
My System Is Anti-Japanese

Travel through 1931. Tang Zhenghai became a major general and division commander of the Kuomintang Army! Still a direct descendant of the bald head! Seeing the Japs invading our Dragon Kingdom, Tang Zhenghai was naturally furious and planned to lead his troops to counterattack! Chang Kaishen ordered that the troops should not act rashly. At this time, the rebellion system was activated! "Ding, it is detected that the host is facing an environment, and the following tasks are issued!" "Mission 1: Stop the attack, continue to guard Shanhaiguan, and do not have contact with the Japs!" "Reward, a turtle hat!" "Mission 2: Don't take advantage of Chang Kaishen, just send troops to beat up the little Japs!" "The reward is a full set of German infantry division equipment! Plus, one million rounds of ammunition!" "..." From then on, Tang Zhenghai embarked on a path of rebellion! Some years later... Little devil: Dad Long Guo, we were wrong, stop fighting... Yingjiang: The Dragon Kingdom has actually become a great power? Mao Xiong: I can’t sleep with such a neighbor!

Ron_Blackwood · History
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50 Chs



"Mauser, 98K rifle ..."

"Submachine guns, and light and heavy machine guns!".

"And artillery!".

"I'm going to be good!".

"Master, this is all good stuff!".


Wei Hu took the soldiers of the guard battalion under his command at this moment, collected these airdrop boxes, and under Tang Zhenghai's order, he picked a few boxes at random and opened them all for him.

It's just that when they saw the equipment inside, one by one, they gasped, and their faces were full of shock!

You know, in this era, what is the most lacking in the Dragon Kingdom?

Not money, not food!

It's arms!

Massive quantities of arms!

In fact, whether it is gold and silver reserves, as well as food, there is no shortage, but at this time in the Republic of China, a large amount of wealth is in the hands of a very small number of people, so the life of the people at the bottom is quite difficult!

Those who lack food and money are only the people at the bottom.

For those gentry class, as well as the bureaucratic comprador class of the state government, these people are not short of money and living resources

And on what basis do these bureaucrats, and compradors, and the gentry maintain their position, and rule?

Naturally, the army!

And to arm an army, naturally, you need a large amount of munitions!

If the people at the bottom want to resist, they naturally need arms!

Therefore, the current Dragon Kingdom, in fact, is the most sought-after is arms!

After all, the Dragon Kingdom is still only an agricultural country, and its industrial base is almost equivalent to zero, and many things need to be imported from abroad.

Not to mention anything else, there is basically no large-caliber artillery above 150mm in the current Dragon Kingdom!

Even if there is, it is equipped in a very small number of troops, and it is used as a hole card, and it basically does not show up in peacetime.

But in the West, 150mm artillery can be regarded as sparse and ordinary, and it has begun to be equipped on a large scale, which is one of their standard equipment!

From here, you can see the gap between the two sides.

Coupled with the internal situation of the Dragon Kingdom, the current complex domestic situation, although nominally, Chang Kaishen's government has ruled the entire Dragon Kingdom, but that is only in name!

There are countless warlords in various places, and Chang Kaishen's government army only occupies part of the territory, and more places are still controlled by warlords.

Chang Kaishen and these warlords are naturally guarding against each other, and they are secretly expanding their armies, wanting to eat each other in one go!

Therefore, arms have become a sweet spot in the eyes of these people!

Not to mention anything else, Chang Kaishen alone has basically never stopped buying arms from abroad over the years, and has constantly purchased all kinds of new equipment to arm the army and enhance its own strength.

It's just that these Western powers are not stupid, they generally sell to Chang Kaishen, and most of the arms of the Dragon Army are eliminated by themselves, and they often sell them at prices that are several times higher than the market price.

It can be said that it is quite disgusting!

However, with the weak industrial foundation of the Dragon Kingdom now, even if he knew that this was the case, he could only pinch his nose and admit it.

I have to say that this is indeed a great sorrow in the current era of the Dragon Kingdom!

"Master, these are all good things!".

"With these weapons and equipment, I promise, our brothers in the 120th Division will definitely be able to beat this group of dog-day little devils out of the shit!"


At this moment, Wei Hu took out a brand-new submachine gun from the box, and the whole person held it in his hand, looking like he couldn't put it down!

At the same time, my face is full of confidence!

You know, submachine guns are a rarity!

In the Dragon Country, but only some bigwigs, and his personal guards, can be equipped, grassroots troops, that is not to be thought of.

Even their 120th Division, the main force of the national government, is not equipped.

Therefore, when Wei Hu was holding this brand-new submachine gun in his hand at the moment, the whole person was also excited.

I can't wait to hold this thing like a wife.

"Alright, look at your little bit of talent!".

"There are more than 300 submachine guns in this batch of munitions, so you can take out a hundred and replenish them to the guard barracks, and in the future, you will use them!"


At this moment, Tang Zhenghai spoke.

You know, what they got this time was a complete German-style infantry division equipment, including more than 400 light machine guns, plus more than 100 heavy machine guns.

There are more than 500 light and heavy machine guns alone!

In particular, their 120th division itself has more than a hundred light and heavy machine guns.

In this way, the machine-gun firepower of their 120th division is not lacking at all!

There are more than 600 light and heavy machine guns in total!

This firepower can be said to be quite outrageous!

Compared with the machine gun firepower of a division of the little devil, it is more than twice as strong!

Therefore, in this case, it is also possible for Tang Zhenghai to take out a hundred submachine guns and supplement them to his guard battalion to improve the combat effectiveness of the soldiers.

It will not affect the combat effectiveness of the troops at all.

Besides, the guard battalion is his personal guard in Zhenghai, equipped with a hundred submachine guns, and his safety is more guaranteed, isn't it?

"Division, you really want to give us a guard battalion, equipped with a hundred submachine guns?".

After Wei Hu heard Tang Zhenghai's words, he couldn't believe it.

You know, he was still thinking just now that he would wait for a dead face, ask for a master's seat, and let the other party reward him with a submachine gun.

As a result, before he could speak, Tang Zhenghai wanted to directly equip the guard battalion with a hundred submachine guns!

I'm a good one!

For a while, Wei Hu was so excited!

At this moment, Tang Zhenghai glanced at the other party and said casually: "If you don't want it, you can do it!"

"When the time comes, I will distribute this batch of submachine guns to other troops. "

"Don't mind!".

"Master, I want it, of course I want it!".

"Such good equipment, whoever doesn't want it is a bastard!".


As soon as he heard that Tang Zhenghai was going to equip these submachine guns with other troops, Wei Hu reacted at the moment and hurriedly agreed, and at the same time, the whole person lay on the airdrop box, and picked up the submachine guns inside with his hands


When Tang Zhenghai saw this scene, he was also amused, and said: "Okay, I said that I would equip you with 100 submachine guns for the guard battalion, don't worry!"

"Now let people immediately transport all these weapons and equipment back to the division headquarters!"

"Distribute the equipment first, arm our troops!"


"Yes!" After Wei Hu knew that his guard battalion had a hundred submachine guns, his whole person was also enthusiastic, and he immediately agreed.

Then, he began to direct his soldiers to collect all these materials and prepare to transport them back to the division headquarters.

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