
My travels in multiverse

Welp! i never thought a guy like me would br given a second chamce... though its more of a job simce i am just doing an errand for a God who is too lazy to do it himself WARNING WARNING VERY BAD GRAMMAR AND SENSE OF WRITING

Contractor_101 · TV
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47 Chs


In deep sleep state:-

I sleep after two hours only to wake up in the all too familiar white room....or at least half of it is white while the other half is black as f.

I walk to the all too familiar billboard or missionary as you can call it.

I can't help but jump in glee at the results.

the mission is completed and it looks like it we above the expectations.

=Deal with the mountain men 280/100

and counting.

was written on the paper as the numbers kept climbing one by one after some time. at least now I can leave but I don't see any signs of me being free from this world.

No magic train or bus from Harry Potter has come to pick me up yet. As I am contemplating about this the mission board starts shaking before a new paper started growing and wriggling before words started appearing on it


1-- Get rid of all the mountain men

1 Race unlock

2-- Kill the commander of the grounders

1 Random power of grade green

3--- Kill Camp leaders

1 Power above grade grey

4---- kill Anya tri people unit leader

1 Random ability of green grade or skill

5---- kill Lexa

1 Random blue grade ability or skill

6---- kill All trikru

1 purple grade ability or skill

7 ----Kill the great Gorilla

1 Race unlock

seven additional missions we're now present as optional missions for me, it means I can choose not to do them.to be the honest son of them were the ones I can't agree to the others are those that I can easily agree to and I think I can be done with the first one about any time now.

The second mission seemed interesting. Kill the commander, seems like the grounders have a single person they follow.

I dont think I want to stay here longer so I will just leave the last the others.


In the excretion tube or harvest tube of the mount weather. I woke up and decided that I should get going and my mission was going to be completed by itself.

After an hour or so I was out of the deep cave system, and standing right at the location outside of the hydro station of the mount weather.

it took me a while but I was able to find out how to use the bomb that Bell gave me and then did a dive into the waterfall, it felt really good to me after all the blood that was onto me, just need to go back to the camp and give the news to the campers, there are a lot of useful things in the Mount weather that can be used for ourselves or more like can be useful to the since I am about to go away from here.

I discarded all my stuff except for the pistols and the grenades I salvaged. they can be handy, I also kept the poisons and throwing knives which made my speed rise to my peak and it would only take me a half a days time to go back to camp,


After half a days time at the camp:-

All the area around the camp was charred and dead bodies were lying here and there, most likely half of them were not even recognizable.it seemed as if a large battle had taken place at the place. The doors to the big ship were closed. Approximately two or so hundred meters away from the camp, twelve or so people were on the lookout, they wore suits as if they were afraid of the air touching them, they seemed to be talking with each other.

"Dammit!! why can't we reach mount weather" said soldier 1

"Try the other frequencies maybe we are being intercepted by the jamming frequencies that were put up in preparation of this camp." said soldier 2

"Are you dumb! I have tried every fucking frequency possible and I dont think it's just a matter of frequencies....could it be that the animals have escaped the cage" the third guy that was on the sniper chided in with an almost fearful voice.

They had hundreds of that livestock in chains who knows what would happen to the place if they were set free.

"That's not going to be any problem, we can simply cut the air and they would be dead, I think we should wait for thirty minutes tops before going ahead with the mission"


After some chitchat, the soldiers were calm once again thinking that some livestock could never dream about hurting their home, and from what they heard from the doctor, these kids could very well be the key to their permanent residence on the ground and then they could finally take back the land.

as they were daydreaming about the glorious days to come a deafening sound was released as their world got rocked hard.

"AGGGGH! WHICH ONE OF YOU DUMB IDIOTS DROPPED THE FLASHBANG" Said one of them as he hit his face with his gun because of this surprise. The bruise would surely stay on his fays for days to come. lucky or I luckily for him someone finally answered his question but the voice carried a sense of power in it as it said.

"I did" *Puchi*

Just like that Argos appeared in the middle of the little camp set up by the soldiers using a flashbang and slashed at three of them with the blade of his sword while he threw a grenade at the side where the sniper was located and quickly took care of the rest of the soldiers with a bullet to the head or the chest. The scratches alone would have killed them.

"It's a good thing I saw you or else I would not have been able to get my optional rewards, hmm looks like the Mount people having been jamming signals." Argos to put his radio set and contacted the Camp

After a little talk, Argos found out that there was an attack on the camp,' Seriously how long was I gone for' Argos thought seriously.

The grounders had waged a war on the campers which resulted in their complete defeat of the campers but that was not sure since the campers have holed themselves up in the ship for most of the time and there is no sound of any kind from the outside, so hopefully, the campers are alright.

Argos walked up to the dead sniper and used the sniper to look at the camp from afar.

'Woah! nice job no wonder they say Explosion is an Art' thought Arcos as he looked at the pitch-black ground around the camp and relayed the situation but just as he was about to do that he saw some more people that had the attire of the grounders coming forward slowly to the ship and he warned the others.

He looked through the scope of the sniper and took aim at the one that was in the front, although he prayed that these people just go back but Argos knew that was impossible as hell.

Just as the women were about to take action, Argos pulled the trigger and the women That touched the door died. and fell back causing the others to go into a fit of rage.

'Huh!like I care ' some more bangs sounded and there were only one or two people left and Argos relayed the situation to Clarke and the other so that these people can be captured for further investigation and also so that he can get some info on some people like Anya, Great gorilla, commander and etc.

With these thoughts in mind, he went back to the camp with great haste not knowing that he had already killed someone that was mentioned in one of his missions.


As I reached the camp I could hear the yells of tye grounders from afar, honestly, it was music to ma ears.i was actually really happy for some reason that I knew but won't mention at the moment. I went up to the ship that was closed and asked, "FBI!!, OPEN UP"

in a moment the door opened and everyone was able to see me...with more guns that I took from the last squad. 'Yeah I am awesome'

I went inside but for some reason, everyone is looking at me with anger....meh does not matter not like I have any relation with them,atleast the camp leaders are happy as fuck to see me.

I told them the whole story of my escapades and how the group of mountain men was blocking or intercepting our signal and had every info on us and the fact that. did not use the radio the whole time saved me from dying and stuff.

This seemed to light a fire in Raven's eyes as she had a look of understanding and then she tried to use the radio once again, after we use the radio we were able to contact the Supposed survivors of the Ark and everyone was surprised by what had actually happened at the Ark and stuff.

When Clarke was about to discuss the meeting point for the Ark I came in and told them that Mount weather was now ours and the promise of Warm food made everyone present cheer for me and stuff.

We later tried talking to the grounder about some info but they were too shocked at me, all the time they kept looking at me as if I killed their mother, we kept them locked up since we have to move at the day time,

Morning came pretty soon for someone like me and while sleeping I was surprised by the mission of killing Anya being successful so I decided to go talk to the grounders again and gain some insight into who this Anya was and how I killed her..though I already knew the answer to that.

I reached the lockup place for the grounders and what I saw baffled me, they were gone all that was left of them was some rags. someone helped them escape and that nearly made me explodes with anger.

We have an army of grounders to deal with and whatever thing we know about them is not enough and who knows when they might attack again.

Soon the news reached the whole camp and everyone was dreading the thought of another war.

We decided to move places right away and everyone started their journey. As always I was at the front talking with Bell and the others and telling them that we will not be attacked by the Fog anymore and that we are actually the owners of the Fog so all Is good.

After galf time I decided that I should go ahead and clean the place up a bit and stuff.

I went full sprint and came to Mt weather two hours ahead of everyone, honestly, no one has questioned my superior abilities till now and I am happy about it.

I went into the munt weather the normal way this time..through a door and looked all around the rooms seeing dead bodies here that lay across the floors, after some time I came across something that would hint me for some time..... I killed children... I killed children,

u could not help but bang my head on the wall... I grit my teeth for a while being at a loss about what I did but then I could not help but take those emotions back in.

'It was either them or my family' is what calmed me down. This blood was not on me it was on the being who sent me to do his dirty work.i had nothing to do with this. I had to take care of my family and if I did not do this, who knows what that guy could have done.

I did not want the others to see all of this so I packed up all the children in carts and took them away. as I reached the drain I did my final prayers for them, out of all the times I have killed, this is the second time I had hurt a kid, and I was not happy about it.

I flushed them away. I could not let those guys see me as a murderer .thats when I remembered that there were cameras installed over here so I went back, and found the office to the cameras, and what I saw startled me, these guys had eyes and ears in many places, good thing I was not found out..why was I not found out anyway...

I quickly deleted some videos to clear my name and stuff before I saw a screen that made me happy with glee.

On this screen, I saw a big ass gorilla hooping through the place I watched it through two cameras before it reached what looked like a zoo.

I had to distract myself with something and this was the perfect thing. also the fact that it was my side mission .

I contacted the others and toldn them that they were clear to come in and explore while I also told them to see if I was alive by the end of the night.

I took a sniper, two rifles, a night visions goggle.Some booze from the vault, and pistols along with my own blade. you can never be too prepared,I already had poison and bombs with me, if it went well A single sniper bullet would do the work.if it went wrong...i would have to put an effort.

Halfway through my journey I told Bell about the poisonous food and told him not to eat anything before confirmation.

Putting the thoughts that I had killed harmless children aside I gripped my sniper as I went ahead.




In total the MC has completed the main mission and two side missions whike he is on his way to kill the gorilla and complete another mission.

So what do you guys think should be the reward of killing a while group of mountain men be ,i have no idea and that is why next chapter wont be here until i know what tongive to the MC as reward. so yeah chiise from the list in authors thoughts.

please forgive the bad grammer as i had kids at home today.

Races for unlock:-


Wolf-twilight or teenwolf




Monkey King


Tiger men

Possible powers will be decided by me personally but you can give some ideas that are not too op

Chapter was late cause I re did it two timesc

Contractor_101creators' thoughts