
Chapter 8 I'm Here to Pick Up Your Third Sister-in-Law

Translator: 549690339

"Xiaoyu," Ran Dongkui stood up in surprise.

"Xiaoyu is back," Qiao Li also stood up, forcing a smile on her face, "Look at you... What a mess, hurry up, go wash your face."

Ha, there are guests around, so she's really acting the part.

Ran Yu let out a cold snicker, "Go back to which room? I haven't greeted our guests yet."

After finishing her words, she casually tossed the cigarette butt away and looked towards the quiet and well-behaved Ran Yurou next to Qin Yi, "So men all like this kind of fake purity, the little white flower act, huh? If I had known..."

Ran Yurou's face turned pale, and Ran Dongkui's voice rose, "Xiaoyu! There are guests here, keep your mouth shut."

Ran Yu nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders.

Fine, I won't speak then.

Qiao Li had just let out a sigh of relief, but Qin Yi suddenly spoke, "Xiaoyou, are you and Yurou... sisters?"

Even though Ran Yu had been chasing him for so many years, he only knew that others called her "Xiaoyu" or "Bro Yu." Every time she appeared in front of him, she was either dressed outrageously or in heavy makeup, proficient in smoking and drinking...

Since he naturally wasn't interested in such girls, he didn't bother to inquire further. But to think...

Ran Yu looked at him and let out a laugh with a "pfft."

Damn, how ironic and hilarious that the man she'd been after for years didn't even know her last name was Ran!

Ran Yurou hurriedly said with a soft voice, "Big Brother Qin, I forgot to introduce you, her name is Ran Yu, my sister."

"Half-sisters," Ran Yu deliberately added.

Following her words, Qiao Li's already pleasant face instantly darkened, especially when she saw the unmistakable shock on Qin Yi's face...

Her face tensed up, and in a slightly panicked voice, she shouted at Ran Yu, "What nonsense are you blabbering about? Get back in the room already!"

The Qin Family valued their reputation for being a scholarly family...

"I'm speaking the truth. What, afraid the Qin Family will look down on your daughter?" After saying this, the smile on Ran Yu's face grew even more brilliant and cheerful.

Qin Yi was just sitting there, and even though Qiao Li was furious, she had to suppress her anger... Grinding her teeth, she could only turn to Ran Dongkui with a wronged expression, "Dongkui, look at your daughter..."

Ran Dongkui had no choice but to play the peacemaker, "Xiaoyu, go back to your room."

Ran Yu, looking at his impatient expression, suddenly lost all interest.

"Alright then."

She slung her backpack over her shoulder and walked to the bedroom nonchalantly.

Ran Dongkui was just about to close the door when Ran Yu charged out of the bedroom again, "Who the fuck touched my stuff?"

Ran Dongkui paused and quickly looked towards Qiao Li, "Qiao Li, did you touch Xiaoyu's stuff?"

"Oh." Qiao Li curled her lip and explained, "Well, she was staying at her mother's place, so I collected all her things. That room was quite cramped, and this way Yurou would have more space to herself..."

"Who the fuck are you to touch my things?" Ran Yu swung her backpack aiming to throw it at Qiao Li.

"Xiaoyu!" Ran Dongkui swiftly grabbed her, "Come back to the room with me."

"I'm not going!" Ran Yu violently shook off his hand.

Filled with long-standing anger and grievance, she, like a violated creature, threw her bag on the ground and lashed out, "You think hanging on to the Qin Family is success, do you? Let me tell you, a mistress stays a mistress, inherently cheap, and the daughter she bears is nothing but a habitual..."

Qiao Li was so angry her eyes twitched, her face alternating between red and white as she trembled and lifted her right hand, "You wretched girl, you..."

But that hand never came down.

All of a sudden, a tall male figure had positioned himself in front of Ran Yu.

He held Qiao Li's wrist firmly, his white shirt sleeves casually rolled up to his elbows, revealing his strong forearms.

From her angle, he towered over her by a full head, his nose bridge high, jawline firm, his facial features sharp and handsome, appearing like a work of art!

Ran Yu stared at him blankly, unable to snap back to reality.

Maybe it was his imposing aura that shook her, but the room fell silent instantly until Qiao Li cried out in pain, "Who are you, how did you get in, let go..."

Then, Qin Yi's voice also rang out, "Third Brother, when did you get here?"

Qin Yi's father, Qin Wang, was the younger brother of Qin Yun, which meant that, by seniority, he should address Lu Ziheng as "Third Brother."

At the mention of "Third Brother," everyone gasped in shock again.

As for Lu Ziheng, he gave him a light glance and said, "Yes, I came to pick up your third sister-in-law."

Third sister-in-law?!

While everyone was still gaping in disbelief, Lu Ziheng released his hold, then ruffled Ran Yu's disheveled hair with affection and ease, "Sorry little girl, I'm late."

Ran Yu stared at him with an expression that said, 'Are you an idiot?' "Who are you?"

Lu Ziheng: "..."