
Chapter 7 Really a Little Fox

Translator: 549690339

"Who's there?"

"Who caught your eye?"

"Ziheng, come on, spill it!"

Madame Lu and Qin Yun asked anxiously one after the other.

Lu Xianqing was somewhat surprised as well.

Because Qin Yun's health wasn't good, over the years, the couple only had this one precious child. Although they had always hoped their son would marry soon, they didn't expect... happiness to come this swiftly!

Lu Ziheng smiled but then turned to address everyone, "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's banquet ends here."

No sooner had he finished speaking than the whole place burst into commotion:

"What's going on here?"

"Exactly, why is it ending so suddenly?"

"I haven't even spoken yet!"

"This is too much..."

Qin Yun hurriedly stood to pull her son back, "Ziheng, don't mess around!"

"Alright, I won't," Lu Ziheng raised an eyebrow slightly and raised his voice again, "Thank you all for coming today. However, I've long had someone I fancy, and we're going to get married soon. If you're willing, I welcome you to come and drink our wedding wine then."

Even the phrase "drink our wedding wine" was said, and although the female guests were dissatisfied, there was nothing they could do but leave with varying expressions.

The Lu Family members were about to ask more when Lu Ziheng suddenly stepped away.

In a corner, Feng Yanyan was over the moon after hearing those words, "You, brother..."

But when she turned around, she found that the spot beside her was empty—Ran Yu was gone!


On the street, Ran Yu held her mobile phone to her ear while walking.

The night in D City was loud and lively, yet she remained expressionless, her black eyeshadowed cat eyes emitting an air of defiance.

Possibly because she couldn't hear a response, Ran Dongkui sighed and began to concede, "Xiaoyu, since you're so reluctant to stay at grandma's house, then come back. You're a girl, and it's very unsafe to be out so late. Dad is really worried about you, can you come home?"


Ran Yu looked ahead and suddenly conjured a light, floating smile on her face.

Was that truly her home?

"Xiaoyu, tell me your address, and Dad will come to pick you up right now, alright? It's very late already, you..."

Suddenly, Qiao Li's voice erupted from the phone, "Pick up what? Doesn't she have lots of friends? She might as well never come back!"

"What nonsense are you spouting?"

Ran Dongkui started to argue with Qiao Li.

Soon, Qiao Li's voice came directly through the phone, "Listen here, you brat, tomorrow morning, Yurou is bringing Qin Yi home for a meal. Don't you dare come back and cause trouble—you hear me..."

Ran Yu suddenly put down the phone and then threw it with all her might.

The phone shattered on the ground, and the noise was gone.

Ran Yu lifted her head and trembled for a long while before slowly calming herself down.


In the banquet hall.

Lu Ziheng walked to the sofa, only to find the spot empty and the table in disarray.

Truly a little fox, disappearing in just a moment...

The Lu Family members followed in, including Yan Nansheng who was there for the spectacle.

"Ziheng, do you really have a girl in mind?" Madame Lu asked.

"Where is she, what's her name?"

"Whose daughter is she?"

"Son, speak up!" Qin Yun couldn't help but push him a bit.

Lu Ziheng withdrew his gaze, "Yes."

"Pfft!" Yan Nansheng couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The Lu Family members were already anxious, and after all this questioning, all they got was this one word, which really infuriated them.

"You unlucky child, are you trying to worry me to death?" Madame Lu slapped his arm, loud and decisive, "Hurry up, tell us her name."

Lu Ziheng darkened his face and could only say, "Ran Yu."

Ran You?

With a "thud," the old Master Lu slammed his cane on the ground fiercely and scolded, "You're fucking around!"


Late at night.

The living room lights were bright, and Feng Yanyan sat on the sofa, her eyes half-closed.

Though she was extremely tired, with Ran Yu not back yet, she couldn't fall asleep and didn't dare to.

With the mobile phone unreachable and no news from Shen Ao or Shen Letian, she was out of options and could only wait anxiously.


The wall clock struck loudly.

It was already one o'clock in the morning.

Feng Yanyan pouted, what to do?

Just then, there were footsteps at the door.

"You, brother!"

Feng Yanyan leapt off the sofa and rushed over, excited, "You, where did you go? Why couldn't I reach you on the phone? Do you know I was almost frantic?"

Ran Yu lifted her eyelids and glanced at her, her tone cold, "The phone broke, so I threw it away."


Ran Yu took off her shoes and walked barefoot towards her room, "I'll go home tomorrow morning."

"Go home?" Feng Yanyan was taken aback and hurriedly followed, asking, "Why though, didn't you fall out with your family? You, brother you..."

With a "snap," the bedroom door was slammed shut.


The next day.

At 10 a.m., a well-dressed Qin Yi arrived at the Ran Family home, bearing gifts.

Handsome and refined, and with the Qin Family renowned in D City as a family of scholars, Qiao Li naturally approved highly.

On the sofa, Qin Yi held Ran Yurou's hand and declared his intentions, "Uncle, Aunt, although I'm currently just a department manager at the Lu Family's firm, my feelings for Yurou are sincere. I hope you'll agree to let us date."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Qiao Li nodded with a smile, "As long as you genuinely care for Yurou, we as parents have no objections."

Ran Yurou blushed and lowered her head, about to speak as her hand clasped with Qin Yi's, when suddenly the sound of a key turning in the lock could be heard.

Soon after, the house door swung open.

Ran Yu, heavily made-up and dressed eccentrically, with a cigarette dangling from her lips and an insolent stare, said, "Wow, having guests at home, are we?"