
My Supreme Magus System

When a ordinary teenager Alex is unexpectedly transported to the magical realm of Eldoria, he begins as a powerless outsider. However, his fate takes a remarkable turn when he gains access to a cheat-like System, granting him extraordinary abilities. As he learns to wield magic and sword, forms unlikely alliances, and faces both allies and adversaries. Lets follow the journey of Alex's as it unfolds—a tale of growth, building relations, and the pursuit of survival and dominance in a world brimming with magic and danger. _______________________________________________________________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/sTxPZdmnk3 Wiki: https://my-supreme-magus-system.fandom.com [A/N: The image is not mine, all credit goes to the original creator. Please message me or comment if you want me to take down the image.]

PP_Qwarts · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Quest for E-rank [2]

The red zone teemed with monsters, far surpassing the threat level of the other two zones. As Alex ventured deeper into the thick expanse, he encountered a monster every few hundred meters.

Engaged in a deadly onslaught, Alex relished the opportunity to hunt monsters with each flick of his sword and spell.

Although he had entered the red zone around noon, the sun now cast long shadows, signaling the late afternoon.

"Let's assess my location and the time that has elapsed." Alex mused, checking his wrist, where the band served as a timer.

"20 hours and 10 minutes more to go" Alex sighed, acknowledging the remaining time for quest completion, realizing he had spent the past four hours within the red zone.

Having not taken a moment's rest since his arrival, Alex decided it was time for a break.

Situated closest to the uncontrolled wilderness, the red zone served as a gateway for monsters migrating from the untamed expanse in search of prey.

'My MP has significantly depleted, and pushing further may lead to mana fatigue. Let's take a breather.'

With most of the monsters cleared from the vicinity, Alex found a comfortable spot to relax momentarily before resuming his quest.

'Hmm, why do I sense someone observing me? Am I imagining things?'

During his break, Alex couldn't shake the feeling that someone was keeping a watchful eye on him, though he couldn't pinpoint the source.

"Did that...tree just mover closer?" Doubt gnawed at him, panic sparked in his gaze. This wasn't fatigue-induced paranoia.

In the midst of the red zone's dense and towering trees, seemingly endless in their expanse, Alex found himself surrounded by an impenetrable forest.

Certain that he wasn't hallucinating, Alex observed a tree moving closer to him. The red zone's flora, normally treacherous, seemed to defy expectation.

The outside world presented myriad dangers and traps; a single misstep could prove fatal.

In this place, even the seemingly harmless flora could become a threat, capable of claiming a life with ease.

With his mana halfway replenished, Alex wielded his sword in his right hand and conjured a protective barrier with his left as he cautiously approached the tree.

Sensing that its cover was blown, the tree abandoned its guise and revealed its true form.

Roots emerged from the soil, and its branches transformed into menacing appendages resembling hands. An eerie, mournful face manifested on its trunk as it emitted a haunting cry.

"A Treant, I knew it would be you guys. You sneaky tree monsters love ambushing your prey." Alex remarked disdainfully.

The Treant, a common E-rank plant-type monster, had a penchant for hiding in plain sight, striking stealthily with its branch-like limbs to strangle and consume its victims whole.

Attempting to ensnare Alex with its robust branches, the Treant encountered resistance from his protective barrier, but the force still pushed him backward.

"Take this, you sneaky bastard, <Dark Lightning>" Alex retaliated.

Bolts of <Dark Lightning> crackled through the Treant, its bark smoking, sap sizzling, the mournful wails replaced by tortured shrieks. But it wasn't alone.

Unexpectedly, another Treant attacked Alex from behind, no longer concealing itself in the wake of its companion's demise. Soon, more Treants emerged, converging on Alex with their menacing branches.

"I didn't want to start a forest fire, but now that you've revealed yourselves, I don't mind. <Dark Fire>"

Alex declared, dual-casting <Dark Fire> and unleashing torrents of black flames. Twirling like a ballerina, he incinerated not only the attacking Treants but also the surrounding trees in a fiery spectacle.

With a final, guttural roar, the last Treant crumpled, a smoldering carcass amongst the charred remains of its brethren.

Alex stood amidst the inferno, his breath ragged, eyes smoldering like the embers underfoot. 


[The Host has killed an E rank Monster] X4

[+400 XP and +20 SP]


Winning by causing a small forest fire wasn't Alex's preferred method, especially considering the Treants' resilient outer bodies. Burning them, though, was the quickest and most effective way to dispatch these creatures.

Fortunately, Alex exhibited skillful control over the flames, preventing the fire from spreading extensively. The damage was contained to the nearby trees, strategically spaced apart, limiting the impact.

Despite promptly retracting the fire, the repercussions were evident. Smoke billowed, obscuring the area and potentially attracting unwanted attention.

"The smoke could draw in both monsters and humans. If spotted, it's another problem. I need to leave this place."

While the flames subsided, the significant damage and rising smoke clouds posed a risk.

Visible from a distance, it could lure both creatures and curious humans. With no plausible explanation for the situation, attracting more attention was ill-advised.

Wasting no time, Alex skillfully harvested the Treant's monster cores and swiftly departed, leaving as if he had never been there.

The Treants offered no specific drops; their charred wood rendered unusable by the inferno.

Alex consulted his map, crossing out another location that he had successfully cleared of monsters or had been previously eradicated by others.

As the day waned, the forest assumed a more ominous aura. Nighttime posed inherent dangers, particularly for fledgling adventurers like Alex.

Returning to Watch Tower C, Alex sought out Gary to provide an update on the day's endeavors. As he approached, Gary emerged from one of the gates, extending a greeting.

"Yo, kid! How's it going? Calling it a day?"

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." Alex replied, handing back the band used for tracking.

"Ordinarily, adventurers can't leave their duty and must stay in the watchtower. But since you're young and a student, I'll make an exception." Gary explained.

"Thanks, Gary. I owe you one. This won't cause you any issues, right?" Alex, unaware of the protocol, sought reassurance.

"Nah, it's all good, kid. As the test invigilator, I can allow it. Take care on your way back. By the way, a few hours ago, I noticed some smoke up in that area. Do you know anything about it?" Gary's sudden question caught Alex off guard.

'Did I get caught? No!'

A cold sweat settled on Alex's skin. The image of the fiery inferno unleashed by his <Dark Fire> flashed in his mind.

"Uh, no" he stammered, an awkward smile stretching across his face. "Didn't see anything like that."

"It's alright; nothing happened. I just worried some idiot might've started a forest fire."

Uncertain of how to respond, Alex remained silent.

"A few years back, a noble's kid around your age, a skilled fire mage but lacking experience, confidently came here. When he faced a formidable monster, he unleashed his magic, inadvertently sparking a forest fire."

Feeling a twinge of guilt, Alex brushed it aside, knowing that no such incident had occurred.

He set out for the city, his nearly six hours of duty today bringing him closer to completing his E-rank promotion quest—just 18 more hours to go before becoming an official E-rank adventurer.

Arriving at the city in record time, he sprinted at his maximum speed, encountering no further challenges on the way. At the Adventurer's Guild, he proceeded to sell the loot he had acquired.

In a matter of hours, Alex had hunted the equivalent of a full day's worth of monsters. The red zone, teeming with E-rank monsters, spared him encounters with any D-rank monsters.

Yearning to test his strength against D-rank monsters to further refine his skills and spells, Alex considered it for the future.

With tasks complete, Alex flagged down a passing taxi, eager to return to the familiar comfort of the academy. Despite the day's events, he surprisingly felt little fatigue.

While waiting in the taxi, he took a moment to check his status, reviewing today's haul and assessing his overall progress.