
My Three Beautiful Wives are Vampires: Strongest.

I own nothing. Erina wishes and awakens with her wishes. Erina is Futa, OP, and really doesn’t give a care who you are. If you think she’s gonna do what ever the Protagonist says then you be wrong. She’s the strongest and Protagonist plot armor is nothing to her as she won’t be surpassed by anyone.

xMelGodx · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - New life


My eyes woke to see the world I wanted to come to as I got out bed.

I looked around to see my room as I see a note pad on the dresser to go through things I wished for.


1) Instant Mastery

2) Reactive Adaptation

3) Strip Victor's Night King Blood as soon as he became a vampire.

4) I have the Night King's Blood

5) Absolute Control of Blood Thirst

As I wrote my other wishes those top four are key for me to be the strongest, if you read the book you know the Night King's Blood was a huge cheat but now he actually has to work hard for anything.

While I have the abilities that make me the strongest.

I put the pad down to spread my senses to see if Victor is a Vampire yet and he is but according to my memories I'm one of his best friends in this world.

But also Victor has the same personality without the Night King Blood but not the power boost he got from it, I'm good with that cause I can still beat his ass.

Eri: But I won't use my abilities other than my vampire abilities until the other mythologies come into play.

Mom: Sweetheart, are you up?

Eri: Yeah mom, what's up?

Mom: Do you have class today?

Eri: Not today.

Mom: Alright, well get dress and tell your father breakfast is ready.

Eri: Oh?

We were at the dinner table as we talked about school.

Dad: So, what are you going to do when me and your mother go out of town?

Eri: School mostly but I might something interesting to do.

They have no idea.

As I got up to change clothes I jumped out my window to the next roof at a fast speed.

Eri: Let's see what this new life brings.

As I jumped from rooftop to rooftop I saw what Victor saw in this red world but I was thirsty so but I found Victor in the alley as he must be looking for blood as well.

I sensed Violet's crazy ass here too so I jumped down to two of the guys in alley to drink there blood as Victor faced me.

Eri: Victor?

Victor: Eri?

Eri: Your a vampire now?

Victor: Yeah, this morning, what about you?

Eri: Same, only I don't remember how tho?

Violet: Who are you?

We looked to see a beautiful girl with Snow White hair and red eyes.

Eri: Names Erina Jacobs and who are you? Are you vampire?

Violet: Yes and why are you next to my darling?

Eri: I think she's talking about you Victor, which means your the one who turned him but that's not all, I can see two more Aura's around Victor which means multiple people turned him.

Victor looked with his eyes wide.

Violet: How did you know that!?

Eri: I can see Aura coming from people, Aura's with different colors are shining around Victor so one's you? Where are the others?

Violet: You are annoying?!

Eri: Get use to it sweetheart, my best friend's life is not your play thing.

Violet: This wasn't how it was supposed to go?!