
My twisted fate

Five years with no recollection of the past. She has no idea how she became a mother of two. All she knows is that she was married and they had an accident. But is that really the truth? They feared what might happen to her if they dared to tell her the truth. No one was able to give her an answer to her question. To whom was she married to? Where exactly is her husband? What happened to him? Will she ever find out the truth? Yes. But how? Let's find out, shall we.

faridoodee_68 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

chapter 4

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"Making deal with f&f will be a huge advantage, they are in need of this and will grab it as soon as it comes their way."  Jeffrey says hopping off his stool, he walks to the conference table and places his two palms on it for support.

Mercy interrupts just as he is about to say something else. "Don't forget that the sagirs are our long time partners and also the richest amongst our partners. if we make this deal with them, our company will not only have a huge gain but also increase in progress, not to mention that our reputation will be super good. I mean working with the sagirs is not a small thing and as for their tastes, I'm sure they will love this you know how business minded they are. Sir, I think we should do this with the sagirs instead" She says and Mr. Elliot nods with a smile. " I had always known you are so intelligent Mercy, so as Jeffrey but this time we'll be using Mercy's idea, what do you think farida." All attentions descend on me making me almost joke on my own saliva. "Yes sir, Mercy's idea is great, according to the things she has said about them, I think working with them will bring us a good achievement."

These sagirs seem to be influential and well-known, my team mates have been talking on and on about them. It is obvious, people from Dubai are usually super rich.

Can't wait to see the result of this project, we put all of our attentions on it and we hope that the sagirs will agree to do business with us again. We hope that they'll find the idea good enough for them.

Participating in something important which requires your opinion is something big, but having a business meeting with your team like a family is even bigger. I haven't gotten used to them yet but they always make me feel at home. They are like my second family. So kind, hard working and brilliant. I was told that anyone who does something rude or lazy or disobedience gets fired because Mr. Elliot doesn't tolerate lack of manners even to his employees but despite all of that he still make you feel important no matter what post you are given.

You know sometimes I wonder what is right with me. Everyone in my life seems to be nice, which makes me wonder if that's how life really is.

Mr. Elliot's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "Ok Mr. Parker, I want you to send an email to the sagir's empire right now. We don't wanna delay this, the sooner the better. We will discuss this later next week, that's if they approve of it." He says shrugging off his shoulders with an " I don't know" look on his face. But Betty doesn't take that for an answer.

"Boss, be positive. I'm sure they'll agree, you can bet with me on that. No one can resist this offer, it's super brilliant and it's all thanks to farda since she brought this idea." We all laugh at how she pronounced my name.

Jeffrey wrinkled his face in funny way." For the third time today Betty  her name is farida, not farda. I don't know where exactly you got your brain from, our parents are sharp so as everyone else at home but Betty is something else." Betty huffed in annoyance while everyone laughs at her.

Jeffrey and Betty are twins who happen to work at the same place in the same office. They are like cat and rat, they make me laugh till I choke. (Laughing out loud)


We eat and chat about ordinary things we do with our lives everyday, I listen closely as everyone share their past. Some speak about the people they've lost. Some speak about the people they've loved. I watch them as they speak about their past and my eyes started to swell up at their pain, some wish to forget their past just like I had forgotten mine.It is true when they said that one man's food is another man's poison. Right now, I am wishing to regain my memories but at the same time scared of the tragedies that may be attached to it.

Whatever makes my mum's blood pressure high just by the topic of my past could be really devastating. Sometimes my heart starts to race whenever I think about regaining my memories. It pains me to know that I'll remember the bad things that had happened to me in the past.

Don't call me a coward. I just don't like surprises.

Now I don't even know if I'm really ready to know the truth.
