
My Shy Boss

This book contains adult content. Jane is a very pretty young girl with a well-rounded body and sparkling hazel eyes. She is in her late twenties with a very beautiful height, she works at the town hall where she settles complaints and issues from people every day. Though it was not her dream job in the meantime she still went about her job with happiness while hoping desperately that she one day get a job at Jayco Limited. Jayco Limited was one of the highest companies in the center of New York with the highest salary and attractive work conditions. This has been her dream for so long. One day she woke up to an email from Jayco Limited asking her to start work immediately. This gladdened her heart so much because she was already losing hope of ever leaving the town hall. Jane finds out that she will be working as the secretary to a "mystical boss" as he is called at the company. Nobody has ever seen him not even in the meetings he either wears a mask or makes a call. "How will I work for somebody I can't see? Jane ponders while parking her bag for work on the first day. This disturbed Jane greatly but she picked up courage and faced it. "Let's see if this one disappears like a loser just like the rest," Jay thought silently to himself while looking at Jane's resume at his secret office. "Working with Mr. Jay sure is tough," Jane says with a big sigh while facing the ceiling in her room. But refuses to give up because she is finally working her dream job and whatever she may be experiencing is not even half of what she has seen at the town Hall. Meanwhile, Jay finds himself falling uncontrollably for Jane. But because he was very shy and had never shown his face to anyone, he hid his intense feelings for her. How long will Jay hide his feelings and face? Will have finally give up before he reveals himself? Let's find out together. *I will update very fast* *Male lead~ Jay Anderson the owner of Jayco Limited. *Female lead~Jane Owen the secretary of Mr. Jay *Mark~Mr. Jay's driver and friend since Childhood

Ebube_Darlington · Fantasy
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Chapter 3- The Anxiety

As evening approached Jane woke up because they dozed off a little bit while resting on the bed.

Letting her friend sleep more she climbed out of the bed and proceeded to clean the whole house and do some shopping. At the grocery shop, she bought so many things she would need for the week in the hope that she would get the job so she may not have time for shopping.

She took a cab instead because she had so many loads on her to take the bus. A few minutes later when she arrived home, opening the door she saw her friend had already woken up and she was helping her do some laundry.

"Hey, you up"! Jane said, bringing in the bags and locking the door behind her when she was done.

"Yes, I was doing some washing for you before I left for my house" May answered drying off her hands after she was done with the last set of clothes.

"I enjoyed your company and thank you so much! Jane said while heading to hug her friend with a smile.

The two hugged for a long time before separating. I wish we get the job, May said while helping Jane to unpack her groceries and restock her fridge. After they were done and Jane was about to fix lunch for them, May got a call from her boyfriend asking her if she wanted to go for lunch. She looked at her friend to get her approval because she didn't want to hurt her.

Jane looked and gave her a nod so May hurriedly said yes to her boyfriend. Ending the call May hurriedly picked up her belongings and with a wave she left for her apartment promising to give Jane a call at the end of the day.

Jane is once again left with an empty boring apartment. With a sigh, she reduced the groceries she had brought out earlier since May won't be eating with her. Taking her time to make an oxtail curry rice which she generously seasoned she dished a lot for herself and to her heart's content. She continuously checked her phone even though she put it on a ring so she wouldn't miss any notifications. When she was done eating she cleared the table and did the dishes as she wasn't the type to pack dirty plates till next time.

Humming as she went back to her bed, she picked up her laptop and put on a Netflix show she stopped watching for a long time. "Never Have I Ever" was the movie she played, Jane was a movie freak but ever since her work got busier she started losing interest in movies and did more of sleeping. They also worked on Saturdays at the town hall. Almost at the end of the movie, Jane slept off again leaving the movie to play on its own.

Jane slept for more than three hours and only woke up to the sound of her phone ringing loudly in her ears. It was May calling to tell her how the date went as she had promised. She narrated how her boyfriend took her to a mountain for hiking and how they were at the restaurant at the foot of the mountain. 

Jane was happy for her friend and gossiped with her. May promised to bring her share of goodies for her next time they met. May asked Jane if she received any email or call from the company. May said no and told Jane to relax and that if they were meant to get the job they would surely get it.

After the call, Jane tried to distract herself from waiting for the email by watching cooking videos to learn new recipes as she wanted to improve her cooking skills.

Unlike her friend May who would rather eat outside than step a foot into the kitchen to cook something. May disliked cooking so much that she didn't have any kitchen utensils in her house.

That was the main reason why Jane never liked to visit May at her house, she would rather have her come spend days in hers. If not for money Jane would have loved to become a chef but her parents died early in a car accident thereby cutting her dream short. So she decided to embark on a cheaper course which was mass communication and Business administration.

But even up till now Jane never gave up on her dream of being a chef as she would take up any opportunity regarding cooking.

"I am sure my colleagues at the town hall miss my food," Jane said remembering the smile on their faces as they ate her food while giving her a thumbs-up.

While Jane was searching for new tutorial videos of chefs she noticed an account written "Make food with Jay" and that was a year ago. She stopped scrolling and clicked on it to watch but the video could play. Jane checked her Wi-Fi connection and tried again still the video wouldn't play.

"Was it deleted or hidden"? As curious as she was she decided to check on the account profile but didn't find anything, only the name "Jay" was written with no pic.

"This is weird"! Jane muttered to herself and proceeded to read the few comments under the video. There were so many mean comments and Jane took her time to read them all. One of the comments said, "If you don't want to be seen totally why come into social media in the first place"!. 

Another comment said, "We don't entertain creepy or shy people here, stop cooking with a mask on"!.

After reading the comments Jane went into deep thought thinking about what she just saw. "What if this person had his reason?" Jane, not wasting any time, commented on the video. 

"Don't let people be the reason you quit something and be yourself, Jay"! And with a heart emoji, she sent the comment and left the account for another account where she watched how to make shrimp noodles. After she was done watching she took her night shower, brushed her teeth, and went back to sleep. 

Happy reading~