
My Seven Elder Brothers Found Me

The little princess of the Lin family, who had been kidnapped for more than ten years, was finally found. All of her seven elder brothers went crazy! On this day, the village girl, Lin Han, entered the city! Lin Han pouted. ‘Big Brother, I’m hungry…" Her generous Big Brother said, "The entire street belongs to me. What do you want? Just go ahead and buy!" When Lin Han felt wronged, she said, ‘Second Brother, someone wants to beat me up…" Her Second Brother replied, "Your Second Brother calls the shots in the underworld. If anyone dares to bully you, tell me! I'll make sure they don't die in the process!" Lin Han blushed and said, "Third Brother, I want to try speculating stocks…" Her Third Brother replied, "I'll give you an account. There are 500 million bucks in it. If you lose all of them, come and get more from me!" Lin Han beamed eagerly. "Fourth Brother, I want to play at an amusement park…" Her Fourth Brother told her, "I bought Disneyland! Enjoy yourself!" Lin Han said, "Brother, I want to…" Her Fifth Brother replied, "Sure!" Her Sixth Brother, "Torture them!" Her Seventh Brother, "Buy!" Lin Han was in a daze… Could her brothers put a leash on their flooding love? Persona: Female lead: Moe and cute. She had a kind heart and was extremely scared to lose the things she just obtained. She might look to be extremely reliant on others. Male lead: A slave to his wife. If it were not for him spoiling the female lead so much, her brothers would never agree to let their little sister stay together with this man.

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Seeing this, Xue'er's expression changed drastically. She said angrily to Lin Han, "Lin Han, what do you mean!"

"Come in with me." Lin Han looked at Xue'er. After saying that, she walked to the bedroom where her parents used to live when they were alive. Xue'er frowned slightly and followed her.

After entering the bedroom, Lin Han looked at Xue'er who followed her and said coldly, "Cao Da is not a good person. Don't trust him. Sooner or later, you will regret it."

"Not a good person? Are you a good person? Don't think that I don't know that you seduced brother Cao back then. You are just jealous of me!" Lin Xue'er had already reached the stage where she was stubborn and would not listen to reason.

When Lin Han heard this, she could not help but laugh. Her eyes were filled with contempt and disdain.

"I seduced Cao Da? Ask him if he is dreaming. Oh no, this kind of beautiful dream is not worthy of a person like him."

"You..." When Lin Xue'er heard that brother Cao, who she loved so much, was being berated by Lin Han, she was instantly enraged!

"What about me? Lin Xue'er, I'm telling you, if you dare to sell this house, do you believe that I'll beat you to death with this ruler! I'll make you kneel and apologize to your parents!" Lin Han suddenly took the yellow ruler that her father used to scare her and Lin Xue'er when he was alive. Lin Han raised her the ruler up high.

Xue'er had been beaten the most when she was young, and she was also the most afraid of this ruler. Seeing Lin Han suddenly pick it up, she was so scared that she took a step back, her face turning pale.

"You..." Lin Xue'er's voice trembled, and her eyes were full of fear.

"I'm not joking. From now on, you and Cao Da live your lives well. However, for better or for worse, you can forget about touching this house," Lin Han threatened Xue'er coldly.

Xue'er wanted to say something, but she saw the murderous intent in Lin Han's eyes!

This time, Xue'er was really scared. It had to be said that the murderous intent in Lin Han's eyes was too terrifying.

Seeing that Xue'er's scared expression, Lin Han put down the ruler.

"I'll get someone to look after this place. You can come back to live here anytime, but don't even think about selling the house!"

Hearing this, Xue'er wanted to say something else, but when she met Lin Han's cold gaze, she was scared out of her wits.

"Back then, father and mother didn't let you marry Cao Da for your own good. You should reflect on yourself. If you're going to the cemetery to pay your respects to father and mother, go by yourself. Don't bring that man along, lest father and mother lecture you in your dreams in the middle of the night," Lin Han said as she walked to the door. Suddenly, she stopped and turned around to give Lin Xue'er a cold glance.

When Xue'er heard this, her face instantly turned pale. Lin Han was not wrong. When she and Cao Da first got married, she often had nightmares about her parents.

Sometimes, she dreamed that her parents were scolding her. Sometimes, she dreamed that her father would hit her with a ruler and wake her up every night. So, when Lin Han said this, Xue'er was completely shocked.

"Let's go, let's go." Xue'er came out of the bedroom and pulled Cao Da out.

Seeing Xue'er hurriedly pulling Cao Da away, Liu Cuifang and Liu Tiantian were a little surprised.

Cao Da was pulled into the car. Seeing Xue'er's pale face, Cao Da was a little unhappy.

"Why are we leaving? How is the house?" Cao Da was still worried. If this house could not be sold, where would he get the money?!

"We can't sell this house. Let's wait for the renovation. Brother Cao, I can't sell this house either." Xue'er said as her tears fell.

As she lowered her head to wipe her tears, she did not see the trace of vicious killing intent that flashed in Cao Da's eyes.

"There is no one living here. If we sell it, so be it. When the house is renovated, and when we have children, the children will not live in a house with formaldehyde, right, Xue'er?" Cao Da patiently coaxed Xue'er.

When Xue'er heard this, she was stunned. She looked at Cao da with a hint of surprise. This was the first time brother Cao had mentioned to her about having children.

"But, but... This house can't be sold. My parents' names are on the property certificate. Lin Han is also on our household register. If she doesn't agree, I can't do anything about it. Brother, let's think of another way, okay?" Xue'er also looked very troubled.