
My Transmigration Daily Life

My name is Jay Oaks and I live a normal life, or well 'lived' a normal life, until I passed away at the age of 24. After my death I awoke to a place that looked almost the same but without a bunch of machines doing the hard work, and instead people having the ability to lift cars with their mind, create fire out of thin air and even fly. And this begins my adventures in another world.

Vanilla_IceCream16 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Day-1 Ace Cross

I looked at the business card and looked at the figure crossing the road, whose name I know knew.

"Ace Cross...Ceo of 'Amara'...35 years old...huh didn't think he was someone important..."

Jay felt slightly guilty about the fact he was taking up his time but reassured himself when he remembered his own situation. And so I started to look around for anything to do, when I remembered Ace's last words...

"...Contact me through there...If you need anything..."

I searched my pockets hoping what I thought wasn't true. It was.


I cursed as I lost my only help and riffled through my pockets hoping for at least some money. I had gone to the bank before I died so I hoped I still had the $20 bill in my pocket.

"Oh hallelujah. yes!"

I felt something in my pocket which I assumed to be cash and quickly took it out...Recipt to Wetzels...Dang it! I once again, for the second time in the day, internally cursed at myself. I started to feel pretty hopeless knowing I couldn't even ride a taxi to try and find Ace's business 'Amara' AND the fact I didn't have any money or a phone. I found a way to cope though...

"Dammit if I'm in another world shouldn't the mountains bend over backwards to help me on my journey!? Shouldn't luck be on my side!? Where's my system to guide me through all this!?"

I shouted at the sky and in return got the gaze of scared and annoyed onlookers. After getting stared at I lowered my head and mumbled my complaints while walking away. After walking for a bit I saw a small shabby building with a large neon sign that said 'Amara, When You Have Problems We Solve Them!' I pulled Ace's business card out of my jeans back pocket and went to confirm if I was at the right place. 'Amara'.

"Yes! Finally something goes my way!"

I hurried to the door with the last bit of hope I had and knocked. Once. Twice. Thrice. And on the fourth I waited 10 seconds before I completely gave up hope. I started to saunter away when I heard a "Click" and an unkind voice.

"What do you want?"

I looked back surprised someone had answered and asked:

"Hello, is Ace Cross here?"

"What do you want from him?"

"He offered to help my with some of my problems earlier today..."



I heard Ace's familiar voice and felt relieved I had found him.