
Episode 1

Miao Miao is a very lovely girl who had a positive behavior towards everything, until her parents got divorced when she was 7 years old, she had to stay with her brother and father (Ji Shu and Ji You Nian respectively) her mother (Xin Xin) got remarried two years later to a man called Yang Xiaotiang.

Miao never knew the reason why her parent got divorced but the incident kept playing in her mind all the time, she really missed her mom, she never paid attention to class anymore and her grades became poor.

Teacher: and that is why a is equal to 80, (looks at Miao Miao) Miao! (Shouts)

Miao Miao: ma'am.

Teacher: what did I say just now.

Miao Miao: 5 is equals to, no a is equal to, no b +, no…

Teacher: stop! I can't take it anymore, to the principal's office, now (shout).

A year later

Teacher: Miao Miao, to the principal's now.

A year later

Teacher: Miao Miao!

A year later lol

Teacher: Miao Miao.

At the principal's office

Principal Sang: what's going on with you Miao Miao, you used to be one of my bright student.

Teacher: she never pays attention In class, when I call her to answer a question she just stammer, at times she doesn't even say a thing.

Principal Sang: call your dad over tomorrow.

Ji Miao Miao: ok.

what will happen tomorrow, keep reading to find out.