
My twisted fate

Five years with no recollection of the past. She has no idea how she became a mother of two. All she knows is that she was married and they had an accident. But is that really the truth? They feared what might happen to her if they dared to tell her the truth. No one was able to give her an answer to her question. To whom was she married to? Where exactly is her husband? What happened to him? Will she ever find out the truth? Yes. But how? Let's find out, shall we.

faridoodee_68 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

chapter 26

Farida pulled her car right in front of f&f. She admired the building in awe. It was even more magnificent than Elliott and sons that she always admired each time she sets her eyes on it, that will be everyday. Even the outside of it was professional and breathtaking, there were many parking spaces, that was what Farida loved the most about the place. One would not have to endure the frightening journey between their car to the elevator in the parking lot.

She slid out of the car and shut the door, then she opened the back seat's door and took the file, containing the reports she was supposed to give to the CEO of f&f. She locked the car, making sure that she had inserted the pedal lock and began her journey to the beautiful building, admiring the scene until her eyes landed on a silver Mercedes Benz. It was shiny and beautiful, it reminded her of her car. Or was it her car.

Farida's mouth hung open and she almost dropped the file in her hand when she walked closer to the car and saw the plate number of her car.

She looked around for the culprit and saw the security men at the door. She rushed towards them in her black heels, almost falling when she missed a step. Thankfully, she was wearing a loose red trousers, it made it look like she jumped a step but she didn't seem to care, her concern was on how to catch the thief.

"Hello,did you happen to see the man who brought this car?" Farida asked the security man, who had been watching her reaction since she saw the car.

"Its Mr Fahad. What is the matter madam?" The man asked her.

"I knew it! He stole my car." Farida accused and the security man arced an eyebrow.

"Why on earth would he steal your car?" The man asked.

"Because he's a cheat!" She yelled and got people's attentions for the second time that day.

"Okay madam, he did not steal your car, trust me." The man assured, but Farida was fuming with anger and was not ready to listen.

"Take me to him. I have to teach him a lesson, then I'll have him arrested." Farida demanded and the man's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry but, you cannot see him. You have to leave."

Farida started to walk towards the door but the man caught her and pulled her back. She yanked away his hand pushed him back.

"How dare you touch me." She said as the man stood wide eyed and regretted that he touched her without her permission, he could get thrown in prison for it.

"What is going on?" A man said from behind her, she recognized the voice and closed her eyes for a moment, getting ready to unleash her madness on him.

"Sir, she insisted on seeing you." The security man said.

"I am here, what is it madam?" Fahad asked Farida who still had her back turned to him. Her hand fisted and she turned to face him. Fahad's face lighted in a bright smile when he saw that it was her, even the security man noticed the big change in his behavior.

"Its you, welcome. Please, come in." Fahad said excitedly as he stepped aside to let her into the building.

Farida rushed towards Fahad like a flash of lightening, she raised her right hand and smacked it across fahad's left cheek, he staggered back but a man in black suite that had been standing behind him held him back to stop him from falling. The time seemed to stand still as all the people around, including the ones inside of the building gasped and majority covered their mouths with their hands to hide their shock.

"What happened?" That was all Fahad could say, he knew that she had a temper but he did not know what he did to deserve that slap. He held the side that was slapped. When he dropped the hand, she saw that the spot had turned red.

"How dare you even ask me that question? You know exactly what happened." Farida said angrily.

"Please calm down. Let's talk privately, people are watching." Fahad requested but Farida shook her head aggressively. Her shayla loosen and a strand of her blond hair fell on her face, which she pushed back roughly.

"Don't tell me to calm down you thief. You stole my car and you expect me to calm down?" Farida said and fahad's lips formed an "O". He opened his mouth to speak, but she didn't let him.

" I knew I shouldn't have trusted you. What else did you lie about? Lemme guess, faysal isn't even your son right. I bet you stole him too." She accused. Fahad's body weakened. His heart was broken. First at the fact that she embarrassed him in front of his workers, also the fact that she disregarded his help and also that she accused him of stealing his own son.

"I will report you to your boss and have you fired. Then, I'll get you arrested." She said with her index finger pointing at his face.

He stared at her as he hated himself for loving a woman who hated him so much.

When he didn't say anything, she barged into the building and went straight to the receptionist, ignoring all the judging stares and glares. Even the receptionist had a funny expression on her face, her had her mouth opened and eyebrows raised.

"I have an appointment with the CEO, from Elliott and sons." Farida said to the receptionist who stared at her like she'd grown two heads.

"Hello? Its urgent." Farida said and showed her the file.

"He's right behind you." The receptionist replied slowly.

Farida turned around to face the president of f&f. She was not expecting to find Fahad standing a few steps away from her. She frowned and turned back to the receptionist.

"Please, tell me this is a joke. You don't mean what I think you meant." Farida said as her face started to turn pale.

"Yes, the man you just molested is the CEO." The receptionist said with confidence, knowing that the woman who embarrassed her boss would soon be ashamed of her action.

All colors drained from farida's face as realization down on her. Fahad was the CEO of f&f, the one person her boss had sent her to meet. She realized the reason the security man kept defending him and why everyone was shocked when she slapped him.

Her body shook in embarrassment as she stood still, afraid that her knees could give up and make her fall on the ground if she dared to move her feet.

"Here is your car key. I had the car fixed last night. I didn't return it to your house because it was very late, my mother would worry about me." Fahad said calmly, but everyone could hear his broken voice and they make whispers, accusing the person behind his sadness.

Farida looked down and turned to face him, gathering all her courage to lift her hand and collect the key. He dropped the key in her palm, making sure that his fingers did not make any contact with her skin.

"The file please." He demanded with an open hand and she handed it to him, her hand shaking and he noticed it.

Fahad didn't waste any time, he went away from her. She watched him go outside of the building and said something to the security man who seemed surprised.

"You should be ashamed of yourself." A woman said as she passed by her.

"I am." She said and started to leave. This time, she could not help but notice the disapproving gazes and judging comments thrown at her. Everyone seemed to love him because he was a good man, contradicting what she had assumed of him.

As soon as she stepped outside, the security man stood up from his chair and walked closer to her, making her jerk to his direction in alertness. She thought he was going to catch her for misbehaving.

"Mr Fahad said I should ask you whether you would like to have the car delivered at your home, seeing that you came in another car and you can't drive the two at a time."

"Tell him I said thanks, but I will send someone to pick it up." She said and turned to leave but his voice stopped her.

"He has a soft spot for you, I saw it in his eyes. You should know that he is a very good man, he respects women. He treated him late wife like a Queen." The security man said and went back to his chair.

Farida went to her father's car with shaky legs. Thinking about everything that happened. How could someone be so kind, even after all she'd done to him.

She entered the car and slammed the door shut.

"God, what have I done?" She said to herself. Her eyes widened when she remembered that her parents had told her to greet him well.

"They should never know of this" she said to herself. She did not want to see the disappointing looks on her parents faces.