
My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

Victor was a normal 21-year-old man, he grew up in a loving family that helped him take care of himself knowing that he had a practically incurable disease, the RH null blood, he was the owner of a rare blood type... But what Victor didn't know, is that this blood type was a delicacy in the supernatural world, creatures that fed on blood loved his blood type... And that blood he hated would be the factor that would make Victor the greatest vampire of all time. ........................... [A/N: The cover is mine, it's original.] This novel is being edited by: IsUnavailable, And Davo 2138. If you want to support me so that I can pay artists to illustrate the characters in my novel, visit my Patreon: patreon.com/VictorWeismann More characters images in: https://discord.gg/4FETZAf

Victor_Weismann · Fantasy
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1045 Chs

Chapter 713: If you're going to do something, do it perfectly.

Chapter 713: If you're going to do something, do it perfectly.


The Blood God religion had a new spokesperson, Valeria Alekerth. She was the High Priestess of the religion, a woman who was directly Blessed by the Blood God himself, Victor Alucard.


This news exploded among the official members who did not attend the meeting.


Not only was this news shocking, but the personal appearance of the God of their religion and the 'city' created by their God was the cause of even more shock.


Those at the meeting were telling about the 'kindness', the 'wisdom', and especially the 'beauty' of the Blood God was much more than they initially expected.


Statues, paintings, and images the whole group had of the Blood God couldn't capture a fraction of the Blood God's beauty.


A beauty that could only be directly felt and appreciated if you looked at it with your own eyes.