
MY TEMPORARY WIFE: Sweet Surrender.

"Are you insane? Let me go!" She barked,trying to free herself from his strong arms that tightly and aggressively held her. "I will let you go,but before then,I want to remind you of something,in case you've forgotten. "The only darn thing keeping us under the same roof,is the stupid contract marriage our parents signed. "I do not love you,and never will. I don't even have any feelings for you" He spat,disgustedly. "Just so you know,I have a girlfriend that I love. So,stay off my lane and live happily!" He gruffly said,yanking her hand off without caring. °°° It's like they always say, " Marriage is sweet when you marry right". That feeling when you say "I do" to the one you love. That satisfied and sweet feeling when you marry the man or woman you are mádly in love with. Sweet,right? But,what happens when you say,yes! And marry the one you do not have any feelings for? Not sweet,right? Let's meet Caesar Ruslee,an incredibly handsome 25 years old Thailand guy. A billionaire,Celebrity and owner of CISCO AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. He's a hot talented actor whom ladies dìe for because of his incredibility. He's got the looks,the money,that kind of body every lady desires in her man. He is super sèxy,dark hair and eyes. A beautiful smile that will melt your heart away like candle wax. He smiles a lot,but that doesn't mean he's the coolest person you would ever meet. Caesar is a proud and cold hearted jerk. The only person he cares about and loves,is Cindy,his girlfriend and maybe his mom. Caesar has a girlfriend,but is married to someone else,through a contract marriage that was signed and sealed by both parents,right from their childhood. They did that to save their business alliances. Now,let's meet Georgia Singto,a 23 years old Thailand lawyer,who bagged her degree just few months ago. She's one of the most beautiful ladies you'd ever meet in Thai. Feel free to call her smiley, because she smiles a lot. He smiles can heal a broken hearted soul. She's so hot,with a kìller body that get men drooling. Dark and séxy eyes,brown long hair,cute lips,beautiful smiles. All in all,she's a beautiful and brilliant Lawyer who has won many cases already. Yea,she comes from a very rich family too. I'll describe Georgia as a chameleon. Because,she changes at any time. She can be crazy,fun,boring,annoying,loving,caring,sweet,stubborn,or cool at any time. Well,she's married to the almighty Caesar,and they both have no feelings for each. They loathe each other more than anything,but live under the same roof. What happens when she started developing feelings for her husband who she despised? What happens when Caesar still got no feelings for her? Now,what happens when Caesar finally falls deeply for her,but it was too late?

Nkere_Ella · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Help me.


"Now,let us invoke God's blessing upon this bride and groom,that in his kindness,he may favor with help,those whom he has bestowed the sacrament of holy matrimony.

In his sight and these witnesses gathered here,I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may now kiss!" The priest anounced.

Georgia and Caesar turned to look at each, other disgustedly.

From the looks on their faces, no one needed to tell them how much they hate each other.

Wait! Nobody told them they'd be kissing. Eish!

Don't these people know that they don't like each other?

They even hate talking to each other and now these people want them to kiss? They got to be kidding them. Like what the hell?!

"There won't be any need for that,Padre. We've already kissed in advance,that's actually why we came late" Georgia blurted out crazily without caring where she actually was.

"Huh?" Everyone curved their lips in shocks as they never saw that coming.

Even Caesar himself was totally shocked to hear what Georgia just said.

"Kissed in advance" Alvira muffled and almost bursted out laughing loud,but Alvara was quick to close her mouth with her palm.

The priest remained totally speechless,he was just staring at the two in shocks.

This is the worst wedding he has ever celebrated.


"Ahhh!" Cindy screamed when she saw something so shocking on her twitter account news feed.

She just walked out of the kitchen with a plate of food,whilst going through her twitter account,when she stumbled upon a post.

It's the news about Caesar and Georgia's wedding.

The plate she held, fell off from her hand and shattered instantly, with the food staining everywhere as a result.

"What happened?" Her friend rushed in,asking.

Cindy couldn't say anything,she just showed her friend the post saw online.

"What?! Caesar just got married to another woman?" She asked,shockingly. She collected the phone from Cindy and checked it well, to be sure she wasn't just seeing things.


The caption read and she couldn't believe her eyes!

~But what happened to Ms. Cindy? We never heard they broke up.

~Men will always be men.

She began to read all the comments,her mouth in agape,as she read more.

"This is a joke,right? It's just a rumour,Caesar can't do this to me!" Cindy whimpered,sitting down heavily on the cold floor like a child whose favorite toy has just been ceased from her.

"Calm down,Cindy. This definitely has to be a joke" Jade squatted to Cindy's level, shaking her head as she tried to console her friend and make her believe that it's all a joke.

"Just one month of being away from him,and he's married?" Cindy said in an unbelievable tone. She got up from the floor swiftly like a crazy person, and ran into her room.

"What are you doing?" Jade who is confused, asked with curved brows as she wondered why Cindy suddenly went to get her laptop.

"Booking a flight. I am going back to Chiang Mai today!" Cindy answered, wiping her tears away as she began to type on her laptop in the fastest way she could.


"Trust me,Caesar. Even a tortoise would look cuter in suite,you look like a rejected sacrifice" Georgia, who could be seen sitting near Caesar, blasted him.

They are both sitting down....well,almost close to each other. Because Caesar put a demarcation between them in order for them not to get any closer to each other than they already were.

"And you think you look good in that?

You look like my great grandmother in the 20's" Caesar fired back.

Hearing that,Georgia picked one of the already cut cakes,and threw it on his face and it stuck right on his nose.

"Now you really look like a rejected sacrifice" Georgia laughed hard like an insane person.

"The hell! Have you lost it? Shit!" Caesar shot, angrily. He got off his seat with anger, and left there immediately.

Georgia looked at him till she could not see him again. She chuckled and shook her head, before moving her eyes to their guests.

"Congratulations,darling" Brenda walked to Georgia and placed a hand on her shoulder,smiling beautifully at Georgia.

"Thank you,ma" Georgia smiled back in a friendly way.

"Caesar is a very stubborn person,just let me know when he starts giving you too much trouble" She said and pecked Georgia. She chuckled and nodded her head.

"I'll also let you know when I'm done with him and he's ready to be taken to the morgue" Georgia mumbled and smirked.


"What the hell are you doing here? This is a restroom for "gents" can't you read?" Caesar shouted at Alvira who just barged into the restroom.

"So,with all these dressing, I don't look like a guy,huh?" Alvira rolled eyes,scoffing.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked again, and Alvira smirked, knowingly.

"I'm here to show you a sample of what I'll do to you,if you mess with my sister" She said,bringing out a rope from her pants that's got so many pockets.

She started walking towards Caesar who was left totally confused.

"What do you think you're doing, you maniac!" Caesar barked,moving backwards.

"I actually wanted it to be a surprise. But,since you've asked, I'll tell you.

"I'm gonna tie you up like a goat,till you beg and make a promise" Alvira said,and Caesar's eyes widened.

Alvira is super crazy! This was why Georgia asked her mom and Alvara to check her bag yesterday,to be sure there was no rope inside.

Alvira walks around with ropes,especially in school and won't hesitate to tie and lock you up in your locker.

"Wh....what?! Help!!" Caesar screamed, walking backwards.
