
Chapter 13 Your Husband Has Come to Pick You Up

Translator: 549690339

Police station.

After half a day of fruitless interrogation, the patience of the police was wearing thin. They slammed the table and scolded, "Do you know what crime you've committed?"

Ran Yu sat there, her young face cold and silent throughout.

"Speeding, suspected of illegal racing and betting, and driving an unlicensed car to boot, young girls these days really have some nerve, completely lawless! What are you learning at such a young age? How on earth do your parents teach you..."

"I don't have parents," Ran Yu suddenly said.

"Ha, I've seen plenty like you. When trouble comes, you're afraid to involve your parents. Let me tell you, this is not a small matter. The Xu Family has already confessed that you were leading the pack, and without your parents here to bail you out, you're facing jail time!"


Ran Yu looked up blankly.

Being so young, the confusion and helplessness in her eyes couldn't be hidden by even the thickest makeup.

One of the older police officers couldn't bear it and advised her, "Young lady, staying in the police station is far from pleasant, I suggest you call your family promptly. There's no feud between parents and children that can last overnight. Just admit your mistakes and get a good lawyer, and surely all will be sorted."

Ran Yu's expression was somewhat vacant, and after a long while, she finally said, "...Okay."


At six-thirty in the evening, the midsummer sky had still not completely darkened.

Lu Group had finished work an hour earlier, and in the spacious CEO's office, Gong Mu stood at the desk, his heart drumming anxiously.

Watching Lu Ziheng critically review documents at a leisurely pace, he clenched his teeth, mustered the courage, and blurted out, "Third young master, the Ran Family has already been in the police station for three hours. It's a real bind now. The other party is pushing all the responsibility onto Miss Ran, and just the bail is going to cost 500,000... You know the Ran Family's situation, and that Mrs. Ran is no easy mark."

Lu Ziheng remained silent.

"I've also inquired around. The person racing with Miss Ran was the son of Kundar Materials's boss. All those illegal cars came from him, but now he's insisting Miss Ran led them all. They're clearly picking on Miss Ran because they think they can bully her, I think..."

Suddenly, Lu Ziheng threw down the document with a "slap". Gong Mu flinched, no longer daring to speak.

After a long pause, Lu Ziheng spoke slowly, "It's getting late, you should head back first."

"Huh?" Gong Mu looked surprised.

Was the boss really not going to save Miss Ran?

Just a few days ago, he was still manhandling her, and recently he had people shadowing her secretly. Why had he suddenly lost interest in the young lady?

Rich people really are fickle...

"Aren't you leaving?" Lu Ziheng glanced up with a sidelong look.

"...Yes." Gong Mu wiped the sweat from his brow and hurriedly turned to leave.


In the temporary cell of the detention center, Ran Yu hugged her knees, sitting in a corner.

It wasn't her first time in the station for racing, but each time Ran Dongkui had bailed her out. This was the first time she would have to spend the night here.


A light smile danced across Ran Yu's face.

Luckily, she was the only one in the temporary cell. Other than being dirty and smelly, there wasn't much she couldn't tolerate.

Ran Yu looked down, buried her face in her knees, and slowly closed her eyes.

She didn't know how long it had been when the sound of the iron door being knocked suddenly startled her awake, "Get up, get up, your husband has come to pick you up."


Near the ATM by the police station, Ran Dongkui hung up the phone, at his wits' end.

"Dongkui, what's the situation? What did your elder brother say?" Qiao Li asked anxiously.

Seeing Ran Dongkui remaining silent, she sighed pretentiously, "I said it before, 500,000 isn't a small amount. Mum is unwell, and your brother's wife is so tightfisted... It's all the girl's fault. How many times has she been to the police station these past years? Whether it's fighting or racing, every time it's you who has to spend money to bail her out. Why doesn't she ever learn her lesson, always causing trouble? Isn't it because you always indulge her! If you ask me, just leave her be this time. Let her stay inside for a few days, suffer a little, and she'll surely settle down afterward..."

"Shut your mouth!" Ran Dongkui glared at her furiously, "Who told you to throw all our money into stocks? You got caught up in it and didn't even tell me. If it weren't for our need for money now, I wouldn't even know you managed to squander all we had!"

"What do you mean, 'I squandered it all'? My stock trading is all for the good of the family. You bankrupted the company, and Yu Rou and I live such a hard life every day..." As Qiao Li spoke, she began to cry out of self-pity.

Ran Yurou, supporting her mother, thought for a moment before saying, "Dad, didn't sister promise to marry Mr. Lu? Maybe... I could call big brother Qin to talk to Mr. Lu?"

Ran Dongkui gave a wry smile, "Haven't you realized it yet? How could Xiaoyu possibly marry Mr. Lu? That day, she did it purely to anger me. She did it on purpose..."

"Could it be?" Ran Yurou frowned, "Sister doesn't seem like the kind of person who lies..."

Suddenly, the phone rang. Ran Dongkui glanced at it and hurriedly answered.

From the headset came the police's formal voice, "Mr. Ran, just to let you know, your daughter has been bailed out."
