
My underrated elemental affinity

Edward a 35 year old scientist died trying to save his family and Tokyo from a rocket falling on them. God rewards his deed and gave him a chance to reincarnate in a world of magic. Follow Edward as he awakens his affinity and adventure on a road filled with obstacles. ***************************** i hope you like this novel be sure to drop support and a nice review if you like the story ***************************** Cover photo is not mine, if you are the owner and wish to remove it contact me

BigElf · Fantasy
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34 Chs


We went back home. Even thought today was supposed to be a vacation from practice, I haven't even rested a bit.

I decided to go back to training. I made runs around the house and did some workout. I wanted to rest but I haven't had the slightest idea about what to do.

My friends at school are probably training so we can't go and do something.

And staying at home was very boring. There was no source of entertainment.

I completed just before dinner and went ahead to eat. The dinner was good as always, my mother was a good cook.

I ate my fill and went to have a bath. The bath was like a huge stone bowl that you get in and under it was a place where a magicon, that produces fire to heat up the water, is placed. The water flowed from another magicon that poured water into the bowl.

I have read about magicons in the Mister Abraham's library. There were many types of magicons that are made by mages.

Each one differs from another by its function; there were those that produce light, like the ones we use in the house. There were the ones like the orbs back at the Magic hall, but they were slightly different from the others.

Normal magicons are powered using a mana stone. These kinds of stones are ones that produce mana and they vary according to how much mana they contain.

The more it contains mana the longer it stays functioning and the more expensive it becomes. These man stones can be found in mountains or underground caves. Usually kingdoms, and nobles who would find a natural source for the mana stone would seize that place and own it, they then would hire workforce to mine the stone.

Even if the mana stones were of low quality there was always a huge profit to be made.

The other parts of the magicon is an structure crafted by blacksmith that would then house a spell casted by a mage.

In order to create a magicon, aside from a mana stone, the artifact that would house the spell must be made by some special kinds of metals that would conduct mana, and a magic circle must be made to house the spell inside.

All these steps must be made by a magicon maker that has to be a great blacksmith and usually he is the one that casts the spell inside the magic circle. If he doesn't have the affinity required to make a certain magicon, they would partner up with other magicon makers and split the profit between them.

Now concerning the mana stones that power orbs, they are the kind that would absorb mana and would then project light according to the type of the stone; there were the ones that would shine different colors according to the affinity of the mana inserted inside it, if someone that has the fire affinity then it would project red color, each affinity has a distinct color that defines it. This kind of mana stone is the rarest and thus the most expensive that's why the price of the orb can't be afforded by royalties and major nobles.

The other kinds of mana stone that are in the orbs are, the ones that shines brighter according to you mana density by inserting small amount of mana and the ones that keeps shining and it wouldn't stop until you exhaust your mana or withdraw it, thus defining your mana pool.

You might think that these mana stones would be able to stock mana but no, the mana you insert is instantly gone with the light that the stone produce.

These stone were still rare and expensive than the regular ones but slightly less than the affinity marking one.

I finished my bath and went to bed. I proceeded to train my mana.

For the first 3 weeks of training with dad, I hadn't trained my mana at all; I would fall asleep as soon as I hit the bed. But it's been two weeks since I resumed my training; I wasn't getting as tired as before.

After a while Endric came and dropped on his bed. Aside from the first year of Academy, where he can return home early, the following years, he had to stay at the dorms in the academy and only be able to return at weekends.

He was lucky though, aside from students who had wealthy families, and strong background like him, had to spend even the whole year at the academy dorms and won't go home until the summer vacation.

We might not live inside a castle or an extremely extravagant house, but still my father was from a lineage of major nobles, the previous army general, and a very close friend to the king. My mom was a judge in a magic court. Though I haven't seen her go to work, maybe she handled extreme cases. Still we had a very strong background, maybe higher than many major nobles.

My parents made a lot of money but they don't like to flaunt it, we have a moderate nice house, it had all the necessities, sure we used a lot of magicons but they were the ones on the cheaper side. Our parents still wanted to provide comfort for us and all.

Endric is able to get to and from the academy using a gate in a transportation station like the one me and dad took to get to the capital, it was expensive but our status gave us those privileges. If you have privileges then why not use them.

Even though that was the case, Endric would mostly go to the academy running, even though the academy was located 100 km away from the city, his thunder affinity provided him with the ability to move at insane speeds, and Endric thought that running there was good practice, and I agree.

The more you use your spells, the more you master them.

Endric didn't talk to me much about Academy life, he mostly asked me of my training progress, well most of the time I would go to sleep early because I was tired from training and he would leave the house before I wake up.

I finished training my mana and set up, he didn't want to disturb me while when I'm practicing so he sat quietly on his bed.

"Endric how was academy today?" "Same as always, I still have 3 weeks until I finish the Academic activities and rest a bit" Normally, Endric should have finished the academic year 2 weeks ago, but they had academic activities that they have to finish before the year officially ends. I didn't know what were they exactly doing but I didn't ask.

Tomorrow, it would be six weeks since school ended for me, and Dad would move my training to the next phase. I didn't know what exactly is he planning but I'll find out in the next two days.

I kept talking with Endric until I went to sleep, and the next morning, I woke up like usual and started my morning routine.

In these six weeks of intense training and tempering my body to the extreme, I could feel the change that happened to my body.

I was tall for someone my age, and my body was very athletic. I had slightly broad shoulders, flat stomach that seems to be forming into a chocolate bar, and my arms had small muscles that began to form. Coupled with my white skin, jet black hair, and my deep blue eyes, I was definitely handsome.

The only downside was my childish face, but the more I grow the more handsome I'll become.

I wasn't thinking about getting girls or something like that. I was still unsure; I have some conflicted thoughts about it. I was married in my previous life and really loved my wife, she stood by my side for so long and I couldn't imagine myself changing her, it felt like betrayal to me. But I know that it's been 10 years since we were together and should probably forget about it and leave it behind me. I wasn't sure about love. But it's still too early to think about it, I am, supposedly, still 10.

I finished my training session, had lunch, and then opened a gate to the forest.

Chrestos arrived just after me.

"So, have you made your own spell?" I nodded. I step forward towards mister Chrestos, he looked at me and didn't say anything, he seems to trust me, I put my hand on his chest and cast my spell.

Solomon's Seal.

I muttered and then a box appeared around Chrestos, its walls were transparent with a white hue to it. The center of it was hollow. I take back my hand and look at mister Chrestos. He was surprised, he stretched his fist and knocked a few times on the walls of the box and realized that he couldn't get out, he became even more surprised. I think he really appreciates my spell.

I said to him.

"Try to get out using Gate" He looked at me puzzled; I think he can't hear me there. So I tried to get the idea to him by making signs. He understood me and made a gate.

It worked out; he can still get out using a gate. But I noticed something else.

Space magic can even block sound from travelling, the potential spells I can think of was even more numerous now.

I was excited.