
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Apex of Wolf Island

Klauss steadied his sword, eyes locked on the snarling blue wolf that had appeared behind the group. This was bad timing. The others were occupied finishing off the first injured wolf, but this second beast threatened their vulnerable rear Klauss was guarding. 

"Hurry up and kill that damn wolf!" Klauss yelled. "Before its friend makes things worse!"

He shifted to keep the new wolf in sight. The wolf was desperate to aid its dying packmate, but Klauss blocked the way. He would have to face it alone for now. The wolf growled, muscles tensing to attack.

Out of the corner of his eye, Klauss noticed Baro smirking, deliberately prolonging the skirmish with the other wolf.

That spiteful bastard wanted Klauss to grapple with the new enemy alone, an adversary that typically required the combined efforts of the entire party to defeat.

With a resounding shout, Emma finally brought down the first wolf with one last powerful mana arrow. Anticipating assistance from his teammates, Klauss prepared himself, but Baro swiftly threw out an arm to halt their approach.

"Stay out of this," Baro snapped. "Our mighty leader can handle one stray wolf." His words dripped venom. The others hesitated, wary of angering him. They also knew what an asshole Baro was.

Klauss cursed internally. He could have ended this fight in seconds if not for Baro's jealousy and the presence of the other members. But he couldn't afford distractions now.

The wolf pounced, and Klauss spun away from the snapping jaws. Baro wanted a show? Fine, he would get one. Klauss smirked as he thought of a plan to finish off this petulant beast.

He attracted the wolf deeper into the trees, away from the others and prying eyes.

Alone with his lupine foe, Klauss laughed harshly. "You chose the wrong hunt today, my friend."

The wolf was tireless, lunging again and again, seeking an opening. But Klauss was always two steps ahead. His dancing sword art, second form, Blurry Steps, lived up to its name as he darted just out of reach to let the beast stagger past.

Soon, in a flash, the frustrated wolf was sporting several bleeding cuts, while Klauss remained unharmed and full of energy. He decided it was time to end this charade.

When the wolf charged next, he stepped inside its reach and delivered one flawless stroke, severing its head cleanly.

After retrieving the valuable pelt, claws and fangs, Klauss used the blood to create some convincing injuries on himself. Scratches on his arm and face, bite marks on his shoulder... enough to make it look like he'd been through an ordeal.

Baro wanted a show? Fine. He would get a spectacle.

Klauss returned to the group over an hour later, limping and covered in blood. He tossed the wolf's head contemptuously at Baro's feet, then slumped against a tree to "rest".

Baro had gone purple with poorly concealed rage. His petty scheme had failed.

The members, once hesitant and wary, exchanged uneasy glances. The spectacle they witnessed went beyond the confines of a typical hunt, unveiling a power play orchestrated by Baro that had backfired spectacularly.

The whispers of discontent among the group grew louder.

"You call that leadership?" Emma muttered under her breath, eyes narrowed in suspicion. The others nodded in silent agreement, their loyalty to Baro crumbling like a decaying facade. 

Baro attempted to salvage his pride, masking his anger with false bravado. "You think this is over, Klauss? You might have fooled them with your little act, but I see through your tricks. You are hiding something. I can tell !"

Klauss, still leaning against the tree, merely raised an eyebrow in response. The others, however, were not so easily swayed. Gin, arguably Baro's right hand man, in particular, voiced his dissent.

"Baro, we followed you because we thought you were strong and smart. But what you did today... It was foolish and selfish. We can't trust your judgment anymore."

The sentiment resonated with the group, and gradually, they distanced themselves from Baro, leaving him isolated and fuming. The crack in his leadership widened as the members questioned his motives and decision-making skills.

As the group prepared to leave the forest, Emma approached Klauss with a subtle nod of appreciation. "Nice performance back there. Baro won't be causing trouble anytime soon."

Klauss acknowledged her with a smirk, his victory not just against the wolf but over the scheming leader who had underestimated him.

The dynamics within the group had shifted, and Baro's influence waned with each step they took away from the tainted shadows of the forest.

After two hours the group moved deeper into the forest. Danielson consulted his maps frequently until finally announcing, "According to the map given by the vice-leader, we should be approaching a mountain which should be the boss's lair."

Their guild's vice leader had warned them about Vorath - an ancient cursed werewolf alpha of tremendous size and power.

The rank C boss towered at an imposing nine feet tall, its massive frame cloaked in an abyss of very black fur that seemed to absorb the light around it. Its eyes, a haunting shade of piercing blue, glowed with an otherworldly intelligence, betraying the supernatural power that resided within.

Even healed and rested, the team tensed as Danielson described the creature and approached the rocky slopes. This would be their greatest test yet.

The sun sank low as they climbed into the mountains. Finally the howls of wolves echoed from up ahead, along with a foul stench drifting from a cave entrance. Vorath's lair. They had arrived. 

"Remember the tales," Danielson muttered. "Vorath towers nine feet tall. Coarse black fur, vicious claws, eyes that glow red with bloodlust..."

"Yeah, yeah, it's big and ugly," Baro grunted. "Let's just kill the damned thing."

From their own personal knowledge and from the information given by Danielson, the creature was a mystery in itself. They crept toward the cavern, blades ready.

The passage opened into a large chamber with high ceilings filled by stalactites. Wolf pelts and bones littered the floor. At the far end lay an enormous mound of jet-black fur. The steady rhythm of snoring rumbled from Vorath's sleeping form.

The party tensed, poised on the brink of an epic confrontation. This battle would test the limits of their skill and teamwork. But before they could act, three wolf sentries padded into view, blocking the way forward.

There would be no easy path to the boss. Klauss felt his blood singing - finally, a true test of his strength!With a fierce grin, he raised his blade and charged. 

After dispatching the apparent bodyguard wolves, they found themselves standing in front of the slumbering beast. Klauss orchestrated their formation and patiently awaited his signal.

Gradually, the beast stirred from its sleep, letting out a wide yawn as it registered the presence of intruders in its lair. Baffled, it grumbled, "What a nuisance. I couldn't even get a good sleep."

The creature possessed the extraordinary ability to articulate speech, a trait uncommon among its kind. Vorath's voice echoed with a deep, resonant accent, carrying an air of ancient wisdom and malevolence that sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it.

In addition to its intimidating size and ability to communicate, Vorath exhibited unparalleled prowess in the use of mana. Slowly, the beast released mana.

The werewolf could manipulate this mystical energy to cover itself in a shroud of mana, rendering it nearly impervious to conventional attacks. This ethereal aura extended to its claws, turning them into lethal extensions of its power. 

"Ahh," it rumbled, stretching its massive limbs, "Ready to dance, my five little lamps, haha." When Vorath moved, the shadows seemed to waltz around its form, amplifying its already extraordinary agility, allowing it to dart and weave with supernatural speed.

The creature circled the team with terrifying swiftness, yet it couldn't escape Klauss's discerning gaze.

In a panic, Danielson quivered and stammered, "N-No, he is str-stronger than we thought. And his curse hasn't even taken effect. God, I don't know if my healing will suffice, we will die." 

The curse that bound Vorath also bestowed upon it the ability to tap into the innate mana of the environment, further augmenting its strength and resilience. The curse kills his fellow kins to augment his power.

This made it a formidable opponent, capable of using the very essence of magic to enhance its physical prowess. The air crackled with energy whenever Vorath unleashed its mana-infused attacks, leaving an ominous aura in its wake.

Encountering Vorath was a chilling experience, not only due to its immense size and pitch-black fur but also because of the ancient intelligence that gleamed in its eyes.

The cursed werewolf alpha stood as a testament to the dark powers that could permeate the supernatural realms, leaving those who faced it in awe and terror at the ancient force that pulsed within.

Despite Vorath, the cursed Alpha, being a formidable rank C boss, Klauss found himself navigating this challenging situation without relying on his true skills. He had to join forces with his teammates, who were starting to lose their composure.

The apex battle of Wolf Island drew ever closer…