
My underrated elemental affinity

Edward a 35 year old scientist died trying to save his family and Tokyo from a rocket falling on them. God rewards his deed and gave him a chance to reincarnate in a world of magic. Follow Edward as he awakens his affinity and adventure on a road filled with obstacles. ***************************** i hope you like this novel be sure to drop support and a nice review if you like the story ***************************** Cover photo is not mine, if you are the owner and wish to remove it contact me

BigElf · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Class B3

I look around me wondering if I could recognize anyone but I didn't. Suddenly I heard a voice behind me yelling:


I look back to see who was calling me and I saw Marc and Jack.

I remember they awakened their elemental affinities before me. I recalled that Marc had the fire and earth affinities while Jack had ice and wind affinities.

I thought of dad having ice affinity and how powerful he was when using it. He also possessed lava affinity, and I wondered if jack can reproduce it by mixing both of his affinities.

"Jack, Marc, How are you doing? I didn't know you would be attending Mystralia Academy."

"We met a couple of times after we awakened our affinities and decided to try and enroll in this academy. It is the best one we can get into with our money.

And it is in the top 10 in the kingdom.

Still I didn't think you would be enrolling here. I thought you would study in the Alexandrian Academy run by the throne, your father is the previous General of the Army so he must have a high status."

"That's true, but he recommended this academy for me and besides brother Endric already studies here. He is a 6th year.

So how have you been doing the past 3 months? Did you get used to your affinities?"

Jack who asked me before, answered me;

"I have been doing great, I have a good grasp over my affinity with ice, but not much with the wind one, I still struggle to make useful spells out of it. So I focused on ice magic and training for combat using bows and swords."

"I managed to get results with my earth ability, but the only fire spell I can cast is a fireball. I couldn't find any other way to use it. So I trained and honed my combat abilities, manly hand to hand combat using gauntlets."

Said Marc, he then asked me:

"Oh, Edward, I forgot to ask but what are your awakening results?"

"I have Space and Time affinities, my mana density is rank 7 and mana pool is a rank 6."

"No way, your magical powers are insane, but I am sad for you. Many people say that Space/Time magic is useless unless you are a genius like Elder of Space/Time."

"Elder of Space/Time?"

"Seriously, you don't know him? He is the best Space/Time mage in the kingdom, and a close aid of the king himself, his name is Chrestos Sanford."

(Hmm, Chrestos Sanford. That is master's name. I didn't know he is called like that. But true he is very strong.)

I recalled the time when I first met him. It was with dad. They wanted to demonstrate the power of space/time.

I remembered something that I didn't pay attention to last time, Chrestos used a spell that made a dome appear around us and seal sound from traveling through.

I'll try to recreate it in the future.

"Hey, Edward, what's wrong?"

"Oh, sorry, I was lost in thoughts. Yes I know Chrestos Sanford; he is my teacher, after all."

Marc and Jack looked at me and both opened their mouths in disbelief.

"WHAATTT? Are you serious?"

"Yes, he and dad are close friends, so he asked him if he could teach me some spells, and he gladly agreed."

"You are so lucky to have Uncle Roland as your dad. Anyway, I am glad you managed to learn spells."

"Do you know anyone else from school coming here, to Mystralia Academy?" "Not really, me and jack came last day, and chose to stay at an inn near here.

How about you, were you staying?"

"I came from home today" Jack looked at me and said:

"Don't tell me you can use Gate"

"Yes, it was my first spell that I learned. I came here by using a Gate"

"Wow that is so convenient"

"If you want to go back with me, I don't mind"

"Thanks for the offer Edward, but it may be a trouble for you if we aren't in the same class"

"oh, I totally forgot about those, how can I know which class we'll be in"

"Don't worry, I asked the guard and he told me that a teacher will come and post a paper of each class and its students. We will have to wait for some time"

We kept talking until a teacher came out and posted some papers on wooden board.

When he was gone, all the students rushed in to see their classes. We chose to stay back until it becomes less crowded.

After a quarter of an hour, many students have gone and the place in front the board had few people still looking for their names.

We walked forward and each of us chose a place to look in for our names, there were almost 20 papers and on top of which the class name and its location on a small map.

The classes were divided in numerical and alphabetical order; from A1 to A4 and from A to E. That means each letter can have a number ranging from 1 to 4.

I didn't know if it based your class based on your test results or not but I didn't care.

I kept looking for my name when I heard Marc yelling:

"I found our names; we are in the same class"

I look at the paper that Marc pointed to and read it;

I found our names on that list. We were in class B3. I look up and saw the location of the class on the map.

We were supposed to go east from here and enter a long corridor. The class was at the end of the corridor.

We decided to go there and wait to see what happens next.

We followed the directions on the map and after a while we made it in front of a classroom. It had a 2 meters wide door and on top of it was a sign that said class B3.

We went in and there was some students already sitting there. I didn't recognize anyone of them so I went along with Marc and Jack and chose a seat.

I sat down at the desk situated next to the window. Marc and Jack sat on my right. Marc sat in front of Jack.

We kept waiting for some time until a teacher came, He was a guy maybe thirty years old and he had a coat and wore plain trousers. He looked at us for a while and said:

"So, this is your first year of academy. Just follow the rules and study. That's all."

I was surprised. The guy was not enthusiastic at all, he had a worn out appearance. It seems he isn't glad to be teaching.

"For your school year, you will be studying Ward creation, Resource management, monster zoology, Disaster management, Diplomacy, Alchemy, and physiology. These are the basic subjects you will be tackling this year, some of them for this year only, and some would be subjects for the coming years.

Today we'll start by Monster Zoology then Alchemy."

We each took a pen and some papers to write notes.

The teacher started by Monster zoology. It was nothing much.

We learned about Goblins and wolves;

their strength, weaknesses, habitats, habits, how they attack people.

Goblins were a class of monsters that are grouped with the humanoid monsters.

Their appearance was very close to that of humans. They can use weapons that range from wooden clubs and rocks to steel weapons that they loot from their prey.

They traveled in packs and they specialize in traps, they let the prey fall in their traps before circling around him and taking him by surprise.

It reminded me of the time where we fought the goblins, there were 3 goblins that stayed behind us and hid in bushes and on the trees waiting for us to come close.

They are not that strong, but can prove to be deadly if you underestimate them and drop your guard.

Wolves were grouped with Canines because of their appearance; their long teeth and they were four-legged beasts.

Their strength is in their numbers, wolves only travel in packs that range from 5 to more. They are also known to be very fast, agile and possessing sharp claws.

These two monsters may seem to be very weak, but you can never underestimate them.

One more thing, wolves and goblins can join forces together and a form a single unit, known as Goblin Riders.

The Goblin would ride the wolf as his mount and attack together; they would have good synergy between them and may pose a threat for an unprepared mage.

This lesson have been good for me, even though I knew most of this because I experienced fighting with goblins and wolves but having an expert mage teach you and adding information from his personal experiences is very nice.

We completed the first lesson and we were allowed to have a break. We have been studying for an hour and a half after all.

We went outside of class. And I stood next to Marc and Jack chatting when we heard a commotion.