
My System Is Anti-Japanese

Travel through 1931. Tang Zhenghai became a major general and division commander of the Kuomintang Army! Still a direct descendant of the bald head! Seeing the Japs invading our Dragon Kingdom, Tang Zhenghai was naturally furious and planned to lead his troops to counterattack! Chang Kaishen ordered that the troops should not act rashly. At this time, the rebellion system was activated! "Ding, it is detected that the host is facing an environment, and the following tasks are issued!" "Mission 1: Stop the attack, continue to guard Shanhaiguan, and do not have contact with the Japs!" "Reward, a turtle hat!" "Mission 2: Don't take advantage of Chang Kaishen, just send troops to beat up the little Japs!" "The reward is a full set of German infantry division equipment! Plus, one million rounds of ammunition!" "..." From then on, Tang Zhenghai embarked on a path of rebellion! Some years later... Little devil: Dad Long Guo, we were wrong, stop fighting... Yingjiang: The Dragon Kingdom has actually become a great power? Mao Xiong: I can’t sleep with such a neighbor!

Ron_Blackwood · History
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After Tang Zhenghai gave the order, Wei Hu took the guard battalion under his hands, hundreds of battles, and was busy for a long time, but it turned out that there were still a large number of materials that could not be transported back to the division headquarters.

After all, this is the equipment of an entire German-style infantry division, especially the ammunition in it, which is ten times that of peacetime and wartime, and the number is naturally quite exaggerated.

Later, Tang Zhenghai ordered another regiment to send a regiment of troops over to help with the transportation, and it took several hours to transport all the materials back to the division headquarters.

After returning to the division headquarters, Tang Zhenghai did not hesitate, and directly summoned the commanders of the two infantry brigades and the four infantry regiments under his command, intending to distribute all these equipment to everyone.

After all, they are about to fight the little devil next, and the soldiers will change their outfits earlier, and when the time comes, the time to fight with the little devil, the chance of winning will naturally be greater!

"Commissioner Huang, the division is in a meeting, you can't enter!"

"Get out of the way!".

"Dare to stop us, you have eaten the gall of a leopard!".

"Get out!".


At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the division headquarters.


Tang Zhenghai frowned at this moment, when he heard what kind of Huang commissioner was, the whole person was a little puzzled at first, but soon, with a wave of memories pouring out of his mind, Tang Zhenghai instantly understood what this Huang commissioner was doing.

It turned out that this Huang commissioner was specially dispatched to the 120th Division by the chairman of the committee.

In fact, not only the 120th Division, but basically all the main forces of the national government, there is such a type of people.

The difference is just light or dark.

You must know that Chang Kaishen, although his military ability is average, but the means of playing the conspiracy of Zhengzhi are first-class!

Even if the 120th Division is Chang Kaishen's main force, the other party is still not at ease, and sent such a thing as Commissioner Huang to their 120th Division, who is responsible for supervising the daily life and training of their 120th Division.

Whenever their 120th Division disobeys any order, they will immediately report it to Chang Kaishen!

After thinking of this, Tang Zhenghai was also a little speechless.

Bald guy, skill points, basically all of them are crooked!

If all these thoughts could be used to deal with the little devils and the Western powers, the Dragon Kingdom would not be poor and weak to this point now.

"Wei Hu, let Commissioner Huang in!".

"Don't stop!".


The next moment, Tang Zhenghai directly commanded.

In the past, Tang Zhenghai was hindered by the identity of the other party, so he has always been courteous to this Huang commissioner, but now Tang Zhenghai has changed.

What a bullshit correspondent.

Tang Zhenghai doesn't bird each other!

It just so happened that today I slaughtered this bullshit commissioner and used it to sacrifice the banner of their 120th Division!

"Master Tang!".

"What are you doing here?".

"Why did you give the order to assemble the troops without authorization?".

"The chairman of the committee has just issued an order, the situation in the northeast has deteriorated, and I asked the troops near Shanhaiguan to strictly guard their positions and not move without permission!"

"Are you doing this to disobey the order of the chairman!".


An obese middle-aged man wearing a black windbreaker, glasses, and oily hair walked in menacingly, directly facing Tang Zhenghai, and asked loudly.

Behind him, there were two black trench coats with box cannons hanging from their waists, and they looked like little followers with dog legs.

At this moment, after the group walked in, they showed a swaggering look.

did not take Tang Zhenghai and the other officers and soldiers of the 120th Division of the National Army in his eyes at all.

Still, think about it.

These people all report directly to the chairman of the committee and are under the direct management of the chairman!

It's simply equivalent to the ancient brocade guard!

Naturally, it's arrogant!

Tang Zhenghai and the other officers and soldiers of the 120th Division were not taken into account at all.


At this moment, Tang Zhenghai first smiled after seeing this Huang commissioner so arrogant, and then took a sip of hot tea.

Only then did he casually say: "Yes, what Commissioner Huang said is very right!".

"Tang is indeed going to disobey!".



As Tang Zhenghai's words fell, it was the Huang commissioner on the opposite side who was directly manipulated by this wave of operations and couldn't be rectified.

He didn't seem to expect that Tang Zhenghai would admit his disobedience so neatly!

You know, disobeying the chairman's order is not a trivial matter!

Thinking of this, Commissioner Huang snorted coldly and said, "Master Tang, you don't have to give me Huang this set!"

"I know that your Tang family is powerful, even if you disobey orders, we can't help you!"


Speaking of this, Commissioner Huang's gaze swept over the faces of the other officers of the 120th Division in the division headquarters, as well as the soldiers, and said coldly: "But the rest of you have to think clearly!"

"It is a great crime to disobey the order of the chairman!"

"At that time, once the chairman of the committee is blamed, even if the Tang family can keep Master Tang, but the rest of you may not be so lucky!"


If it was before, when everyone heard Commissioner Huang's threatening words, they were afraid that they would really have to weigh one or two in their hearts, but right now, all the officers and soldiers of the 120th Division have become Tang Zhenghai's diehards because of the mission card of all the people!

Therefore, in the face of the threat of Commissioner Huang, everyone showed disdain, and even shook their heads and laughed at each other!

In their eyes, the other party is completely a clown who jumps off the beam!


"You guys..."

When Commissioner Huang saw the scene in front of him, the whole person was completely confused!

He really couldn't figure out what was wrong with this group of people in the 120th Division?

Wasn't it okay yesterday?

How did they all look like this after a night?

"Commissioner Huang, huh?"

"Tell you, the chairman's order, Tang is resisting today!".

"Moreover, it is not only the order of the chairman, whoever dares to stop our 120th Division from killing devils is our enemy!".

"It is the enemy of the 40,000,000 compatriots of the entire Dragon Kingdom!".

"The little devil is ravaging the land of my Dragon Country, killing my compatriots, my generation of soldiers, how can they sit idly by?"

"Tell you, today's fate, Tang is resistant!".

"It's time to get out of the customs and fight devils!"


Tang Zhenghai said with a resolute face.


"You're so daring..."

Commissioner Huang was completely shocked by Tang Zhenghai's attitude, and was just about to say something, but in the next second, he saw Tang Zhenghai, who was originally sitting on a chair, suddenly took out a pistol from his waist and aimed it at Commissioner Huang with two shots!

Killed him on the spot!

"Da Da Da ..."

At this time, Wei Hu on the side also immediately rushed over after seeing Tang Zhenghai make a move, directly picked up the submachine gun he had just received, and went over with a shuttle to solve the two little followers of Commissioner Huang!

At the same time, there was a look of surprise on his face, as if he felt that this submachine gun was better than he thought!

At this time, Tang Zhenghai stood up even more, and said with a serious face to the two brigade commanders and four infantry regiment commanders in front of him: "All troops will receive weapons immediately!"

"After two hours, be sure to start marching!"

"We have to get out of the customs as quickly as possible and eliminate this group of dog-day little devils !!."

"Yes!!" The officers of the 120th Division saluted one after another, and the soldiers were high!

ps: If you like it, come with some free flowers, evaluation votes, thank you!

In addition, the author has a million-word anti-Japanese war novel, so you can read it with confidence.

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