

Weeks passed . He didn't call or message me . Then, I knew, he cared less for me . He really wanted things to end between us . What's the big deal in a girl losing her virginity? Or, was it my fault that I lost mine? Nothing worked for me after all . No one cared about me . I had no hope, I didn't know whether I had to cry or not by that stage, because I had taken more than what I could chew, to swallow was a problem, to spit out was a bigger one . I had a lot of friends but not even one to talk to. Even at work, I had to do things that didn't matter to people . My decision never mattered . But, I knew something, the fact that I was not cursed. It was just a foolish fate I had to get used to. Oh my bad! I forgot to make mention of my name. I'm Maya.

" I'm here for the checkup. " I said looking down.

It had been an habit of me ever since my parents died, I couldn't help but undergo a thorough checkups. Mum and Dad died due to lack of checkups, I guessed I learnt a lesson — that health is wealth .

"Oh yes . Miss Maya . This way please. " The doctor replied as he stood up leading Mr to the direction I had to follow.

I hadn't got too much time to check my self up, that I had to in the late December .

" Your sugar intake is getting much, miss Maya ." He said .

I looked down . I spent most of my days eating chocolates and sweets. It was not a surprise for me to hear that .

" You're currently a step close to diabetes. " He dropped the bomb!

"I'm sorry, what? Me, why? I mean, how? My sugar intake is not that much . Diabetes, really? How come? Doc..."

" You've got to calm down . You're just close to it. It can be fixed. Don't worry, you just have to avoid eating junks." He advised .

" Okay doctor. I have to go ." I immediately said as I left the hospital .

" Diabetes. Me? He got to be joking ." I soliloquized. I went straight down to a supermarket to get groceries . I saw him — my ex! Immediately, I turned back running out of the supermarket .

"Oh my! Why's today like this, really?" I bumped into a man. "Oh! I'm so sorry ." I said without looking into his eyes .

"Maya?" That caught me off guard. "How did this guy know my name?" I thought . I looked at his eyes . But still, I didn't recognise him .

"Who are you, if I may ask?" I asked politely.

" You might not know me, but I'm someone who knows you ." He smiled turning back to leave .

" Wait . Can you tell me who you really are? Please ." I asked in curiousity .

" I'm Dave." He turned to me, smiled again as he left.

"What's that? Dave?"


" You've come ." I bowed my head as my boss came in . Life as a secretary itself was not easy. I had to fix schedules, arrange meetings, sort files and do most overwhelming works . My boss, himself, was workaholic . He never rested . All he used to do was to work his ass off . You know what that means, I also wouldn't rest. Weekends were the only days I could rest at home.

" What's on my schedule today?" He asked .

"Today, you have a meeting with Commissioner Charles at exactly two p.m sir ." I said .

"Okay. Where are the files I asked from you?"

" Here is it." I said as I handed over the file to him ."

"Good, you can go . Once you've finished your work , report to this office ." He said using a command tone.

"Yes sir ." I bowed again .