
The Call

Kim had just stepped out of the shower as quickly as she had stepped in, she could guess for sure how her day was already going to be. As she cleaned her body hurriedly the voice of her caller still steered clear in her memory.

Kim's phone had rang as early as 6.00am in the morning and she had sluggishly picked up the phone with a sleepy shaky voice almost like a whisper as she yawns through it..

"Hello...who is on the line?

Hello Miss Kim Courtney, replied a thick masculine voice, Kim's eyes were already forced opened as the deep voice behind the phone sent some chills down her spine.

Miss Kim Courtney are you there the voice sounded again behind the phone, well by now Kim knew she had to brace up and say something.

Almost as unflinched as ever Kim replied; Yes, how can I help you? Then the caller replied almost immediately; Mr Jason Miller speaking, please report to the office by 7.00am, Sorry for the inconveniences, See You at the office. Kim was about to reply when the call went off on the other end.

Kim literally went crazy with so many thoughts on her mind...

Mr Jason Miller? the most talked about man in Hudsoft Global Company?... How was he able to reach her?...

And Office by 7?... How is she supposed to be at the office in an hour's time?...

"I have no idea of what to wear she thought"..

but most importantly why would the CEO call her directly instead of the assistant? .... Could she be in some kind of trouble? ...

Almost lost in thought, Kim snapped out and hurriedly looked for a dress to wear and ended up selecting her red gown with a matching pair of shoes and a dark sunglasses to cover the dark eye bags on her face, she hated those eyebags, but they always pop out almost as soon as she misses an hour of sleep.

By now Kim had already left the house cursing silently and hissing at any slightest opportunity, she just hates work and any kind of impromptu calls or appointment, this had better be worth it as her normal time for resumption at the office was 9.00am.

Kim stopped a cab, hopped in almost immediately; Hudsoft Global,Parkinson road westwood she said; and the cab man drove off immediately.

Kim knew for sure it would be one of those busy days at the office, starting with long boring meetings and all but what she was not sure of was; why the CEO would call her and if she was in any trouble that may cause her to be reprimanded by the boss or even queried...Kim prayed silently as she could see the tall office building down the  road by the second turning. Her mind was ready but hands were already shaky, she sure needs to be calm, she could not afford to look shaky In front of the CEO.