
MY TEMPORARY WIFE: Sweet Surrender.

"Are you insane? Let me go!" She barked,trying to free herself from his strong arms that tightly and aggressively held her. "I will let you go,but before then,I want to remind you of something,in case you've forgotten. "The only darn thing keeping us under the same roof,is the stupid contract marriage our parents signed. "I do not love you,and never will. I don't even have any feelings for you" He spat,disgustedly. "Just so you know,I have a girlfriend that I love. So,stay off my lane and live happily!" He gruffly said,yanking her hand off without caring. °°° It's like they always say, " Marriage is sweet when you marry right". That feeling when you say "I do" to the one you love. That satisfied and sweet feeling when you marry the man or woman you are mádly in love with. Sweet,right? But,what happens when you say,yes! And marry the one you do not have any feelings for? Not sweet,right? Let's meet Caesar Ruslee,an incredibly handsome 25 years old Thailand guy. A billionaire,Celebrity and owner of CISCO AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. He's a hot talented actor whom ladies dìe for because of his incredibility. He's got the looks,the money,that kind of body every lady desires in her man. He is super sèxy,dark hair and eyes. A beautiful smile that will melt your heart away like candle wax. He smiles a lot,but that doesn't mean he's the coolest person you would ever meet. Caesar is a proud and cold hearted jerk. The only person he cares about and loves,is Cindy,his girlfriend and maybe his mom. Caesar has a girlfriend,but is married to someone else,through a contract marriage that was signed and sealed by both parents,right from their childhood. They did that to save their business alliances. Now,let's meet Georgia Singto,a 23 years old Thailand lawyer,who bagged her degree just few months ago. She's one of the most beautiful ladies you'd ever meet in Thai. Feel free to call her smiley, because she smiles a lot. He smiles can heal a broken hearted soul. She's so hot,with a kìller body that get men drooling. Dark and séxy eyes,brown long hair,cute lips,beautiful smiles. All in all,she's a beautiful and brilliant Lawyer who has won many cases already. Yea,she comes from a very rich family too. I'll describe Georgia as a chameleon. Because,she changes at any time. She can be crazy,fun,boring,annoying,loving,caring,sweet,stubborn,or cool at any time. Well,she's married to the almighty Caesar,and they both have no feelings for each. They loathe each other more than anything,but live under the same roof. What happens when she started developing feelings for her husband who she despised? What happens when Caesar still got no feelings for her? Now,what happens when Caesar finally falls deeply for her,but it was too late?

Nkere_Ella · Urban
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8 Chs

CHAPTER 4: Cruelty.

"Wh...what? Help!!" Caesar screamed, moving backwards.

Alvira was also moving closer, loosening the rope as she moved even closer.

At first,Caesar thought she was only trying to scare him,but Alvira wasn't joking at all.

"Why in the world did they not give you your pills before letting you come out?" Caesar blabbed, and Alvira laughed shortly.

"You're still talking,huh? I'm gonna tie you,take pictures of you,and post them online" Alvira chuckled, and almost grabbed him,when Georgia barged in,too.

She literally saw when Alvira was furtively walking towards the restroom immediately Caesar went in to wash the cake she threw at him.

Well,she actually thought Alvira just went to ease herself, not until she stayed in there for God knows how long. And even Caesar wasn't coming out either. She just knew Alvira was up to something.

"Holy smokes! Alvira?!" She snapped at Alvira. She hurtled and collected the rope from her, glaring seriously.

"Are you crazy? I can't believe you brought a rope with you to church" She scolded, and Alvira rolled eyes.

"I brought it to have fun,but you just ruined it" She smirked,eyeing Caesar who rolled eyes and scoffed.

Georgia's eyes suddenly landed on scared Caesar, and the next thing that was heard was a loud laugh.

"What a clown" Georgia mocked, and Alvira laughed.

She held Alvira by the hand,pulling her along with her.

"Let me go,GiGi. My mission isn't complete yet!" Alvira protested,trying to free herself from Georgia's grip.

But,Georgia held her hand tighter,and like that, they both left the restroom together with Alvira giving Caesar an" I got my eyes on you" sign.

"In my twenty five years of existence, I've never met a girl this crazy. Her craziness keeps growing each second.

"Imagine me,an actor,a whole celebrity,tied like a goat! Damn,it!

"Mom and dad should have just told me they were tired of me,so I could go stand in the middle of the highway, for a trailer to come hit me.


The wedding, partying and everything finished some hours ago.

Georgia and Caesar are home now,but in their different rooms.

Of course those two are never going to share the same room. But,neither of their parents know about this.

One could just wake up in the middle of the night and strangle the other,yunno.

Georgia is currently in her room,talking to her best friend on the phone.

"So,how's it gonna be like,best friend. Have you guys had your baths? You know it's sweeter when you take your bath first" Monique spewed rubbish.

"Are you high? Or you want to get high? Stop talking rubbish, before I end this call" She threatened, but Monique less concerned.

"See,today is your wedding night, and you can't waste it.

There's this new style I heard about, just one hit and you'll take in.

"I swear,and they.....

"Shut up! Just shut it,smokes!. You're worst than my sister" Georgia shouted, and Monique bursted out laughing from the other end.

"Who served your food and drinks,back at the wedding? I bet they added something to it.

"Just get off my phone if you have nothing important to say,smokes!

"I was only trying to advice my friend, you're married now. So,be expecting it every minute and second,just..

They were still talking when Georgia heard a loud slap from downstairs.

"I'll call you back,Monique. Just give me a minute" She said and dropped the call instantly.

She rushed downstairs, only to see Caesar with his hand on his cheek,then a lady was standing in front of him.

"Is she the one who slapped him? Smokes! That sounded so sweet. But,who is she?" She wondered aloud,and began to descend the stairs.

The moment Cindy set her eyes on Georgia,her anger and hates raised to power hundred.

"So,it's true? It's true you got married to another woman! Just when I thought I was a rumor, you idiòt!" She barked at Caesar.

She rushed to Georgia and slapped her hard on the face.

"Holy smokes!" Georgia exclaimed and.


She slapped her back with the back of her left hand. She turned the other cheek with that left hand,and landed another one on her cheek.

"You should always inform the psychiatrist when going out,so they could put a leash on you" Georgia spat.

Caesar saw that,and rushed to them, holding Cindy.

"How dare you slap my girlfriend, are you insane?!" Caesar growled.

"Smokes! This is your girlfriend? I thought she was your grandmother" Georgia laughed, derisively.

Some of the maids and male servants bursted out laughing. But,went mute immediately Caesar glared at them.

"Tell her to eat makeup more often,it might bring out her inner beauty, who knows?" Georgia shrugged and with that,she left. Swaying her a*s and walking with gait.

"Arrrrrgh" Cindy growled.


The environ is as silent as a grave yard,as everyone is quietly seated and waiting for their leader to walk in.

They are all dressed in long hooded black garments,with their heads put down in complete tranquil,as they all wait in anticipation of what their leader might say.

Their leader walked in moments later,wearing his own black garment that has a hoodie of course.

They all stood up,and greeted him in their slang,respectfully.

He majestically walked to his seat,more like a throne and gently sat down.

After he had sat down,the members sat back,too. Which he signaled them to.

He was quiet for a minute,as he just sat,taking time to look at every member. He cleared his throat afterwards,before speaking.

"Who are the people that went out on yesterday's mission?" His rough voice came asking.

Without wasting time,or waiting for him to ask again.

The two who actually went on the mission stood up,their heads hanging down and waiting for what is in for them.

"You failed. The victim is still alive" He spoke again. The two couldn't day anything.

They dare not utter any word, because death might be the order of the day.

The black daggers cult is one of the most notorious and dangerous cult groups in town that has caused so many deaths of people, both normal people and students.

Especially,the deaths and rapés of many students. They steal,too.

They can ràpe one to death,and care less. You dare not mess with them, because deàth awaits you.

The cops have tried all their best in catching and bringing them to justice, but they've not been able to. Because they've never been able to find their secret hideout.

"And you know what happens when one fails to accomplish his mission" He said. He signaled a member to bring him a weapon.

He brought it forth, and the two went on their knees immediately without hesitating.

He ordered them to take off their garments,including what they wore inside.

The two were left completely nàked, with nothing on them.

After that, he stepped forward, picked the dagger and started giving them little,excruciating cuts on their backs.

"Ahhhhhh!" They screamed, with blòod rushing out instantly.
