
My Three Beautiful Wives are Vampires: Strongest.

I own nothing. Erina wishes and awakens with her wishes. Erina is Futa, OP, and really doesn’t give a care who you are. If you think she’s gonna do what ever the Protagonist says then you be wrong. She’s the strongest and Protagonist plot armor is nothing to her as she won’t be surpassed by anyone.

xMelGodx · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 - Meeting the first of my Wives


I followed Violet and Victor to a mansion that was huge.

As we approached a blonde woman in a maid outfit approached as she saw me and blushed, Natalia.

Natalia: Miss Violet, I see you brought guest.

Violet: Unfortunately I brought a spare with me, so annoying but could you invite them in?

Natalia: Yes, Miss Violet, you can enter.

Violet: Come on you two, you must have questions, right?

As we walked I saw the maid blush at me which I smirked at.

Violet: Heh, you two are controlling yourself very well despite being Newborn, I was thinking Victor would jump on and ravage me on this couch for all the servants to see, too bad.

Enri: Just wow.

Victor: Although I find that offer attractive, I'm not an exhibitionist, and we want answers.

Violet: Your honest, huh?

As they were busy talking I look around the room I see Natalia looking at me intensely as I smile to wave at her to get a blush from her.

I walked to her as my eyes turned red as I got closer to her.

Natalia: Thirsty?

Enri: Yes and those men tasted terrible but I wonder what you taste like?

Natalia: Care to find out?

Enri: Yes.

She lowered her shirt as I bit into her neck.

Natalia: Ah!~

I sucked her as I was getting turned the way she sounded.

Natalia: Ugh!~Ah~!

Natalia held on to my head.

Natalia: Ahhhh!~Darling~!

Enri: Marry me.

Natalia: Yes!~

Then a magic circle appeared under us shinning then I guess we're married.

Violet: What the hell!?

I stopped to wipe my mouth as I saw Violet done with Victor.

Enri: What?

Violet: What are you two doing!

Enri: We're married now so that's my wife, I'm just my wifely duties.

Violet eyes widen and Victor had a blank expression.

Enri: But also Natalia, my dear wife, I know you felt down there, so was the size acceptable for you?

Natalia blushed to smile.

Natalia: Yes it was, just go easy on me~

Enri: No promises~

I kissed her lips as to see Violet's mouth wide open as Natalia walked out of the room but to come back.

Natalia: Miss Violet, please dress appropriately, we have a visitor.

Violet growled at that so Victor got up from Violet's lap as I searched the entrance.

Victor: Vampires huh?

Enri: Two them.

Violet: You both have a useful skill, how far can you both see.

Victor: I don't know, I haven't check it.

Enri: Probably pass the front door but that's it and that's it.

Violet looks disappointed as Natalia pushed the wall gently as a wardrobe of clothes for men and women appeared.

Violet: Choose any outfit you two, Victor I always wanted to say that~

I walk up to the wardrobe.

Kaguya: Lord Victor and Miss Enri, please get dressed for the visitors who may be pigs, insects, or lesser beings but you both as Noble Vampires must always dress appropriately.

I take a black short dress.

Enri: Natalia honey, can you help me?

Natalia: Of course my love.

She help me get into the dress as I straightened it out as Natalia had a love face with a blush.

I saw Victor changed as well as I put on the earrings and necklace.

Enri: Damn, we make looking like vampires good.

We walked out with Violet attaching arm to Victors as I walked behind.

As we made it to our guest I see Natalia to the side as I stood behind Violet and Victor listening to the vampire Lucy talk.

He mentioned the Inquisition as him and Victor were going at it.

As they talk I get more things about the inquisition but I know who the traitors are to know who I have to kill.

As they stopped talking I see Dawn is up as I have class and so does Victor.

Enri: Victor, are heading to class?

Victor: Yes, we need to get ready but can you survive in the sunlight Enri.

Enri: Yes, I can also do this.

I made a fireball in my hand, then lightning, then water, then finally Ice.

Violet: How is that possible! You have the three strongest traits of the vampire clans.

Enri: Oh it's my trait, I can copy anyone's abilities I see or the person when I look at them.

Everyone's eyes widens.