
Chapter 14 Marriage Certificate

Translator: 549690339

Hurriedly returning to the police station, I just caught sight of a black Range Rover driving out of the main gate, with Ran Yu sitting in the passenger seat, expressionlessly looking out the window.

"Xiaoyu!" Ran Dongkui instinctively wanted to chase after her, but was abruptly pulled back by Qiao Li.

"Why are you pulling me? Xiaoyu has been taken away!" Ran Dongkui protested angrily.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Qiao Li said, quickly ushering Qiao Yurou over to help before continuing, "That girl isn't good at studying, and her character isn't good either. Someone marrying her is just perfect; you won't have to worry about her anymore."


Observing the family of three's tugging and pulling in the rearview mirror, Ran Yu's face remained calm with no significant reaction.

Only at the crossroads did she finally speak, saying, "I want to go back to the villa in the southern part of the city."

I had thought he would refuse, but to my surprise, Lu Ziheng simply grunted in affirmation, and once the green light turned on, he turned the car right, heading toward the southern area.

Half an hour later, the Range Rover finally stopped at the front door of the Feng residence.

Ran Yu had just opened the car door when a man's deep and magnetic voice came from behind, "I will pick you up tomorrow morning. Remember to have everything ready."

Her body clearly stiffened for a moment.

Leaning slightly, Ran Yu turned her head, her eyes as bright as cat's, and gazed directly at him, "I want to see my friend safe tomorrow."

"No problem," Lu Ziheng answered, hooking his lips into a slight smile. The light inside the car outlined his exquisitely handsome features, a visage that could overturn worlds with its noble and charming airs!

It's a pity...

With a "slam," the car door was closed without any mercy.

Lu Ziheng raised an eyebrow as his gaze followed the slender silhouette, watching her walk to the door, ring the bell, and stand there without turning back, until she finally went in and shut the door.

He smiled, reversed the car, and left.


At the main house entrance, Feng Yanyan was waiting in floral pajamas.

The moment she saw Ran Yu, she ran over like a colorful butterfly, "Brother Yu, did you throw away your phone again? Why has it been unreachable when calling, and later it was turned off?"

Ran Yu pulled out her phone and shook it, "It's out of battery."

The phone had been held by the police, drained of battery from the many calls it received earlier.

Feng Yanyan stuck out her tongue and then affectionately linked her arm with hers, "By the way, Brother Yu, my brother has returned to the country. He's coming back from Beijing early tomorrow morning. He even called me just now, saying he wants to invite you to dinner."

"Invite me to dinner?" Ran Yu was surprised.

Even though she had known Feng Yanyan for nearly three years, she had never had any interaction with the Feng Family.

"Yeah, my brother dotes on me the most. Knowing that you've saved me, he's been waiting to come back to the country to invite you for a meal. How about... you accompany me to the airport to pick him up tomorrow morning?" Feng Yanyan suggested.

Ran Yu didn't respond, and only after entering the house and taking off her shoes did she say, "Yanyan, I have something to do tomorrow, I can't go."

Feng Yanyan didn't mind, "No worries, we can make plans another day."


That night, Ran Yu lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

She would have never believed that she would get married so soon, not until noon that day.

Although she had fantasized about her future marriage partner, she never imagined... it would be Lu Ziheng—a stranger she had only met twice!

Closing her eyes, she silently convinced herself: It was all for a friend, everything was for a friend; she had to marry someone, so it made no difference who it was.


The next morning, Ran Yu got up with dark circles under her eyes.

Feng Yanyan had already left for the airport and the spacious villa was empty and quiet.

Ran Yu packed her backpack and had just finished putting on makeup when her phone rang.

Glancing at the time, it wasn't even eight o'clock yet.

"Such a nag."

Rolling her eyes, Ran Yu grabbed her bag, placed the keys on the living room sofa, and left.


Stepping out of the villa, the black Range Rover was parked quietly outside.

After getting into the car, Lu Ziheng glanced at her, "Did you bring everything?"

Ran Yu buckled her seatbelt, "I did."

Following that, as if completing a mission, the two headed straight to the civil affairs office. There was no line; Lu Ziheng directly went through a back door.

During the whole process, she hardly did anything; she was just called in to take a photo with him.

Soon after, Lu Ziheng came out from inside, placed a little red booklet in front of her, "Marriage certificate. Keep it safe."

Ran Yu reached out to take it...

"Forget it." Lu Ziheng took the little red book back, kept both of them together, and instead held her hand, "Better I keep them with me, I don't trust you to.

Ran Yu: "..."

Walking out of the civil affairs office, she immediately pulled her hand free and asked, "When can my friend be released?"

"Today," Lu Ziheng said, opening the car door, "Get in."

Ran Yu immediately got in.

I had thought he was taking me to the police station to save someone, but to my astonishment, we ended up at a high-end styling salon, where the staff respectfully called him... "Third Young Master."

Once inside the VIP room, Ran Yu got anxious, "Can't you save the person first?"

What kind of man is so fussy about his appearance?

Lu Ziheng didn't say a word, his black eyes scanning her from head to toe; he then instructed the stylist, "Remove the makeup, dye the hair black, take off the earrings, find a dress to change her into, change the shoes as well, and no jewelry is needed."

"Understood, Third Young Master."

Only then did Ran Yu realize his intentions and watched as the stylist approached, ready for action... Ran Yu turned and bolted for the door!

Having been through a previous escape, Lu Ziheng was prepared this time. He grabbed her arm firmly and signaled the stylist to close the door.

"I don't want to remove my makeup, I don't want to dye my hair, you bastard, let go of me!" Ran Yu protested, struggling furiously.

"Look at yourself now, dressed so oddly, with such heavy makeup..."

"Mind your own business!"

"I'm your husband, who else will take care of you if I don't?" Lu Ziheng dragged her forcefully in front of a mirror, "Be good and obey, once the makeover is done, I'll take you to save your friend."

"Ahhhhhh!" Her screams echoed throughout the salon.