
My travels in multiverse

Welp! i never thought a guy like me would br given a second chamce... though its more of a job simce i am just doing an errand for a God who is too lazy to do it himself WARNING WARNING VERY BAD GRAMMAR AND SENSE OF WRITING

Contractor_101 · TV
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47 Chs

Chapter 16

It seems I did not need to go far before I found an old man that was very rigorously doing a burglary work, which means he won't mean be missed in this town, I mean it's only a town of hundred people or so, there is no way that they all don't know each other well enough to steal from each other...whatever I don't care about what laws the Volturi put up, I don't care about them.

if they come in my way they can die for me then.

the kids turning went well but it caused me some time to get him to drink animal blood for a change though I don't know why but he seemed to like the taste of animal blood more than. human blood, possibly an effect caused by my own self induced mutations to My vampire race.

I told him how the Vampire world worked and other stuff about other covens and who are treatable and which are shitty as fuck like the Volturi

As I suspected the kid has an amazing ability up his sleeve, he can cause people to have a phobia, it's not perfect yet but he causes people to have a phobia of things like round shape to a fucking penis.

it seems to be permanent on humans but I was able to shake off the effects after a while.

I think I will have to become a scapegoat to get him to increase the scope of his powers.

the boy has never been happier, he dies not to have to sleep so he is happy maybe he also had a phobia of some kind.

After a delay, if one month I continued my travel to Jaspers location,

His coven is staying with the Denali coven, which is also an animal blood drinking coven.

Because of Alexis, the boy that I turned we had to run at night and take some other transportation during the day, and halfway through j realized that I can just pull him along with me by using telekinesis. I have not told him about the fact that I am a human and a wolf as well along with a vampire but I dont think I need to do that.

so we finally reached the place known as Alaska, I just need to reach Fairbanks, the place that has a mountain called Denali after which the name Denali coven was taken.

Soon after I started moving I saw Jasper already right in front of me enveloping me in a big hug,

'How did he. Never mind' i thought as I saw a pixie-like a girl at the back among some other pale-faced people with gold-colored eyes.

I had to literally tear off Jasper from myself as he was very stiff then I remembered about how easily my coven member became accustomed to animal blood, though his eyes are still red since he is a newborn.

"It's nice to see you again, A-Argos," Jasper said with a stiff voice like he was a medical patient

"Hi, nice to meet you! I am Alice, his...girl friend and this is Emmet, this is Rosalie, the hot chick, this is Carlisle our father" she skipped around each person as she introduced them

I took a look at Carlisle, he walked forward and gave me a handshake,

"I am Carlisle, it's nice to see another gold eyed vampire-like ourselves" I could feel genuine happiness from this guy

"Likewise, I have heard a lot about you, you were once a man that Aro favored but you left that behind to pursue what you thought was right and I honestly admire that," I said

"Hey, man, nice to see you, a friend of Jaspers is a friend of ours..especially if he is a gold eyed one, haha," Emmet said as he the. looked behind me, Alexis who was standing behind me came forward for a handshake, Emmet gripped his hand hard causing Alexis to become competitive and press harder, and you know how Newborns are strong AF.

"Ohh. I see so you are a newborn, when were you turned, its a surprise that a newborn is able to walk among humans with such ease" said Carlisle with admiration as he saw that how a newborn was able to control his thirst, though he would have popped his eyes out if he knew that this so-called newborn actually drinks Animal blood and hates human blood.

after a bit of a discussion, we sat in a car owned by The Cullens and made our way to their residence and boy was it a beauty...now I know how to spend my immortality, its an Art.

No worries the Apple, Microsoft, and others are not far, as well as McDonald and KFC,muahahahahahha.I have shares in everything. I am a genius lets put some stocks in telecommunication and stuff too

I then met the rest of the coven as well. I also had a small talk with the Denali coven and boy were they appreciating the fact that was a gold eyed Vampire

the way gey treated me..it felt like this coven might just adopt me as well and that was proved true when they asked me if I ever wanted to stay with them, I had to let them know.

The Cullens brought a cup of Blood drinks for everyone, except for my little member so he was a little upset, I gave him my share so he was happy again, haha

This guy listened to my every order to An O, he was so obedient that I once thought that my bite had a control effect on him though it was more of a coven thing and the fact that I had covered my end of the bargain.

The others were surprised at how happily the red-eyed Vampire was sipping on the drink that was usually only like by gold eyed vampires. And most Red-eyed would consider it a disgrace to drink animal blood.

well, at least now Jasper was back to his usual self and we were having a blast ourselves, it was then that he said that how easily my coven member was able to contain the thirst that I told him that he was like that from the start and how I know that it was because of my but that he was that way,

Though u advised Jasper to do some meditation which might help him control his bloodthirst. The day ended like that with the promise of a baseball game tomorrow.

Alexis went to sleep or more like he went out to play since he could not sleep anymore, honestly, the guy was happier about it than I thought. I would never give away my ability to sleep for some godly power let alone a pale ass vampire.

I once again entered the meditative state, I have not seen the board for over two months so I guess I should check.

as soon as k entered I saw my inner world it was organized since I was now able to modify it, while I saw the billboard on which a mission was finally available.

though the thing u was most happy about was that Edward was out somewhere and not at home...I mean the can read your mind and I find that creepy...unless I am doing it.

as for if he can find out about my deep secrets if I think about them..no chance, I once tried talking about the being and Alexis said that I suddenly started speaking some different shit altogether.

Optional missions:-

Make a coven of at least seven members

green grade ability or skill

Make the strongest coven

Blue grade ability it skills

Make a coven consisting entirely of vampires with superpowers

Blue grade ability its skill

Find a Mate

Grey grade ability

I kept looking at it for a while , but I could not find the main mission, but looking at all these missions i kind of already knew what the main mission was....a little bit.

you guys happy I am happy at least stay safe everyone, and pray that I don't get bullied at university

Contractor_101creators' thoughts