
Somebody Help !!

"Hello Miss Kim..."

Without waiting for a response, the speaker continued..

" As you know I have now resumed my position as the company CEO so I demand your cooperation as I won't condole any negligence from any worker in this company..."

By now the silence in the office was so strong you could hear the sound of a pin if dropped from a distance... Kim was as numb as ever...so much running through her mind, her eyes fixed on the curved full lips of the man talking to her, how can one be so fine to perfection she thought..and how he effortlessly creates an aura of authority and power yet so distinct...this man must be angel or surely from another world....

" Miss Kim!! "

The voice rang out again jerking her out of her wild thoughts..she opened her eyes as tho she has been listening, then Mr Jason continued again...

" You will be working directly with me as my personal assistant henceforth, Hannah will see to it that your office is moved closer..." Would you like to say something?

Kim was loosing it and she hates this feeling, she is always the one in charge but right now her voice failed her, Hannah was the CEO's personal assistant, why the change in position? Did Hannah do something? The puzzle is gradually coming together... Hannah's response to her earlier today has been so strange and the way she kept staring at her while she walked to her office was so suspicious..well this answers it all..." But she has to say something to this man staring right into her face, waiting for an answer.

So for the first time since the conversation started, Kim cleared her voice, still standing she looked straight into Mr Jason's eye and said ;

" it would be my pleasure working with you Sir..."

"... Good! Do Have a nice day Miss Kim" he replied, You can now leave.

Kim walked out of the office, overwhelmed in her own thoughts. "Well i need to speak with Eddie she said almost aloud, someone needs to give me an explanation of what is going on.

Hello guys!! Kindly leave a comment or review about this chapter so I can do better in my next chapter.. enjoy!!

DoraMillecreators' thoughts