro collapsed around a merry cookfire, roasting wild onions and slabs of meat speared on sticks. Jovial conversation filled the cave, previous grievances and loss of confidence forgotten during successful hunts.

Klauss, immersed in his own thoughts, simply sat there and listened to the others run their mouths.

Only Baro sat apart, mood as dark as the cave mouth he sulked within. The usurpation of his leadership bit deep, his wounded pride and jealousy at Klauss's easy command simmering volcanic.

Abruptly he stood and strode outside, barking sharply, "Klauss! A word."

Wordlessly handing his stick to a confused Gin, Klauss followed Baro into humid island air, the setting sun staining the horizon crimson.

Halting beneath jungle canopies, Baro wheeled savagely and jabbed Klauss's shoulder.

"I don't care how many beasts you help slay or claws you retrieve! I remain the expedition leader here, you gloating reckless show off!"

Baro's rants flowed relentlessly, a verbal onslaught bombarding the silent young man who met his gaze with calm composure.

"Trying to undermine my authority is the stupidest mistake you can make! I'm the supreme alpha wolf around here, so keep your trap shut and only attack at my commands, got it? Pathetic bragging D-rank losers like you shouldn't step out of line beyond your station!"

His rage finally spent, Baro stood panting before the still composed Klauss leaning casually against a gnarled oak.

"Are you done with this little temper tantrum?" Klauss asked cooly and nonchalantly. "It's been mildly entertaining seeing you froth but we have an expedition to finish."

Sputtering furiously, Baro jabbed his spear threateningly close to Klauss's face. "Just you wait pretty boy," he hissed through gritted teeth, "Stick your empty head too far up and an 'accident' may befall you soon..."

Whirling, he stalked back towards the flickering cave fires, burning with impotent fury against this infuriating stranger.

Thirty minutes later, after more rest and cooking additional meat reserves the party geared up to resume hunting. Traversing miles of wild jungle, Klauss noted the environment gradually shifting the deeper they delved.

The broad leafed canopy grew gnarled and foreboding, shadows deepening despite being day. Examples of wild animals turned twisted and even carnivorous plants made appearances snapping hungrily.

Glancing guardedly around, Baro scratched his stubbly chin as they came upon a narrow ravine split by a raging stream.

"This island plays tricks on the mind. We seem to have crossed some threshold into a darker, untamed aspect of the land itself."

Quivering, Emma tightened her grip on the bow. "I can't shake the feeling that even the trees themselves are casting ominous glares at us...we're being observed, I swear it!"

Klauss gazed contemplatively into the encroaching wilderness, sensing a subtle yet profound transformation in the air, as if the very essence of the land's primal ferocity had gathered in this tangled thicket.

Gates, in their reality-bending nature, concealed twisted secrets within their distortions.

Abrupt warning whistles jolted their attention forward. Emma had detected another wolf target—this one veiled in an unusual aura, it's typically gray coat now tinged with an ethereal azure.

A hushed breath escaped Gin from behind his shield. "That bodes ill! We'd best approach with caution, guys."

Advancing stealthily, intricate details materialized on their lupine target. With sinewy muscles and fur marked by the scars of battles past, this alpha male fixated a cold stare upon them, inhaling the numerous scents of intruders invading its territory.

Yet, it had the air of unnatural intelligence, the cunning gleam in those blue eyes, that signaled a formidable adversary.

Meanwhile, a ghostly energy akin to blue fire danced incessantly around its body. Klauss swiftly grasped the imminent danger.

This wolf possessed the ability to harness mana, enhancing both its offensive and defensive capabilities. Facing such formidable foes, exercising utmost caution became imperative, making a rash assault a perilous undertaking.

The tense silence shattered with a vicious snarl. The blue wolf coiled its muscles, the blaze of mana intensifying, and in an instant, it lunged forward with astonishing speed!

"Brace!" roared Baro as the hunters surged forward to confront the threat head-on. A mistake. No sooner had Gin raised his shield than fiery teeth sank deep into his arm, armor cracking, while Baro barely avoided the snapping jaws himself.

Klauss lingered at a distance, studying the unfolding battle even as azure-wreathed fangs savaged flesh before him.

The wolf was cunning, relying on augmented claws and jaws rather than expending mana on offensive spells, a strategy well-suited for engaging multiple enemies. Smart.

Seeing the battle turning ill, the wild beast continued scratching and biting the group, Klauss chose to intervene more actively, subtly manipulating flow without directly exposing his involvement via offensive magic or swordplay.

As the blue wolf pounced again he focused hard, bending space around Gin's legs and pulling him sideways just enough for its vicious bite to snap only air.

Gin stumbled in surprise and Klauss straightened his posture. Klauss had to be careful masking assistance as random luck.

Gradually through clever coordination and misdirection, Klauss helped his hapless teammates gain the upper hand against a dangerous foe without revealing the truth of his skills.

Neither side could overcome the other quickly but the tide turned bit by bit in the hunter's favor through attrition.

Just a bit more now and the blue wolf would fall. Klauss glanced behind ensuring no other threats approached from the dense jungle, his honed battle senses tracking each crackle of bush or bird call intently.

Which is why the abrupt warning growl from his nine o'clock sent instinctive alarm skyrocketing. Whirling swiftly, Klauss stared down a second wolf bathed in that same azure fire prowling towards him with killing intent.

A second mana wolf! Trepidation gripped his heart. Had this beast's approach gone undetected a second longer his party mates would now lie dead, throats ripped out savagely from behind before even realizing the new threat.

Only Klauss's vigilance prevented utter disaster. A testament to his cautiousness and always being on guard. Now began an extremely precarious fight.

The azure wolf stalked closer, muscles coiled beneath its wreathed fur, a predatory cold cunning swimming in its eyes.

Without a doubt, it had skillfully eluded the ongoing distant battle, patiently awaiting vulnerable prey to emerge. And there it was, a foolish snack, isolating itself in distraction.

Klauss slid one foot silently back, angling sideways to avoid presenting his back fully to the new enemy.

No opportunity arose to alert his companions, busy fighting desperately for survival just a few meters ahead. Their lives depend completely on Klauss overcoming this unexpected foe alone without utilizing anything beyond rank D strength.

An impossible task facing that dripping jaw destined to crush his throat and that alien intelligence assessing calmly how to butcher its prey most efficiently.

Any error could spell doom across the board. Here stood perhaps the greatest test of Klauss's mettle yet on this trying expedition.

A battle to the death against a deadly foe and only one would emerge alive. It was time to fight for survival and victory.