
My student makes my heart pounder

teacher fell in love with his student

Ash_rajpoot786 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

IS this the price of success?


*Cris and his friends, now entrepreneurs, are seen bustling around their cafe and technology factory. They've expanded their business after getting profits from dropshipping.*

**Kevin:** (smiling) Who would've thought? From a dropshipping business to having our own tech factory.

**Zyan:** (excited) And this cafe is getting popular among students. It's like our second home.

**Daniel:** (proud) The best part is, we're creating job opportunities by making our products locally.

*Cris and his friends manage both the cafe and the tech factory, navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship.*

**Cris:** (focused) It's our last month in university, and here we are, building something substantial.

*They share a moment of reflection, realizing how far they've come from their university days.*


*Inside the tech factory, workers are busy assembling gadgets. Cris and his friends are actively involved in the development process.*

**Zyan:** (to a worker) Make sure those IoT devices are tested thoroughly.

**Kevin:** (checking inventory) We need to order more components. The demand is growing.

**Daniel:** (nodding) Let's keep up the momentum. We're onto something big here.


*Simultaneously, at the cafe, students enjoy their coffee and discuss the latest gadgets available. The cafe has become a hotspot for tech enthusiasts.*

**Cris:** (to a customer) Hope you enjoy your coffee. And hey, check out our latest gadgets too.

*Cris and his friends have successfully blended their passion for technology with their entrepreneurial spirit.*


*As the day winds down, Cris and his friends take a moment to appreciate the journey they've embarked on together.

**Cris:** (smiling) From university buddies to business partners – who would've thought?

**Kevin:** (raising a cup) Here's to the future, guys. We're just getting started.

*They clink their cups together, looking forward to the exciting prospects that lie ahead for their cafe and technology business.*


*Cris and his friends, now seasoned entrepreneurs, have expanded their business empire. The cafe, adorned with tech-inspired decor, stands tall next to their state-of-the-art technology factory.*

**Kevin:** (smiling) Remember the days when we were just running a dropshipping gig from our dorm room?

**Zyan:** (excited) And now, we're running a cafe and a tech factory. Who would've thought?

**Daniel:** (proud) Not to mention, the gadgets we're making are getting quite the attention.

*Cris and his friends have successfully transitioned from the virtual world of dropshipping to the tangible realm of cafes and technology manufacturing.*


*Inside the tech factory, engineers are busy fine-tuning their latest gadgets. The sound of machinery and the hum of creativity fill the air.*

**Zyan:** (to an engineer) Make sure those IoT devices pass all quality checks. We need them flawless.

**Kevin:** (checking inventory) Our supplies are running low. Let's place another order.

**Daniel:** (nodding) We're making our mark in the tech industry. People want our products.

*Cris and his friends have learned to manage the intricacies of production and have started employing locals, contributing to the community's economic growth.*


*Simultaneously, at the cafe, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingles with the excitement of students discussing the latest gadgets. The cafe has transformed into a tech haven.*

**Cris:** (to a customer) Enjoy your coffee, and don't forget to check out our new arrivals. Cutting-edge stuff.

*Cris and his friends actively engage with customers, combining their love for technology with a thriving business.*


*In a small, but steadily expanding, office adjacent to the tech factory, Cris and his friends sit around a table, planning their next moves.

**Cris:** (looking at charts) Our growth has been phenomenal. But we can't get complacent.

**Zyan:** (strategizing) Maybe we should consider international markets. Our gadgets have potential.

**Daniel:** (optimistic) And the cafe... it's becoming a student hub. We might need to think about expanding.

*Cris and his friends contemplate new business strategies, ready to take on bigger challenges.*


*As the sun sets, casting a warm glow on their cafe and factory, Cris and his friends take a moment to reflect on their journey.*

**Cris:** (smiling) We started as students with a dream. Now look at us – entrepreneurs making waves.

**Kevin:** (raising a cup) To friendship, innovation, and the exciting road ahead.

*They clink their cups together, celebrating not just their business success but the enduring bond that began in a university dorm room and has grown into a thriving entrepreneurial venture.*


*Mia, surrounded by stacks of manga drafts and sketches, stares at her computer screen. The glow of her success in the international anime community contrasts with the silent ache of a personal void.*

**Mia:** (whispering to herself) Success feels empty without him.

*In the midst of fame and recognition, Mia finds herself yearning for the connection she once had with Cris.


*Meanwhile, at the cafe, Cris is engrossed in discussing business plans with his friends. The buzz of activity and the constant stream of customers create an atmosphere of productivity.*

**Cris:** (to the team) We're hitting new heights, guys. Let's keep pushing.

*The success of the cafe and tech factory has become Cris's primary focus, pushing thoughts of Mia further into the background.*


*Mia receives an international award for her exceptional work in the anime industry. The achievement, though significant, fails to fill the void left by the absence of someone special.*

**Mia:** (smiling for the cameras) All this success, and yet...

*As the flashes of the camera capture her external triumphs, internally, Mia struggles with a longing for the past.*


*Cris, now immersed in the whirlwind of entrepreneurial responsibilities, steps out of the cafe. His phone buzzes with notifications, but among them, there's a distant memory of Mia.*

**Cris:** (checking his phone) Wonder what she's up to these days.

*However, the pressing demands of his business endeavors overshadow any contemplation of reconnecting with Mia.*


*Mia, surrounded by accolades and accomplishments, sits alone, contemplating her journey.*

**Mia:** (softly) Is this the price of success?

*In the quiet moments between her creative pursuits, Mia finds herself questioning the sacrifices made in the pursuit of her dreams.*


*Cris, engrossed in a meeting, glances at a framed photo of the old gang.*

**Cris:** (to himself) Time flies*As his friends discuss growth strategies, Cris wonders about the paths not taken, the people left behind.


*In the bustling city, where Mia and Cris once shared dreams, both continue to climb their respective ladders of success, unaware of the parallel journey the other is on.

**The city, with its towering buildings and bustling streets, holds the untold stories of two individuals, each navigating the complexities of career growth while silently carrying the weight of unspoken words and unfinished chapters.*