
Chapter 12: If Not Managed for a Day, They'll Tear the Roof Tiles Off

Translator: 549690339

"Xiaoyu." Shen Letian was still not quite at ease, fussing over her with a stream of reminders, "Let me tell you, quite a few people have shown up this time, the competition is fierce, and there are several experts that I haven't seen before..."

Ran Yu lifted her red lips, "When have you ever seen me lose?"

Shen Letian: "..."

That's true, after having known this girl for nearly five years, ever since she got into racing, she really hasn't slipped up. Not even he was a match for her, oh my...

Arriving at the venue, Ran Yu scanned the scene.

As expected.

Today there were over a dozen heavy motorcycles present, some of which were assembled luxury models that were both magnificent and dazzling.

She knew most of the people and had sparred with them, except for... those few on the side.

The leader was a man dressed in fluorescent pink, paired with an equally ostentatious red heavyweight machine.

"Xiaoyu, that's Young Master Xu, who's just returned to the country. His family is in the building materials business, be careful," Shen Ao said in a low voice.

Ran Yu nodded, donned her helmet, and got on the bike.

With everyone assembled, the engines around her were already warming up, filling the air with a strong, stimulating scent of gasoline, and the sounds of engines revved up eagerly, raring to go.

Ran Yu took a deep breath, feeling the dormant fire within her body gradually being ignited, like... her blood was boiling.

With the blast of a whistle, the race began, and a dozen motorcycles roared off like tigers.

After three laps, the leading group had pretty much been established.

Shen Letian put down his binoculars, furrowing his brows, "Brother Dog, Xiaoyu has been in second place the whole time. Is there a problem?"

She usually led by a wide margin.

Shen Ao frowned, not speaking.

It wasn't so much the position he was worried about, but her safety.

The race made five laps and ten turns, with nearly every turn at a sharp 180 degrees. A momentary lapse of concentration could result in an accident, and this girl always rode as if she was gambling with her life...

Finally, the fourth lap was completed, heading into the final sprint of the last lap.

Ran Yu's palms were sweaty. Since the start, Xu Songye had kept her firmly in second place, and she hadn't managed a breakthrough.

Seeing the last turn approaching, this was her final chance.

Ran Yu gripped the handle tightly, her body extremely tense, her nerves maintaining intense focus and concentration. Approaching the turn, she suddenly accelerated fiercely... and forced her way inside.

With a "bang," the red motorcycle lost balance, skidded, and crashed to the ground.

"Oh my god, there's been a crash!" someone exclaimed.

Under the helmet, Ran Yu lifted her red lips.

She had won.

"You won!" Just after stopping her bike, Shen Letian rushed over with a check, excited, "Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, you're first!"

Ran Yu took off her helmet, her face beaming with a bright and triumphant smile.

Just as she received the check...

"Stop! You're fucking cheating!"

Upon hearing this, Shen Letian got angry, "Young Master Xu, it's a game of chance, are you unable to accept defeat, are you even a man?"

Xu Songye didn't even look at him, storming up to Ran Yu instead, "I want a one-on-one race with you!"

Under the sunlight, Ran Yu's heavily made-up face revealed a trace of frivolity, "Will you give me money?"

"500,000!" Xu Songye said through clenched teeth, "At the Fifth Ring, do you dare?"

Around them, gasps of astonishment were heard.

500,000, such a capricious second-generation rich kid!

"Deal!" Ran Yu's eyes sparkled.

In front of so many people, it would be embarrassing not to accept; besides, with 800,000 she could buy the car she had long desired.

Shen Letian tried to dissuade her, "Xiaoyu, it's the weekend, there are a lot of people on the roads, there might even be police..."

He didn't finish his sentence; Ran Yu pushed him away.


Lu Group.

Stepping out of the conference room, Gong Mu pulled out his phone, as usual, and scanned it quickly. Suddenly, his expression changed dramatically.

"Assistant Gong, are you alright?" asked a manager next to him with concern.

Gong Mu, without time to explain, hurried over to Lu Ziheng and muttered, "Third Young Master, Miss Ran has been detained by the police for speeding in illegal races."

Lu Ziheng: "..."

Things had been calm these past days, he thought the little girl had become well-behaved, but now... one day unsupervised and she's causing trouble!

"Third Young Master, what should we do, should we... consult Lawyer Yu?" Gong Mu eagerly suggested a strategy, hoping his boss would praise him, but instead...

"No rush," Lu Ziheng said before heading straight into his office.

Gong Mu: "..."

How could this be?

He was finding it harder and harder to understand his boss's thoughts!
